Документи на Съвета на ЕС
Информация за документ
Заглавие на документа: |
10087/13 |
Заглавие на английски: |
Proposal for an amendment to the Commission Proposal COM(2011) 607 final/2 - REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the European Social Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1081/2006 - [doc. 7533/13 FSTR 16 SOC 176 REGIO 38 CADREFIN 58 CODEC 597 - COM(2013) 145 final] - Proposal for an amendment to a Commission proposal COM(2012) 496 - REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund covered by the Common Strategic Framework and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 - [doc. 7537/13 FSTR 17 FC 9 REGIO 39 SOC 177 AGRISTR 36 PECHE 103 CADREFIN 59 CODEC 598 - COM(2013) 146 final] |
Дата на документа: |
27/05/2013 |
№ на документ: |
10087/13 |
Вид документ: |
Автор: |
Област |
Kомисии |
Връзки |
Текстове |