State Seal of the Republic of Bulgaria
(Law for the State Seal and National Flag of the Republic of Bulgaria, Prom. SG. 47/24.04.1998, amend. SG. 33/9.04.1999, amend. SG. 69/3.08.1999)

State Seal of the Republic of Bulgaria Art. 1. The state seal of the Republic of Bulgaria shall have a round shape. Depicted in the middle shall be the coat of arms of the Republic of Bulgaria. Around the coat of arms in the upper half of the circle it shall be written "Republic of Bulgaria", and in the lower half - "state seal".

Art. 2. (1) The state seal may be a wax relief seal which is laid to red wax, and dry relief seal.
(2) The cases in which the respective type of seal is used shall be regulated by this law.

Art. 3. (1) A plastic standard and plastic metal carriers shall be manufactured in single copies which shall be used for laying a wax or dry relief seal under this law envisaged order.
(2) The graphic depiction on the state seal with defining the type and size of the print type, description of the composition, way of laying the wax or dry relief seal pursuant to supplement No. 1 which is an inseparable part from this law.

Art. 4. The state seal of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be kept by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration and in this capacity of his he shall be referred to as "keeper of the state seal".

Art. 5. (1) The plastic standard under Art. 3, para 1 together with an electronic recording on a magnetic carrier of the state seal shall be preserved in a special safe of the National Bank of Bulgaria the key to which shall be kept by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration.
(2) The wax and dry relief seals under Art. 3, para 1 shall be kept by an order, determined by an order of the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration, at the Ministry of justice and the legal Eurointegration.

Art. 6. (1) The wax and dry relief seal under Art. 3, para 1 shall be renewed if need be on the order of the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration.
(2) The substituted seals under para 1 shall be destroyed by an order, determined by an order of the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration for which he shall draft a protocol.

Art. 7. (1) The state seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration after signing by the chairman of the Grand National Assembly of the laws of the Grand National Assembly.
(2) The state seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration after signing by the chairman of the National Assembly of the originals of the National Assembly passed laws:
1. law of amendment and rider to the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria;
2. decision for holding elections for Grand National Assembly;
3. Decision for scheduling elections for president and vice-president of the Republic;
4. decision for holding a national referendum;
5. decision for electing and dismissing the prime minister and the Council of Ministers, as well as for government re-shuffles;
6. decision for the establishment, transformation and closure of ministries;
7. decision by which members of the Constitutional Court are appointed from the quota of the National Assembly;
8. decision for election of the members of the Supreme Judicial Court from the quota of the National Assembly;
9. decision for the appointment and dismissal of the heads of the National Bank of Bulgaria, the Accounts Office and other state employees, determined by law;
10. decision for granting agreement for the conclusion of a contract for state loan;
11. decision connected with the issues of declaring war and concluding peace;
12. decision which permits the dispatch and use of Bulgarian armed forces abroad;
13. decision for declaring military or other state of emergency throughout the country's territory or on part of it.

(3) The minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration shall affix with a wax relief seal an adopted new Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as the law of amendment and rider to the Constitution and decision for holding elections for Grand National Assembly. In the rest of the cases under para 1 and para 2 he shall affix the respective bills by a dry relief seal.
(4) The state seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration not later than three days upon receipt of the bills under para 1 and para 2.

Art. 8. (1) The state seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration after the signature of the president of the Republic on the originals of the decrees for:
1. scheduling elections for Grand National Assembly or for National Assembly, determining the boundaries of the election regions and approval of the election papers;
2. convocation of the first sitting of a newly elected National Assembly;
3. disbandment of the National Assembly, the appointment of a caretaker government and fixing a date of the elections for a new National Assembly;
4. fixing a date for holding a national referendum and approval of the standards of the referendum papers;
5. scheduling elections for bodies of the local self-rule;
6. approval of changes in the boundaries and centres of the administrative-territorial units;
7. naming sites of national significance and settlements;
8. promulgation of a law;
9. reversing for another consideration of a National Assembly passed law;
10. appointing or relieving of posts of the heads of diplomatic missions and the permanent representatives of the Republic of Bulgaria to international organizations;
11. appointing or dismissing the supreme command staff of the Armed forces and conferring senior military ranks;
12. appointing magistrates to the Constitutional court from the presidential quota;
13. appointing or dismissing the chairman of the Supreme Court of Appeal, the chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court and the prosecutor general;
14. appointing and dismissing state employees in the cases when this is envisaged by law;
15. decoration with orders and medals;
16. declaration of war or any other emergency state;

(2) In the cases requiring a re-signing of a president issued decree by the prime minister or by the respective minister in compliance with Art. 102, para 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, the state seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration upon re-signing;
(3) The minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration shall affix the decrees of the president for scheduling new elections for Grand National Assembly by a wax relief seal. In the rest of cases under para 1 he shall affix the respective decrees by a dry relief seal.
(4) The state seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration not later than three days upon receipt of the decrees.
(5) In the cases of issuing decrees under para 1, items 8 and 9 the term under Art. 88, para 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria for promulgation of the laws shall be distributed as follows:
1. The National Assembly shall submit to the president of the Republic the laws for promulgation not later than three days of their adoption.
2. the president of the Republic shall submit to the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration the decrees under para 1, items 8 and 9 for laying the state seal not later than eight days upon receipt of the laws;
3. the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration shall lay the state seal on the decrees of the president under para 1, items 8 and 9 not later than two days upon receipt.

Art. 9. (1) The state seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration on the originals of the documents for ratification, endorsement, adoption or joining an international treaty, drafted on the basis of a National Assembly adopted a law of ratification or an act of the Council of Ministers under which the Republic of Bulgaria joins an international treaty.
(2) The state seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration on the originals of the documents by which the heads of the diplomatic missions and of the permanent representatives of the Republic of Bulgaria to international organizations are accredited.
(3) The state seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration not later than three days upon receipt of the documents under para 1 and para 2.
Art. 10. (1) The laying of the state seal is of a certification significance. The decrees which are not re-signed by the prime minister or the respective minister, shall be effected as of the moment of their decreeing by the president of the Republic, while all the rest - after their re-signing.
(2) The minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration shall certify by his signature the laying of the state seal on the respective act, except for Art. 8, para 1, item 10 and Art. 9.

Art. 11. (1) The wax relief seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration immediately below the signature which is certified.
(2) Dry relief seal shall be laid by the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration on the signature which is certified.

Art. 12. The Council of Ministers shall appoint a minister to lay the state seal in the absence or in the event of an impossibility of the minister for justice and the legal Eurointegration to lay it.

Art. 13. (1) The ministry of justice and the legal Eurointegration shall keep a special register in which all acts on which the state seal has been laid are entered according to the order of their entry.
(2) The documents on which the state seal has been laid also bear the number, the date of entry in the register respectively.

Art. 14. (1) A copy of a document bearing the state seal shall be legalized at the ministry of justice and the legal Eurointegration which certify that the original is bearing the state seal.
(2) The original of an act or a document on which the state seal has been laid shall be kept in the National Assembly, in the administrative office of the president respectively.