Документи на Съвета на ЕС
Информация за документ
Заглавие на документа: |
16465/12 |
Заглавие на английски: |
Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Decision No 573/2007/EC, Decision No 575/2007/EC and Council Decision 2007/435/EC with a view to increasing the co-financing rate of the European Refugee Fund, the European Return Fund and the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals as regards certain provisions relating to financial management for certain Member States experiencing or threatened with serious difficulties with respect to their financial stability
[doc. 14123/12 JAI 632 ASIM 113 CADREFIN 403 CODEC 2206 - COM (2012) 526 final] |
Дата на документа: |
21/11/2012 |
№ на документ: |
16465/12 |
Вид документ: |
Предложение за решение |
Автор: |
Област |
Kомисии |
Връзки |
Текстове |