How does a bill become an act?
How does a bill become an act?
Within 3 days of the bill’s submission, the President
of the National Assembly will distribute it among the Standing Committees
and assigns a main Rapporteur Committee on the bill. |
Standing Committees consider bill not earlier
than 48 hours after the receipt thereof by Committee members. Standing
Committees submit a “motivated” report to the President of the National
Assembly and the Chairperson of the main Rapporteur Committee.
Reports on the bill are presented to the National Assembly by the
Committees for the purposes of the first reading not later than two
months following its submission. |
The bill and motives thereto, as well as the report
of the main Rapporteur Committee are made available to the MPs not
later than 24 hours before the beginning of the sitting at which the
bill will be considered. |
Bill is put to the vote twice at two separate
sittings /i.e. bill is adopted in two readings/. As an exception,
the National Assembly may decide to take both votes at the same sitting. |
During the first reading, the bill is debated
in its entirety.
If, after the first reading, more than one bill concerning the substance
of the same matter is adopted, the main Rapporteur Committee, with
the participation of the movers of the bills that have been adopted
at first reading, should draft a joint bill within 14 days. |
The MPs may submit written motions for amending
the bill that has been adopted at first reading within term specified
by the National Assembly. |
Within 14 days following the expiry of the period,
the main Rapporteur Committee submits to the National Assembly a motivated
report that contains the motions of the MPs in writing, together with
the Committee’s opinion thereon, as well as the proposals of the Committee. |
The National Assembly debates and adopts the bill
at the second reading chapter-by-chapter, title-by-title or paragraph-by-paragraph.. |
The adopted act is sent to the President of the
Republic of Bulgaria for signing a decree for its promulgation. |
The President of the Republic of Bulgaria
may return an act adopted by the National Assembly for further consideration. |
The President of the Republic of Bulgaria
signs a decree for promulgation of the act. |
The act is promulgated in the State
Gazette and comes into force after three days, unless another term
is specified in the Act.. |