Документи на Съвета на ЕС
Информация за документ
Заглавие на документа: |
10718/13 |
Заглавие на английски: |
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing an Entry/Exit System (EES) to register entry and exit data of third country nationals crossing the external borders of the Member States of the European Union - Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Registered Traveller Programme Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 as regards the use of the Entry/Exit System (EES) and the Registered Traveller Programme (RTP) - [doc. 6928/13 FRONT 13 VISA 51 CODEC 450 COMIX 130- COM(2013) 95 final] [doc. 6930/13 FRONT 14 VISA 52 CODEC 451 COMIX 131- COM(2013) 97 final][doc. 6931/13 FRONT 15 VISA 53 CODEC 452 COMIX 132- COM(2013) 96 final] |
Дата на документа: |
10/06/2013 |
№ на документ: |
10718/13 |
Вид документ: |
Предложение за регламент |
Автор: |
Област |
Kомисии |
Връзки |
Текстове |