In force from 02.05.2017
Issued by the National Assembly
Prom. SG No. 35/2 MAY 2017; amend. SG No. 34/20 APR 2018

Chapter One.

Art. 1. The National Assembly shall organize and conduct its activity on the basis of the Constitution and the provisions of these Rules.
Art. 2. The National Assembly shall sit in a building of the National Assembly in the capital city, unless, due to exceptional circumstances, it shall decide to sit in another place.

Chapter Two.

Art. 3. (1) The first sitting of the National Assembly shall be opened by the senior present Member of the National Assembly. He/she shall chair the sitting until the election of the President of the National Assembly.
(2) The Members of the National Assembly shall swear the provided in Art. 76, para 2 of the Constitution oath verbally, which shall be certified by signing a declaration on oath.
Art. 4. (1) The senior Member of the National Assembly shall only chair the debates on the election of the President of the National Assembly, as well as the election itself.
(2) At the first sitting of the National Assembly, the Members of the National Assembly shall adopt procedural rules on the terms and procedure for election of the President of the National Assembly and Deputy Presidents.
Art. 5. (1) The President and the Deputy Presidents of the National Assembly may be dismissed ahead of term:
1. at their request;
2. on a written proposal of at least one-third of all Members of the National Assembly, where there is an objective impossibility of fulfilling the duties or systematic exceeding the rights or systematic failure to fulfill the obligations within their competence;
3. on a written proposal of the Parliamentary Group formed by the parliamentary represented party or coalition which nominated them.
(2) The President and the Deputy Presidents of the National Assembly shall be dismissed ahead of term at leaving of the Parliamentary Group or at expulsion from its memberships, as well as when the Parliamentary Group has ceased to exist.
(3) In the cases under paragraph 1, item 1 and paragraph 2 the dismissal shall be announced without debate and voting.
(4) In the cases under paragraph 1, items 2 and 3 the proposal shall be put to the vote at the first sitting after the day of its receipt, giving the person the right to be heard. The proposal shall be deemed carried if more than half of the present Members of the National Assembly have voted for it.
(5) In case of ahead of term dismissal under paragraph 1 or 2 a new election shall be held within 14 days from the adoption of the resolution for the dismissal in accordance with the terms and in the order determined by procedural rules adopted by the National Assembly. Until a new election is held for a President of the National Assembly, it shall be chaired by the Deputy Presidents, nominated by the largest parliamentary represented party or coalition registered with the Central Election Commission for independent participation in the latest parliamentary elections.
Art. 6. The National Assembly shall elect from among its Members Secretaries by the proposal of the Parliamentary Groups.
Art. 7. At the subsequent sittings, the National Assembly shall elect Standing Committees.

Chapter Three.

Art. 8. (1) The President of the National Assembly in pursuance of the powers under Art. 77, para 1 and Art. 78, item 1 of the Constitution shall:
1. announce and assign the bills and other proposals submitted to the National Assembly among its Committees in accordance with their competence;
2. authenticate the contents of the acts adopted by the National Assembly;
3. ensure the necessary conditions for the work of the Committees of the National Assembly and of the Members of the National Assembly;
4. establish the rules of the internal order in the buildings of the National Assembly and the use of the facilities after coordination with the Presidents’ Council;
5. organize the drafting, the implementation and the accounting for the budget of the National Assembly;
6. authenticate by his/her signature the stenographic records of the sittings of the National Assembly;
7. oversee the publication of the State Gazette as well as the other powers pursuant to the State Gazette Act;
8. determine in consultation with the Presidents’ Council the seating arrangement in the plenary hall for the Members of the National Assembly, divided in parliamentary groups, for the members of the Council of Ministers, the President and the Vice-President of the Republic;
9. may require after voting from the Secretaries of the National Assembly information about voting by somebody else’s cards, except in the cases of voting in accordance of Art. 66, para 3;
10. ensure and oversee the observance of these Rules;
11. approve the position classifier of the National Assembly and the payroll staff of the services thereto;
12. appoint and dismisses the Chief Secretary of the National Assembly, the staff to the President’s Cabinet, as well as the officials to the Cabinets of the Deputy Presidents and the parliamentary groups on their proposal;
13. endorse Operational Rules for the National Assembly administration;
14. control the internal and external security of the National Assembly, placed under his/her orders;
15. appoint and dismiss the Quaestors of the National Assembly;
16. perform other functions assigned to him/her by the Constitution, the laws and these Rules.
(2) The Deputy Presidents of the National Assembly shall assist the President and carry out the activities assigned by him/her.
(3) The President of the National Assembly, after consulting the Presidents’ Council, shall appoint by a written order the Deputy Presidents, who shall participate in the chairing of the sittings of the National Assembly for the respective week. The seats of the Praesidium shall be taken by the Deputy Presidents appointed by the said order.
(4) Should the President of the National Assembly decide to assign to the Deputy Presidents the performance on a permanent basis of activities under paragraph 1, he/she shall issue a written order assigning these activities among them.
(5) In the absence of the President of the National Assembly, he/she shall designate one of the Deputy Presidents to substitute him/her, and when this has not been done, he/she shall be substituted by the Deputy President, nominated by the largest parliamentary represented party or coalition registered with the Central Election Commission for independent participation in the latest elections for Members of the National Assembly.
(6) In participation of the President in the debates on a certain matter, the sitting shall be chaired by a Deputy President designated by him/her. In this case, the President may not chair the sitting before the vote or the closure of the debates on the said matter.
(7) The President of the National Assembly may set up a Consultative Council on Legislation. The organization, functions and composition of the Council shall be regulated by rules, approved by the President and the Deputy Presidents of the National Assembly. Representatives of non-profit legal entities registered for public benefit activities may participate in the meetings of the Council.
Art. 9. (1) The President of the National Assembly shall be assisted by a Presidents’ Council consisting of the Deputy Presidents of the National Assembly and the leaders of the parliamentary groups or authorized by them substitutes.
(2) The Presidents’ Council shall:
1. conduct consultations on drafts for the legislative program of the National Assembly and on the agenda;
2. periodically, but not less than once a month, inform about the implementation of the legislative program and the work of the committees on the bills and drafts on resolutions, declarations and addresses;
3. contribute to coming to an agreement on conflicts emerged between different parliamentary groups, as well as on procedural and organizational issues related to the activity of the National Assembly.
(3) The Presidents’ Council shall be convened by the President of the National Assembly at his/her own initiative or at the request of one-third of its members.
Art. 10. The Secretaries of the National Assembly shall:
1. inform the Chairman about the attendance of the Members of the National Assembly at the sittings of the National Assembly and assist him/her in performing a quorum checks;
2. in voting by the computerized system, except of the cases under Art. 66, para 3, assist in the prevention and sanctioning of voting with somebody else’s card;
3. in open voting without electronic means count the votes and announce to the Chairman the result of the voting;
4. in voting taken by secret ballot support technically the voting;
5. read the names of the Members of the National Assembly at roll-call voting;
6. verify and sign the stenographic records of the sittings at which they have been on duty;
7. perform also other tasks, assigned to them by the Chairman, related to the activity of the National Assembly.
Art. 11. The Quaestors of the National Assembly shall:
1. follow the Chairman’s directions for maintaining the order in the plenary hall and on the balconies to it;
2. assist the Secretaries of the National Assembly in counting the votes in open voting, in the technical organization in voting by secret ballot and in voting by the computerized system, except the cases under Art. 66, para 3, help them to prevent voting with a somebody else’s card;
3. follow that only Members of the National Assembly, members of the Council of Ministers and persons authorized by the National Assembly shall be present in the plenary hall;
4.execute the orders of the Chairman for maintaining the order in the building of the National Assembly, where the plenary sittings shall be conducted.
Art. 12. The Parliamentary stenographers of the National Assembly shall draw up the stenographic records:
1. of the plenary sittings of the National Assembly, the Presidents’ Council, the press conferences and the meetings of the President;
2. by order of the President of the National Assembly - and at meetings organized by the Deputy Presidents of the National Assembly, the Chief Secretary and of international initiatives of the Parliament;
3. of the meetings of committees dealing with classified information;
4. of the Standing Committees of the National Assembly in accordance with the provisions of these Rules, including the external meetings and those of the ad hoc committees.

Chapter Four.

Art. 13. (1) Members of the National Assembly may form Parliamentary Groups.
(2) The minimum number of the Members of the National Assembly to form a Parliamentary Group shall be 10.
(3) When the number of the Members of the National Assembly in a Parliamentary Group has fallen below the minimum set, it shall cease to exist.
(4) Members of the National Assembly from a Parliamentary Group that has ceased to exist shall become Members of the National Assembly, non-members of a Parliamentary Group and cannot join as members another Parliamentary Group, as well as to form a new Parliamentary Group.
Art. 14. (1) Each Parliamentary Group shall present to the President of the National Assembly a decision on its formation and a list of the leadership and the members, signed by all the members of the National Assembly comprised in the group.
(2) The Parliamentary Groups, their leaderships, as well as the changes therein shall be entered in a special register of the National Assembly.
(3) The President of the National Assembly shall announce the registered Parliamentary Groups and their leaders in a plenary sitting. In case of a change in the composition of the Parliamentary Groups, it shall be announced by the President of the National Assembly at a plenary sitting.
(4) The Permanent Associates to the Parliamentary Groups shall be appointed as National Assembly employees. Their number shall be approved by the President, according to the number of the parliamentary groups, at a ratio of 1:10 but not less than two per parliamentary group. Where the number of a parliamentary group is not a multiple of 10, the number of the permanent associates to the group shall be determined by rounding up to the greater number, multiple by 10.
Art. 15. (1) Each Member of the National Assembly may be a member of only one Parliamentary Group.
(2) The conditions for the obtaining, holding and termination of the membership, the rights and the duties of the members shall be determined by the Parliamentary Group itself in accordance with the provisions of these Rules.
(3) The Member of the National Assembly may leave the Parliamentary Group by submitting a written application to the leader of the Group and to the President of the National Assembly, which shall be announced at a plenary sitting.
(4) Upon leaving a Parliamentary Group or exclusion from its composition, the Member of the National Assembly shall lose his/her position in the Standing Committees as representative of the respective Parliamentary Group, in the delegations of the National Assembly and other elective positions in the National Assembly.
(5) A Member of the National Assembly who has left or has been excluded from a Parliamentary Group shall become a Member of the National Assembly, non-member of a Parliamentary Group and he/she cannot declare belonging to and cannot join as a member another Parliamentary Group.
(6) In the work of the Parliamentary Groups may participate in a non-voting capacity Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria from the respective to the Parliamentary Group political family.
Art. 16. Members of the National Assembly non-members of a Parliamentary Group, cannot form Parliamentary Groups. Existing Parliamentary Groups cannot merge or split.

Chapter Five.

Art. 17. (1) The National Assembly shall elect from its composition Standing and Ad Hoc Committees.
(2) The Standing Committees of the National Assembly shall be:
1. Committee on Budget and Finance;
2. Committee on Legal Affairs;
3. Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism;
4. Energy Committee;
5. Committee on Regional Policy, Urban Development and Local Self-Government;
6. Foreign Policy Committee;
7. Defense Committee;
8. Committee on the Internal Security and Public Order;
9. Committee on Agriculture and Foods;
10. Committee on Labor, Social and Demographic Policy;
11. Committee on Education and Science;
12. Committee on Children, Youth and Sports Matters;
13. Healthcare Committee;
14. Environment and Water Committee;
15. Committee on Transport, Information Technology and Communications;
16. Committee on Culture and the Media;
17. Committee on Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and the Complaints of Citizens;
18. Committee on Religion and Human Rights;
19. Committee on Anti-Corruption, Conflict of Interests and Parliamentary Ethics;
20. Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds;
21. Committee for Control of the Security Services, the Application and Use of the Special Intelligence Means and the Data Access under the Electronic Communications Act;
22. Committee on the Policies for Bulgarians Abroad;
23. Monitoring Committee on the Revenue Agencies and Combating the Parallel Economy and Smuggling.
(3) The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds shall report to the National Assembly on the implementation of the obligation of the Council of Ministers to ensure advance public awareness on its participation in the drafting and adoption of acts of the European Union. The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds shall also report on other acts of the institutions of the European Union.
(4) The National Assembly may make changes in the type, number and composition of the Standing Committees.
Art. 18. (1) The Committee for Control of the Security Services, the Application and Use of the Special Intelligence Means and the Data Access under the Electronic Communications Act shall:
1. exercise parliamentary control over the work of the Security Services;
2. formulate opinions on the budgets of the Security Services;
3. adopt within 14 days of its election, internal rules of procedure, which shall be endorsed by the National Assembly;
4. carry out the parliamentary control and monitoring of the procedures provided in the Special Intelligence Means Act and in the Electronic Communications Act with respect to:
(a) authorization, application and use of special intelligence means, the storage and destruction of information obtained through them, and the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens against the illegal use of special intelligence means;
(b) authorization and access to the data under the Electronic Communications Act and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens against unauthorized access to such data.
(2) The Committee shall submit to the National Assembly annually, by May 31st, a report on the performed activity under paragraph 1, item 4, which shall contain summarized information about:
1. authorization, application and use of the special intelligence means, the storage and destruction of the information obtained through them, as well as the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens against the illegal use of the special intelligence means;
2. performed inspections and proposals submitted for improvement of the procedures of storage and processing of data under the Electronic Communications Act.
(3) The President of the National Assembly shall inform the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister about the decisions and opinions of the Committee.
Art. 19. The Committee on Anti-Corruption, Conflict of Interests and Parliamentary Ethics, the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds and the Committee for Control of the Security Services, the Application and Use of the Special Intelligence Means and the Data Access under the Electronic Communications Act shall be formed on the principle of parity - two Members of the National Assembly from each Parliamentary Group.
Art. 20. (1) Each Member of the National Assembly may be elected to no more than two Standing Committees.
(2) Every Member of the National Assembly may be elected as a Chairman of only one Standing Committee.
(3) The President of the National Assembly and the Deputy Presidents of the National Assembly may not be elected to the leaderships of the Standing Committees.
Art. 21. (1) In determining the composition of the Standing Committees the ratio between the numbers of the Parliamentary Groups shall be preserved ,except for the Standing Committee under Art. 17, para 2, items 19, 20 and 21.
(2) The leadership of each Standing Committee shall consist of a Chairman and up to four Deputy Chairmen. The Committee’s leadership shall organize its work on the basis of the information received by the Committee.
(3) The leaderships and the members of the Standing Committees shall be elected on the proposal of the Parliamentary Groups or by any Member of the National Assembly by an open voting en bloc, unless an objection has been made to any of the proposed nominees.
(4) The Chairman of the Committee shall chair the meetings and shall maintain contacts with the Chairmen of the other Committees and with the President of the National Assembly.
(5) In the absence of the Chairman, he/she shall authorize one of the Deputy Chairmen to chair the meeting of the Committee. In the absence of authorization, the President of the National Assembly shall authorize one of the Deputy Chairmen to chair the meeting of the Committee.
Art. 22. At the meetings of the Parliamentary Committees the Members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Bulgaria shall be entitled to participate with the right to an advisory vote.
Art. 23. (1) The Chairman and the Deputy Chairmen of the Standing Committees shall be dismissed ahead of term:
1. at their request;
2. at the proposal of more than half of the members of the Committee - in the case of an objective impossibility to fulfill their duties for a period of 6 months or in the case of systematic exceeding the rights or systematic failure of the duties;
3. at a written proposal of the Parliamentary Group from whose quota they have been elected to the Committee.
(2) The Chairman and the Deputy Chairmen of the Standing Committees shall be dismissed ahead of term at termination of their membership in the Parliamentary Group from whose quota they have been elected to the Committee, as well as when the Parliamentary Group has ceased to exist.
(3) The members of the Standing Committees shall be dismissed ahead of term:
1. at their request;
2. at a written proposal from the Parliamentary Group from whose quota they have been elected to the Committee.
(4) In the cases under paragraph 1, item 1, paragraph 2 and paragraph 3, item 1 the dismissal shall be announced without debate and voting, and in the cases under paragraph 1, items 2 and 3 and paragraph 3, item 2 - by a decision of the National Assembly.
(5) In the cases under paragraph 1, item 2 the Parliamentary Committee shall rule on the proposal by a majority of more than half of its members.
Art. 24. (1) The Standing Committees may adopt their internal rules in accordance with these Rules, which shall be published on the website of the relevant Committee within the website of the National Assembly.
(2) The expenses necessary for the activity of the Standing Committees of the National Assembly shall be authorized by the Chairman of the National Assembly on the proposal of the Committees’ leaderships.
Art. 25. (1) The Standing Committees may form from their composition subcommittees as well as working groups.
(2) A Standing Subcommittee on Public Sector Accountability shall be established to the Committee on Budget and Finance.
(3) A Standing Subcommittee for the Monitoring of the Activity in the Field of the Consumer Protection and the Restriction of Monopolies shall be established to the Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism.
(4) A Standing Subcommittee for Monitoring the Activities of the Energy and Water Regulatory shall be established to the Energy Committee.
(5) The Standing Committees may set up public councils by representatives of non-governmental organizations to advise them.
Art. 26. (1) In relation to the activity of the Subcommittee on Public Sector Accountability and at the request of the Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Finance, the first-level budget spending units shall draw up reports on the implementation of certain budgets and programs to be submitted to the Subcommittee within term limits specified in the request. In this order, reports on the execution of off-budget accounts and funds may also be debated.
(2) At the meetings of the Subcommittee shall participate the first-level budget spender, the Head of the National Audit Office and the Minister of Finance or their deputies, as well as other persons, by invitation of the Chairman of the Subcommittee.
(3) After the discussion of the report, the Chairman of the Subcommittee shall prepare a report assessing the implementation of the budget, which shall be submitted to the Committee on Budget and Finance and to the Members of the National Assembly.
Art. 27. The Committee on Legal Affairs shall, every three months, invite the Prosecutor General to discuss the implementation of the law and the activities of the Prosecutor’s Office and the investigative bodies, including legislative amendments, resource provision, difficulties, related to performing the functions of the judiciary, results in fight against crime, including corruption, interaction with the investigative bodies. Discussions shall be also held by the initiative of the Head of the Supreme Court of Cassation, the Head of the Supreme Administrative Court or the Prosecutor General. For the results of the discussions, the Committee shall draw up a report to the Member of the National Assembly.
Art. 28. (1) The Standing Committees shall consider bills, the annual program under Art. 118, draft resolutions, declarations and addresses and other proposals assigned by the President of the National Assembly, and shall prepare reports, proposals and opinions on them.
(2) The Standing Committees may assign in accordance with the conditions of Art. 17 of the Financial Rules of the Budget of the National Assembly the performance of an ex-post impact assessment of the laws aimed to establish their effectiveness and the degree of achievement of the objectives.
(3) The Standing Committees shall, in accordance with their scope of activity, carry out periodic control of the extent of utilization and of the expedient and lawful spending of the funds and programs of the European Union.
(4) The state bodies and the officials of the state and the municipal administration and the citizens shall be obliged to provide upon request all the information and documents, as well as the opinions necessary for the activity of the Standing Committees.
(5) By request of one-third of the members of the Committee, its Chairman shall immediately request the state authorities and the officials of the state and municipal administration to attend a meeting of the Committee. Invitees shall be required to appear before the Committee and provide the requested information and to answer the questions asked within 7 days from the submission of the invitation or at the first regular meeting if it shall take place after the expiry of the 7 days period.
Art. 29. (1) At the beginning of the Standing Committees meetings, each first Wednesday or Thursday of the month, the line ministers shall appear before the relevant Committees and respond to current verbal questions addressed by the members of the Committees at the meeting itself. The questions addressed should refer to specific policies and may not contain requests to provide detailed numerical data.
(2) A member of the Committee from each Parliamentary Group shall be entitled to two verbal questions, and the members of the National Assembly not participating in a Parliamentary Group, shall be entitled to a total of two questions.
(3) The Line Minister to whom the question has been addressed shall respond immediately upon taking the question. In the absence of the Minister for valid reasons, the Committee shall, in agreement with him/her, determine the meeting to which he/she shall answer current verbal questions.
(4) The procedure of asking the current verbal questions under paragraph 1 shall be determined in accordance with the number of the Parliamentary Groups in descending order, as the last in line being a member of the National Assembly non- member of a parliamentary group. The asking of the second questions shall take place in the same order after exhausting the procedure for the first asked questions.
(5) The questioning time shall be up to 2 minutes. The Minister’s response shall be up to 3 minutes. The Member of the National Assembly, who has asked the question, shall be entitled to a rejoinder of up to 2 minutes and the Minister - to a counter-rejoinder, also of up to 2 minutes.
Art. 30. (1) The meetings of the Standing Committees shall be regular and extraordinary.
(2) The agenda, the periodicity and the duration of the meetings of the Committees shall be determined by them.
(3) The meetings of the Standing Committee shall be convened by its Chairman on its own initiative or by request of at least one-third of its members or the President of the National Assembly, together with a draft agenda.
Art. 31. (1) The meetings of the Standing Committees shall be open. By decision of the Committee, its meeting shall be broadcast in real time on the Internet within the website of the National Assembly.
(2) The Committees may decide individual meetings to be held in camera.
(3) The meetings of the Committee for Control of the Security Services, the Application and Use of the Special Intelligence Means and the Data Access under the Electronic Communications Act shall be held in camera. By decision of this Committee, particular meetings may be opened.
(4) In a way of exception, the Standing Committees may hold open meetings outside the capital.
Art. 32. (1) Citizens may attend the meetings of the Committees in compliance with the regime of access to the National Assembly and the order established in the Committees. The list of the present persons shall be an integral part of the records of the meeting.
(2) Representatives of trade unions, professional and branch organizations may submit written opinions and by their own initiative they shall be entitled to attend the meetings of the Committees and to take part in debates on the drafts acts of the National Assembly concerning their scope of activity, in compliance with the order established in the Committees. The list of the attendees, representatives of the organizations, shall be an integral part of the records of the meeting. The opinions shall be published on the website of the respective Committee within the website of the National Assembly.
(3) Each member of a Standing Committee may invite to participate at its meeting individual natural persons or representatives of legal entities, related to the matters under consideration by the Committee. The list of the invited persons shall be an integral part of the records of the meeting.
(4) The accredited journalists and other journalists to whom has been granted access may attend the open meetings of the Standing Committees of the National Assembly.
(5) Members of the National Assembly, non-members of a relevant Committee, may participate in all its meetings without the right to vote.
(6) The participation of Members of the National Assembly in meetings of Committees held in camera, to which they are not members, the documents and the subject matters with which they have been acquainted, shall be noted in a special protocol and signed by them.
(7) The participants in the meetings of the Committees shall be obliged to observe the requirements related to the protection of the classified information and information under the Personal Data Protection Act, as well as information related to the privacy and good reputation of the citizens.
Art. 33. (1) The Chairmen of the Standing Committees shall announce in writing the agenda, the time and the place of the meetings on the website of the National Assembly and by e-mail to the members of the Committee. The agenda for the regular Committee meetings shall be announced at least two days prior to their holding. In the case of extraordinary Committee meetings, the agenda shall be announced along with their scheduling.
(2) The Standing Committees shall meet when more than half of their members are present. If the quorum is not available after the announced for opening time, the Committee may also meet in the composition in attendance if it is not less than one-third of all its members.
(3) When discussions of bills and other acts take place at the Committee meetings, the submitter shall be heard. When the bill has been submitted by the Council of Ministers, a member of the Council of Ministers or a deputy Minister shall be heard at the meeting.
(4) The decisions of the Standing Committees shall be taken by a majority of those present.
Art. 34. (1) The Committees may hold joint meetings when common issues are under consideration. These meetings shall be chaired by one of the Chairmen designated by mutual consent.
(2) In joint meetings, each Committee shall take its decision on the issue under consideration. In various opinions, each Committee shall submit a separate report to the National Assembly.
Art. 35. (1) The reports of the Standing Committees shall be prepared by their Chairmen or by a reporter appointed by the respective committee.
(2) The report shall reflect the decisions taken by the Committee and the various opinions, stating the majority, that have supported them.
(3) The reports of the Standing Committees from the open meetings shall be public and accessible in compliance with the established order as well as on the website of the Committee within the website of the National Assembly.
Art. 36. (1) For the meetings of the Standing and ad hoc Committees of the National Assembly shall be made stenographic records and audio recordings.
(2) The records shall be signed by the Chairman of the Committee and by the person drawing up the record.
(3) The records of the discussion of bills shall be published within 7 days following the meeting on the website of the Commission within the website of the National Assembly and no later than 24 hours prior to the consideration of the report in plenary hall.
(4) The records of the meetings of the Standing Committees held in camera shall be subject to a special regime of safe-keeping, reporting and access procedure in compliance with the requirements of the Classified Information Protection Act.
Art. 37. (1) Ad Hoc Committees shall be formed on a specific occasion, to survey particular matters and conduct inquiries.
(2) The Ad Hoc Committees shall be elected by the National Assembly on a proposal of the President or at least by one-fifth of the Members of the National Assembly.
(3) The subject, the number, the composition and the duration of the Ad Hoc Committees shall be determined by the National Assembly.
(4) The rules of procedure of the Standing Committees also apply to the Ad Hoc Committees.
(5) The Ad Hoc Committees shall cease to exist upon expiry of the term of their establishment, or ahead of term, by a decision of the National Assembly.
Art. 38. (1) The National Assembly shall elect from its composition the Permanent Delegations of the National Assembly to the international organizations.
(2) In determining the composition of the Permanent Delegations of the National Assembly to the international organizations the ratio of the number of the Parliamentary Groups shall be preserved.
(3) When a Parliamentary Group has ceased its existence, the elected from among its composition representative to the composition of the Permanent Delegation, shall be dismissed.
(4) The Permanent Delegations shall report their activity to the President of the National Assembly.

Chapter Six.

Art. 39. The Committee on Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and the Complaints of Citizens shall:
1. carry out dialogue and interaction with representatives of non-governmental organizations, including by conducting public discussions on issues of major public interest; perform parliamentary and civil control of the activities of the state regulatory authorities through public discussions; the conclusions of the discussions shall be forwarded to the Committees in charge;
2. consider the proposals for referendums and citizens’ initiatives under the Direct Participation of Citizens in State and Local Government Act, as well as petitions under Art. 45 of the Constitution;
3. examine complaints, signals and proposals of the citizens in conformity with the terms and procedures established by the internal rules of the Committee;
4. perform the functions of a Standing Committee as per Chapter Five.
Art. 40. A Public Council of representatives of non-governmental organizations shall be set up at the Committee on Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and the Complaints of Citizens to advise the Committee. The composition and manner of formation of the Council shall be determined by rules adopted by the Committee. The rules shall be published on the website of the Committee within the website of the National Assembly.
Art. 41. (1) The Committee on Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and the Complaints of Citizens shall work on internal rules of procedure adopted by it in accordance with these Rules. The rules shall set forth the manner of interaction with the non-governmental organizations.
(2) The meetings of the Commission shall be broadcast in real time on Internet within the website of the National Assembly.
(3) The Committee on Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and the Complaints of Citizens shall submit to the National Assembly every six months a report on its activity, which shall be provided to the Members of the National Assembly.
Art. 42. Representatives of non-governmental organizations may submit written opinions and, by their own initiative, shall have the right to attend the meetings of the Committees and shall take part in the debates on the draft acts of the National Assembly under consideration, concerning their scope of activity, in compliance with the established order in the Committees. The list of attendees, representatives of the organizations, shall be an integral part of the records of the meeting. The opinions shall be published on the website of the respective Committee within the website of the National Assembly.
Art. 43. (1) Non-governmental organizations may submit written opinions on the bills under consideration by the Committees in charge.
(2) The report of the Committee in charge for the first vote shall also contain a summary of the opinions received from the non-governmental organizations.
(3) On the proposals, submitted by members of the National Assembly for second vote, the Chairman of the Committee in charge may request an opinion from non-governmental organizations.
(4) The opinions of the non-governmental organizations shall be published on the website of the Committee in charge within the website of the National Assembly and shall be provided to the members of the Committee.
(5) The Committees shall be obliged to respond to the received proposals and complaints by non-governmental organizations.
Art. 44. Representatives of non-governmental organizations may participate through a Member of the National Assembly in the parliamentary control under the conditions and in the procedure of Chapter Nine, as well as may attend the meetings of the Parliamentary Committees about hearings under the order of Chapter Ten and at responding to current verbal questions under the procedure of Art. 29, in compliance with the regime of access to the National Assembly. The list of attendees shall be an integral part of the records of the meeting.

Chapter Seven.

Art. 45. (1) The National Assembly shall work in three sessions per annum.
(2) The National Assembly shall be in recess from December 22nd to January 10th, 10 days on Easter holidays from the Holy Friday, and from August 1st till August 31st each year.
(3) In a way of exception, the National Assembly may decide the days of the recess to be changed.
(4) During the parliamentary recess, the time limits under these Rules shall cease to run.
Art. 46. (1) The National Assembly shall be convened for a session by its President.
(2) In the cases under Art. 78, item 2, 3 and 4 of the Constitution, the President is obliged to schedule a sitting not later than 7 days after the request received, regardless of whether the National Assembly is on holidays or not.
(3) The applicants under Art. 78 of the Constitution are obliged to indicate the agenda.
Art. 47. Each session shall open with the anthem of the Republic of Bulgaria and the anthem of the European Union.
Art. 48. (1) The regular plenary sittings of the National Assembly shall be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. By a decision of the National Assembly the sittings may be extended.
(2) The National Assembly may change the time for regular sittings.
(3) The National Assembly may decide to hold extraordinary sittings during a session on an agenda announced in advance, on days other than those indicated in paragraph 1. Extraordinary sittings may be held at any time when exceptional circumstances exist.
Art. 49. (1) The sittings of the National Assembly shall be opened.
(2) Persons not Members of the National Assembly or members of the Council of Ministers, may be present by a decision of the National Assembly and in the order determined by the sitting Chairman, taking the seats, specially designated for them. In the course of the sittings they shall be obliged to observe the established order and may take the floor only if invited by the sitting Chairman.
(3) In case of noise or disorder among the audience, the sitting Chairman shall impose order by the Quaestors and may direct the removal of some or all citizens.
Art. 50. (1) The sittings of the National Assembly shall be held in camera when:
1. important state interests impose this;
2. documents classified under the Protection of Classified Information Act shall be discussed.
(2) Proposal for a sitting in camera under paragraph 1, item 1 may be made by the President of the National Assembly, one-tenth of the Members of the National Assembly or the Council of Ministers.
(3) In case of a proposal for a sitting in camera under paragraph 1, item 1, the sitting Chairman shall order all an authorized persons to leave the hall and the balconies, as well as to stop the direct broadcasting of the media and broadcasting on Internet. Upon hearing the submitter’s motives, the National Assembly shall discuss and vote on the proposal. The sitting shall proceed as either open or in camera depending on the outcome of the vote.
(4) In the cases under paragraph 1, item 2 the sitting shall be in camera, without debates and voting. The sitting Chairman shall announce the fingerboards by which the document shall be classified under the Classified Information Protection Act and shall instruct all unauthorized persons to leave the hall and the balconies and shall terminate the direct broadcasting of the media and the broadcasting on Internet, whereafter the sitting shall proceed in camera without debates and voting on this.
(5) The debates and the record of the sitting held in camera constitute classified information and shall bind with the respective obligations all Members of the National Assembly and other persons who have access to them.
(6) Resolutions adopted by a sitting in camera shall be made public.
Art. 51. (1) The open sittings of the National Assembly shall be transmitted directly by the Bulgarian National Radio at a determined by it frequency, covering the entire territory of the country, by reportages on the Bulgarian National Television, as well as by a parliamentary television channel (BNT). The broadcast signal shall be provided for free and free use. The open sittings of the National Assembly shall be broadcast in real time on Internet within the website of the National Assembly.
(2) Direct transmission of plenary sittings on the Bulgarian National Television and the Bulgarian National Radio shall be broadcast by a decision of the National Assembly.
(3) The plenary sittings when conducting parliamentary control shall be transmitted directly to the program BNT 2 of the Bulgarian National Television and to the Bulgarian National Radio.
Art. 52. (1) The Chairman shall open the sitting if more than half of the Members of the National Assembly are present.
(2) Quorum checkup shall be carried out through the computerized voting system prior to the opening of the sitting.
(3) In the event of a forthcoming voting, the Chairman may, on his own initiative or only once in a sitting at the request of a Parliamentary Group, perform a checkup of the quorum by roll-call of the names of the members of the National Assembly or by head counting of the members of the National Assembly by the Secretaries of the National Assembly.
(4) When in the course of the checkup under paragraph 3 has been established that there is no necessary quorum in the plenary hall, the President of the National Assembly may proceed with the sitting, suspend it or interrupt it for a certain period of time in order to gather the required quorum. In the case of a continuation of the sitting in the absence of a quorum in the plenary hall, may be carried out only parliamentary control, but no voting can be held and no acts adopted. In the event of a suspension, the Chairman may resume the sitting, but not later than one hour within the working time, if the necessary quorum at the re-checkup is available.
Art. 53. (1) The National Assembly shall, subject to a proposal of the Chairman and following consultations under Art. 9, para 2, item 1, adopt a schedule for one or two working weeks. When drawing up the schedule, as well as on other issues related to the parliamentary activities, the President of the National Assembly shall be assisted by the Deputy Presidents.
(2) At the end of each sitting, the Chairman shall announce the date and time for the next sitting, as well as the agenda under the adopted schedule.
(3) Proposals for inclusion of items in the forthcoming schedule may be made in writing to the President of the National Assembly by the Members of the National Assembly and the Parliamentary Groups until 6 p.m. on the day prior to the plenary sitting at which the upcoming schedule shall be voted. Each Member of the National Assembly may propose one item on the agenda of the National Assembly in a one-week schedule and in a two-week schedule - up to two items on the agenda. Bills and drafts for other acts of the National Assembly, for which no reports have been submitted, may be proposed as items in the forthcoming schedule, and the terms under Art. 78, para 3 and Art. 88 para 4 have expired. If the proposal has been rejected by the National Assembly, the members of the National Assembly and the Parliamentary Groups may make the same proposal no earlier than one month.
(4) The draft schedule under paragraph 1, proposed by the President, and the submitted proposals under paragraph 3 shall be put to the vote without debate, at the beginning of the plenary sitting, at which shall be adopted a schedule for the forthcoming one or two weeks. Verbal proposals shall not be allowed.
(5) In exceptional cases, the Chairman may propose an amendment of the agenda at the beginning of the plenary sitting.
(6) Issues not included in the agenda cannot be debated.
(7) Proposals for honouring the memory of deceased persons by standing in one minute’s silence can be made only if they have been submitted in writing to the Registry of the National Assembly by 6 p.m. on the day preceding the respective plenary sitting, except in exceptional cases.
(8) The bills and drafts for resolutions, which shall be included in the agenda of the regular plenary sitting of the National Assembly, held on the first Wednesday of each month, shall be proposed by the Parliamentary Groups. The proposals shall be made until 6 p.m. on the previous day by the President of the National Assembly. Each Parliamentary Group shall be entitled to propose one item on the agenda. The arrangement of the items on the agenda shall be based on the number of the Parliamentary Groups. Each next month the arrangement of the proposals of the Parliamentary Groups shall become on a rotation principle. The National Assembly is obliged to consider in essence the proposals made. If the Parliamentary Groups have made no proposals, the National Assembly shall work according to the schedule adopted under paragraph 1. As items may also be proposed bills and drafts for resolutions submitted, on which no reports have been received, and the terms under Art. 78, para 3 and Art. 88 para 4 have expired.
(9) The adopted schedule shall be published after its voting on the website of the National Assembly and shall be immediately updated to reflect voting for subsequent amendments therein.
Art. 54. (1) The Chairman shall guide the sitting and give the floor for speech to the Members of the National Assembly.
(2) Nobody can speak without having given the floor from the Chairman.
(3) The floor shall be requested from a seat by raising a hand or by prior enrollment for a speech.
(4) The Chairman shall compile a list of those who wish to speak and shall arrange the order of the speakers:
1. depending on the sequence, presented by the leaderships of the Parliamentary Groups for the Members of the National Assembly, who shall speak on behalf of them, and alternating between representatives of different Parliamentary Groups;
2. depending on the sequence of the requests.
(5) The Chairman shall give the floor to the leaders of the Parliamentary Groups and, in their absence, to their deputies or to an authorized by them Member of the National Assembly, when requested by them within the debates on the agenda and the time limit specified to the Parliamentary Groups.
(6) Once in a sitting, the Chairman shall give the floor to the Chairmen of the Parliamentary Groups, their deputies or to an authorized by them Member of the National Assembly in the course of the sitting on issues not placed on the agenda under consideration, when they request it. Their speeches shall be up to 10 minutes.
Art. 55. (1) On procedural issues the floor shall be given immediately, unless requests for a rejoinder, a counter-rejoinder or an explanation of a negative vote, have been made.
(2) Procedural shall be issues, subject to an objection to a particular breach of the order of conduction of the sittings provided for in these Rules, or which contain proposals for amendment and supplement of the adopted order on the development of the sitting, including those for:
1. termination of the sitting;
2. postponement of the sitting;
3. closure of the debates;
4. postponement of the debates;
5. postponement of the voting.
(3) The procedural issues shall be raised within a maximum of 2 minutes, without prejudice to the substance of the main matter.
(4) Where the procedural issue concerns the manner in which the sitting has been held, the Chairman shall be entitled to explanation within 2 minutes.
Art. 56. (1) The Members of the National Assembly speak only from the rostrum.
(2) In the cases, where Members of the National Assembly are persons with physical disabilities which do not allow them access to the rostrum, they shall speak from their seats, for which the necessary technical conditions shall be provided immediately.
Art. 57. (1) When a Member of the National Assembly has digressed from the subject under consideration, the sitting Chairman shall warn him/her, and if the breach has persisted or has been repeated, he/she shall take his/her floor.
(2) The Member of the National Assembly may not speak on the substance of the same matter more than once.
Art. 58. (1) The Chairman shall set the time limit for debate on each item on the agenda, as well as the day and the time when the voting on it shall take place. The time limit for debate shall be allotted among the Parliamentary Groups according to their number, as for the smallest of them shall not been less than 10 minutes, and for the largest of them - 30 minutes. Totally the speaking time limit of the Members of the National Assembly, non-members of a Parliamentary Group, shall be up to 10 minutes, and of the individual Members of the National Assembly, non-members of a Parliamentary Group - up to 5 minutes.
(2) Each Parliamentary Group may request an extension of its preliminary allotted under paragraph 1 time limit but with no more than one-third. The rest Parliamentary Groups shall be respectively entitled to a proportional extension of the time limit allotted to them.
(3) As time limit of the Parliamentary Groups under paragraph 1 shall be considered the time:
1. during which their members have spoken;
2. during which their Chairmen have spoken;
3. for which the Members of the National Assembly from the relevant Parliamentary Groups have made rejoinders or taken the floor on procedural issues, except those concerning the manner in which the sitting has been held.
(4) Up to three speeches made by Members of the National Assembly, wishing to express an opinion different from that of the Parliamentary Group to which they belong, shall be admitted. The speaking time limit of a Member of the National Assembly shall be up to 3 minutes.
(5) If a Member of the National Assembly exceeds the specified in paragraphs 1-4 speaking time limit, the Chairman, after warning him/her, shall take his/her floor.
(6) The envisaged order in paragraphs 1 to 5 shall not apply to debates on bills for a second vote.
Art. 59. (1) The Member of the National Assembly shall be entitled to a rejoinder.
(2) The rejoinder shall be a brief objection to the substance of a completed speech. It shall be done immediately after the speech and can not be more than 2 minutes.
(3) Up to three rejoinders may be made with respect to the same speech.
(4) The replicated Member of the National Assembly shall be entitled to a reply (a counter-rejoinder) with duration of up to 3 minutes after the completion of the replies.
Art. 60. (1) The Member of the National Assembly shall be entitled to a personal explanation of up to 2 minutes after being personally and by name affected in a speech at a plenary sitting.
(2) The Member of the National Assembly shall be entitled to explain his / her negative vote within 2 minutes after the voting.
(3) Only that Member of the National Assembly who has not spoken in the debates on the issue shall be entitled to explain his/her negative vote.
(4) For explanation of a negative vote the floor shall be given to at most three Members of the National Assembly.
(5) An explanation of a negative vote after a secret ballot or after a vote on procedural issues shall not be allowed.
Art. 61. After the list of the speakers has been exhausted or the representatives of all the Parliamentary Groups have been spoken according to the allotted speaking time limit under Art. 58 and no requests have been made for an extension of the time limit, the Chairman shall announce the closure of the debates.
Art. 62. (1) When a procedural proposal has been received, the floor shall be given to a Member of the National Assembly who does not agree with it. The proposal shall be immediately put to the vote without debate.
(2) The exercise of the right under paragraph 1 cannot affect the rights of the Parliamentary Groups under Art. 58, para 1.
Art. 63. (1) The sitting may be terminated or postponed by a resolution of the National Assembly by the proposal of the Chairman or by a Parliamentary Group.
(2) When proposals for termination and postponement of the sitting have been received, the proposal for the termination of the sitting shall be voted first.
Art. 64. (1) In case of noise or disorder, interfering the work of the Members of the National Assembly or when important reasons impose, the Chairman may suspend the sitting for a certain period of time.
(2) Each Parliamentary Group may request suspension of the sitting for no longer than 30 minutes once per sitting. The Chairman shall suspend the sitting as soon as it is requested and shall set the duration of the suspension, which may not be less than 15 minutes. Suspension of the sitting may not be requested earlier than one hour after its commencement and no later than one hour before the end of the working time. The interval between two suspensions may not be less than one hour.
Art. 65. The members of the Council of Ministers shall be entitled to attend the sittings of the National Assembly. They can take the floor whenever they want it. The President of the National Assembly may specify the time during which the Ministers shall speak on a specific issue.
Art. 66. (1) Voting is personal. Votes shall be “for”, “against”, and “abstain”. Voting shall be taken by open ballot. The National Assembly may decide a particular voting to be taken by a secret ballot.
(2) The open voting shall be taken by:
1. a computerized voting system;
2. a show of hands;
3. rising to feet from the seat by a roll-call in alphabetical order and response with “for”, “against”, and “abstain”;
4. signing in person;
5. electronic roll-call in the computerized voting system to show the names of the Members of the National Assembly and the way of their voting.
(3) In the computerized system, the voting shall be taken by biometric data of each one of the Members of the National Assembly or by means of a system activated by the biometric data of each one of the Members of the National Assembly.
(4) The secret ballot shall be taken by voting-papers.
Art. 67. Proposal for voting under Art. 66, para 2, items 3, 4 and 5 or for a secret ballot may be made by one-tenth of all Members of the National Assembly or by a single Parliamentary Group. The proposal shall be put to the vote without a debate. One Member of the National Assembly from each Parliamentary Group, objecting to the proposal, shall be heard.
Art. 68. (1) Before taking the vote, the Chairman shall invite the Members of the National Assembly to take their seats. The voting time under Art. 66, par. 2, item 1 shall be up to 1 minute but not less than 30 seconds.
(2) No speeches shall be allowed from the announcement of the voting until its completion.
Art. 69. (1) The voting shall be taken in the following order:
1. proposals for rejection;
2. proposals for postponement to a subsequent sitting;
3. proposals for substitution;
4. proposals for editorial alterations;
5. a text under debate, which may also contain already approved editorial alterations;
6. proposals for supplements;
7. a basic proposal.
(2) Where two or more proposals of the same nature have been submitted, they shall be put to vote in the order of their receipt.
Art. 70. (1) The proposal shall be deemed carried if more than half of the present Members of the National Assembly have voted for it unless the Constitution provides otherwise.
(2) In the event of equality of votes, the proposal shall be deemed rejected.
Art. 71. (1) The result of the voting shall be announced by the Chairman immediately.
(2) Where the voting procedure or the result thereof has been disputed immediately after its completion, the Chairman shall order the vote to be retaken. The result of the re-voting shall be final.
(3) When voting is taken through the computerized system, printouts of the results shall be provided on request of the leadership of any Parliamentary Group.
Art. 72. The Chairman may set the date and time for voting on the bills placed on the weekly schedule debated for a first voting.
Art. 73. (1) Full stenographic records shall be kept for the sittings of the National Assembly, which shall be drawn up on the day of the sitting or on the following day, at the latest. The records shall be signed by the stenographers, the two secretaries on duty and the Chairman at the latest in the week following their completion.
(2) The text of the bills and the motives, resolutions and other acts of the National Assembly and the proposals to them, including when not read at a sitting, and the printout of the voting through the computerized system, shall be attached to the stenographic record.
(3) The shorthand records of the plenary sittings not held in camera, and a printout of the voting through the computerized system, shall be published within 7 days on the website of the National Assembly.
Art. 74. The Members of the National Assembly may review the shorthand notes of their speeches and demand the correction of errors therein within three days following the drafting of the shorthand record. The arisen disputes shall be resolved by the Chairman on a report of the secretaries on duty and the stenographer in the presence of the Member of the National Assembly.
Art. 75. (1) Corrections of factual errors in acts adopted by the National Assembly but not promulgated in the State Gazette shall be made upon a written request of the reporter of the respective Committee in concordance with the submitter and shall be made upon instructions of the President of the National Assembly, or solely upon instructions of the President of the National Assembly.
(2) The President of the National Assembly shall notify the Members of the National Assembly of the amendments under paragraph 1.
(3) Corrections of factual errors in the promulgated acts of the National Assembly shall be made upon instructions of the President of the National Assembly.
(4) The President of the National Assembly shall announce the corrections under paragraph 3 before the National Assembly at the first sitting following their establishment.
(5) Where the correction under paragraph 3 has been made in a promulgated law, the President of the National Assembly shall also inform the President of the Republic.

Chapter Eight.

Art. 76. (1) The bills with the motives to them and the ex-ante impact assessment shall be submitted to the President n of the National Assembly both on paper and in electronic form and immediately shall be registered in a public register “Bills”. To the submitted by the Council of Ministers bills, shall be attached:
1. reference for compliance with the European law - for harmonization;
2. reference for reflecting the opinions received on the relevant bill;
3. reference for the compliance with the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
When bills have been submitted by Members of the National Assembly, the ex-ante impact assessment shall be according to the methodology, an annex to these Rules.
(2) In the motives, the submitter shall give an opinion on the expected consequences, including financial, of the implementation of the bill.
(3) In the motives of the bills related to the membership of the Republic of Bulgaria in the European Union, a specific part of the European Union law, which imposes the respective regulation, shall be stated.
(4) The bills to which no motives and/or an ex-ante impact assessment have been applied shall not be assigned in accordance with Art. 77 by the President of the National Assembly until the irregularity shall be rectified, of which the submitter shall be notified. In this case, the time limit under Art. 77, para 1 shall begin to run from the day of rectification of the irregularity.
(5) The bills unsupported by the references under paragraph 1 shall not be considered by the National Assembly until the irregularity has been rectified, for which the Chairman of the Committee in charge shall notify the submitter. In this case, the time limit under Art. 78, para 3, shall stop running.
(6) For each bill an information dossier shall be formed, reflecting the process of discussion on the draft in the National Assembly and shall be completed ex-officio until its adoption or rejection.
Art. 77. (1) The President of the National Assembly shall assign the bills among the Standing Committees within three days of their receipt.
(2) The President of the National Assembly shall designate one Standing Committee to be the reporter in charge of each bill.
(3) The Chairman of each first plenary sitting during the respective week shall inform the Members of the National Assembly about the recently received bills, their submitters and their assignment to committees.
(4) Objections to the assignment of bills may be made by the Standing Committees concerned to the President of the National Assembly within 7 days of the notification under paragraph 3, who shall pronounce on them within two days.
Art. 78. (1) The Standing Committees shall discuss the bills not earlier than 24 hours after their receipt by the members of the respective Committee. They shall present to the President of the National Assembly a motivated report within the time limit in compliance with the legislative program and the adopted one-week or two-week schedule for the work of the National Assembly.
(2) When the bill has been debated prior to the first vote, the Committee in charge, before considering it on its merits, shall ascertain its compliance with the requirements of the Statutory Instruments Act and the Decree on Its Implementation and with these Rules, and in the event of any discrepancies shall recommend to the submitter by the President of the National Assembly to bring it into conformity within 7 days following the notification to the submitter. In this case, the time limit under paragraph 3 shall stop running.
(3) The reports on the bills shall be submitted to the National Assembly by the Committees in charge for a first vote not later than two months from the date of their submission and shall be published immediately on the website of the Committee in charge within the website of the National Assembly.
Art. 79. (1) The bills supported by the documents under Art. 76, para 1 and the report of the Committee in charge to which they have been assigned, shall be circulated among the Members of the National Assembly no later than 24 hours prior to the beginning of the sitting at which they shall be considered. The same time limit, unless the National Assembly has decided otherwise, also shall apply to the consideration of the bills for a second vote.
(2) In respect of bills submitted by Members of the National Assembly, the Chairman of the Committee in charge shall request an opinion of the Council of Ministers or of the respective line Minister. The Council of Ministers or the respective line Minister shall give an opinion within two weeks following its request.
(3) For bills regulating labor and social insurance relations, the Chairman of the Committee in charge shall request an opinion from the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation.
(4) In respect of bills regulating the rights of persons with disabilities, the Chairman of the Committee in charge shall request an opinion from the National Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities.
(5) For bills related to the judiciary, the Chairman of the Committee in charge shall request an opinion from the Supreme Judicial Council.
(6) Citizens and legal entities may submit written opinions on the bills.
(7) The opinions under paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be published on the website of the Committee in charge within the website of the National Assembly.
(8) The lack of opinions under paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall not stop the discussion of the bill.
(9) The report of the Committee in charge for the first vote shall also contain an assessment of the expected consequences of the implementation of the future law, including the financial impact, as well as a summary of the opinions received and a summarized opinion of the Committee.
Art. 80. (1) The bills shall be adopted in two votes, at two separate sittings.
(2) The National Assembly may decide, by way of exception, to take the both votes in one sitting. This provision shall apply only if no proposals for amendment or supplement of the bill have been made during the discussion.
(3) At the first vote the bill shall be considered after the National Assembly has heard the reports of the Committees in charge, the opinion of the submitter within 10 minutes and the reports of other Committees to which it has been assigned, if such have been received. The reports and opinions of the other Committees may also be presented in a summary.
(4) At the first vote the bill shall be debated in principle and in its entirety. The Members of the National Assembly pronounce on the basic provisions of the bill.
Art. 81. (1) The Standing Committees shall consider together all the bills with regulation on the same subject matter, submitted to the National Assembly by the day on which the Committee in charge shall initiate the discussion. These bills shall be debated concurrently by the National Assembly. It shall put each of them on a separate vote. When any of the bills is related to the introduction of European Union law requirements or initiated procedure on non-feasance, deriving from the European Union law, it may not be discussed and voted together with other bills. The first sentence herein shall not apply also when the Committee in charge has adopted a resolution by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Committee, that some of the bills shall be debated separately.
(2) Where more than one bill on the same subject matter have passed the first vote, the Committee in charge with the participation of the submitters of the bills passed at the first vote, shall draw up a single consolidated bill within 14 days, which shall be submitted to the President of the National Assembly and the Members of the National Assembly, to make written proposals on it.
Art. 82. (1) A bill rejected at the first vote may be re-submitted and re-considered only after substantial amendments to its basic provisions, which shall be reflected in the motives, and not earlier than three months after its rejection. The previous sentence herein shall not apply when the bill is related to the introduction of requirements of the European Union law or with initiated procedure for non-feasance, deriving from the European Union law.
(2) Provisions of a bill, rejected at the first vote, cannot be re-submitted and re-considered in accordance with the procedure of Art. 83, para 1, if the conditions set out in paragraph 1, with the exception of those related to editorial or legal technical amendments, have not been observed.
(3) Proposals made in accordance with Art. 83, para 1, which have been rejected by the National Assembly, cannot be re-submitted and re-considered as a bill if the conditions in accordance with paragraph 1, with the exception of those related to editorial or legal technical amendments, have not been observed.
Art. 83. (1) The Members of the National Assembly may make written proposals for amendments and supplements to the bill that has passed the first vote or to the drawn up single consolidated bill in accordance with Art. 81, para 2 within 7 days of its passage, respectively of its provision to the Members of the National Assembly, who shall adduce arguments. The proposals shall be addressed by the President of the National Assembly to the Chairman of the Committee in charge and shall be entered in a public register of the National Assembly. By way of exception, the National Assembly may decide this period to be extended with maximum of three weeks or to be reduced, but shall be not less than three days.
(2) When submitting proposals under paragraph 1 on bills related to the introduction of requirements of the European Union law or with the initiated procedure for non-feasance, deriving from the European Union law, the Members of the National Assembly shall state the reasons for the adoption, the objectives and the expected results and shall apply an analysis for compliance with the law of the European Union. In respect of the proposals, the Chairman of the Committee in charge shall request an opinion of the Council of Ministers or of the respective line Minister.
(3) The draft report for a second vote shall be published on the website of the Committee in charge within the website of the National Assembly within one day after the expiry of the time limit under paragraph 1.
(4) In respect of the proposals submitted by Members of the National Assembly, the Chairman of the Committee in charge may request an opinion of the Council of Ministers or of the respective line Minister.
(5) Within 14 days from passing of the bill by the Committee in charge, it shall submit to the National Assembly a report containing:
1. the written proposals of the Members of the National Assembly, made within the time limit under paragraph 1, along with the opinions of the Committee thereon;
2. the Committee’s proposals concerning the bill under consideration, including when the Committee in charge adopts such proposals on the part of some of its members made in the course of the meetings; the proposals of the Members of the National Assembly, with exception of those concerning editorial or legal technical amendments, shall be supported by arguments.
(6) The report under paragraph 5 shall be published immediately on the website of the Committee in charge within the website of the National Assembly.
Art. 84. (1) For the purpose of the second vote the National Assembly shall debate and vote on the bills chapter-by-chapter, section-by-section or text-by-text. Where no written proposals or objections have been made, the texts shall not be read out in the plenary hall. In this case, the texts shall be applied to the stenographic record as a part thereof.
(2) For the purposes of the second vote shall be considered only proposals of the Members of the National Assembly, received in accordance with the procedure of Art.83, as well as proposals of the Committee in charge, included in its report. Editorial corrections shall be admitted as well. Proposals that contradict the principles and the scope of the bill passed at the first vote shall not be considered and voted.
(3) Any Member of the National Assembly may justify proposals made within 5 minutes for each proposal.
(4) The voting shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure of Art. 69. No speeches and new proposals shall be allowed during the voting. To the vote shall be put only the proposals of Members of the National Assembly, received under the procedure of Art.83, the proposals of the Committee in charge, the editorial amendments made in the course of the debate, as well as proposals to reject or postpone a text.
(5) When reporting the bill in a plenary sitting for a second vote, the reporter has read out a text with content different from the proposal in the report of the Committee in charge, without having been made an editorial amendment in the prescribed way, to the vote shall be put the text proposed in the report of the Committee in charge.
Art. 85. The submitter of the bill may withdraw it until the beginning of the first vote, and after that - only by a decision of the National Assembly.
Art. 86. (1) The Chairman shall announce at the first sitting of the National Assembly the issue of a Decree of the President of the Republic under Art. 101 of the Constitution, by which a law adopted by the National Assembly has been returned for further debate.
(2) Within three days from the receipt of the Decree, the President of the National Assembly shall assign to the Committee in charge to report to the Members of the National Assembly the Decree of the President and the motives therefor.
(3) The law returned for further debate shall be placed on the agenda of the National Assembly within 15 days from the receipt of the Decree.
(4) The National Assembly shall pas the law again by a majority of more than half of all the Members of the National Assembly.
(5) If the returned law does not receive the necessary majority and has been contested in principle, it shall be subject to reconsideration in accordance with the procedure provided for discussing and adopting bills.
(6) If the returned law does not receive the required majority and only individual texts have been contested, the procedure under Art. 84 shall apply, by voting only the contested texts and those related thereto.
Art. 87. In respect of a bill for ratification of an international treaty, the text of the treaty cannot be amended. Reservations to a multilateral treaty can only be made when they are permissible by the treaty itself.
Art. 88. (1) Members of the National Assembly and the Parliamentary Groups may introduce for consideration drafts on resolutions, declarations and addresses.
(2) Drafts on resolutions, declarations and addresses shall be submitted both on paper and in electronic form and immediately registered in a public register “Projects for resolutions, declarations and addresses”.
(3) The drafts on resolutions, declarations and addresses shall be assigned by the President of the National Assembly among the respective Standing Committees within three days of their receipt, for which he/she shall notify the Members of the National Assembly in accordance with Art. 77, para 3.
(4) The Standing Committees shall discuss the drafts under paragraph 1 no later than 15 days following their assignment and shall present to the President of the National Assembly their opinions thereupon.
(5) Resolutions, declarations and addresses shall be adopted by a single vote.
(6) A draft on a resolution, declaration and address may be withdrawn by the submitter until it has been put to the vote at a sitting of the National Assembly.
Art. 89. Drafts on resolutions on procedural, organizational and technical matters shall not be assigned to the Standing Committees unless the President of the National Assembly decides otherwise.
Art. 90. (1) The reports under Art. 84, items 16 and 17 of the Constitution shall contain an account of the activities of the law enforcement authority during the relevant period, the problems and difficulties encountered, including the implementation of the recommendations of the National Assembly made in consideration of the previous report.
(2) The reports shall be submitted to the National Assembly by March 31st, unless another time limit has been specified by a law.
(3) The reports under Art. 84, items 16 and 17 of the Constitution shall be assigned by the President of the National Assembly to the respective Standing Committee within three days from their receipt, for which he/she shall notify the Members of the National Assembly in accordance with Art. 77, para 3.
(4) The Standing Committee shall discuss the report under paragraph 1 not later than 15 days from its assignment and shall present to the President of the National Assembly its opinion, proposing a draft resolution on the report. The draft resolution may also contain recommendations to the authority whose activity has been discussed.
(5) The report under paragraph 1 shall be placed on the agenda of the National Assembly within one month from its submission to the National Assembly and shall be considered not later than three months therefrom.
(6) The report in accordance with Art. 84, item 16 of the Constitution shall be discussed after the National Assembly has heard the opinion of the Committee and the statement of the Head of the Supreme Court of Cassation, respectively the Head of the Supreme Administrative Court or the Prosecutor General, each within 10 minutes. The discussion continues with statements by the Members of the National Assembly, which may also contain questions to the Head of the Supreme Court of Cassation, respectively the Head of the Supreme Administrative Court or the Prosecutor General, who shall be obliged to answer them. During the discussion of the report, the Members of the National Assembly may put also questions submitted in writing by citizens, institutions and non-governmental organizations in connection with the report, to which the Head of the Supreme Court of Cassation, respectively the Head of the Supreme Administrative Court or the Prosecutor General shall respond.
(7) The report in accordance with Art. 84, item 17 of the Constitution shall be discussed after the National Assembly has heard the opinion of the Committee and the statement of the submitter, each within 10 minutes. The discussion shall continue with statements by the Members of the National Assembly, which may also contain questions to the submitter, who shall be obliged to answer them.
(8) In the course of the discussion of the report under paragraph 1 the Members of the National Assembly may make proposals for amendments and supplements to the draft resolution proposed by the Committee.
(9) The submitter shall take up a position on the proposals and recommendations made.
(10) The proposals of the Members of the National Assembly under paragraph 8 shall be put to the vote in accordance with Art. 69.
(11) A resolution shall be adopted on the report. The National Assembly may accept or reject the report of the submitter under Art. 84, item 17 of the Constitution. When rejecting the report, the National Assembly shall motivate its decision.
Art. 91. Upon a decision of the National Assembly adopted by the request of one-tenth of the Members of the National Assembly or of a Parliamentary Group, or on its own initiative, the Prosecutor General shall submit to the National Assembly also other reports on the activity of the Prosecutor’s Office on the implementation of the law, the counteraction crime and the realization of penal policy. The discussion of the reports shall be carried out in accordance with Art. 90.
Art. 92. (1) The National Assembly may require the submission of a report by an authority under Art. 84, item 17 of the Constitution on certain issues of its activity, by the proposal of the respective Standing Committee or by one-fifth of the Members of the National Assembly.
(2) In the cases under paragraph 1 the National Assembly shall determine the issues, the period to be covered by the report, and the deadline for its submission.
(3) The discussion of the report under paragraph 1 shall be carried out in accordance with Art. 90.
Art. 93. (1) The National Assembly shall elect in whole or in part bodies in compliance with the legislation in force, following a carried out public procedure.
(2) The nominations together with a curriculum vitae and documents related to the requirements for compatibility, length of service, education and other required documents shall be published on the website of the National Assembly not later than 14 days prior to the hearing, in compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act.
(3) Non-profit legal entities registered for the performance of public benefit activities and professional organizations may, not later than three days prior to the hearing submit to the Committee opinions on the nominee, including also questions to be put to him/her. The mass media may send questions to the Committee to be put to him/her. Anonymous statements and warnings shall not be considered. The opinions shall be published on the website of the National Assembly within three days of their receipt in compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act.
(4) The nominations shall be considered by a Standing Committee of the National Assembly, which shall hear the nominees who meet the requirements of the law, and shall submit a report summarizing the results of the hearing. The hearing shall be public.
(5) The report under paragraph 4 shall contain the conclusion of the Committee on the fulfillment of the minimum legal requirements for the appointment of the position by each nominee and on the existence of data which call into question the nominee’s moral qualities, competence, qualifications, experience and professional qualities. The report also shall take into account the existence of specific training, the motivation, the public reputation and public support for the nominee concerned. The Committee may request additional information from both the nominee and the relevant competent authority.
(6) The report under paragraph 4 shall be circulated to the Members of the National Assembly not later than 24 hours prior to the beginning of the sitting at which the candidatures shall be put to the vote and shall be published on the website of the National Assembly.
(7) The National Assembly shall adopt rules regulating the terms and procedure of nomination of candidates, the submission and public presentation of the documents and the hearing of candidates in the relevant Committee, as well as the procedure for their election by the National Assembly. The draft rules shall be prepared and submitted to the National Assembly by the Standing Committee in charge of each election.
Art. 94. (1) Where the Constitutional Court has ruled that the National Assembly is an interested party to a constitutional lawsuit on challenging a law or another act, the President of the National Assembly shall immediately notify the Committee in charge.
(2) The Committee in charge may prepare an opinion for the Constitutional Court within 14 days. In this case, the opinion shall mandatorily state the motives of the National Assembly for the adoption of the act challenged before the Constitutional Court.
(3) The President of the National Assembly shall forward the opinion to the Constitutional Court.
(4) If the Constitutional Court declare by its decision an individual law or another act or part of it to be unconstitutional, the National Assembly shall settle the arisen thereof legal consequences within two months from the entering into force of the court decision.

Chapter Nine.

Art. 95. (1) The Members of the National Assembly shall address to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister or Minister questions of a topical nature which shall be of public interest and within their sphere of executive power or related to the functioning of the administration governed by them.
(2) Questions concerning the functioning of the Government shall be addressed to the Prime Minister.
Art. 96. (1) The questions shall be addressed by the President of the National Assembly in writing at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of the sitting, at which ministers shall respond. The questions must be formulated accurately and clearly, they shall contain no personal attacks and offensive qualifications and shall be signed by the Member of the National Assembly. When a Member of the National Assembly shall raise a question summarized by meetings with and demands of, civil organizations and citizens, this may be noted in the written question. The response may be in verbal or written form. The response shall be in writing when the Member of the National Assembly has explicitly expressed that in a written request, when a question concerning personal rights or interests has been raised, or when the questions asked contain requests for detailed figures. The time limit for a written response shall be 7 days. The Member of the National Assembly, having asked question presupposing a verbal response, may request in writing alteration of the type of the response until 6 p.m. on the day preceding the parliamentary control. The time limit for the written response shall be 7 days from the day of the alteration request and cannot be postponed by the Minister. The questions and the responses to them submitted on paper and in electronic form, shall be immediately registered in a public register “Parliamentary Control” and published on the website of the National Assembly within the section “Parliamentary Control”.
(2) The President of the National Assembly shall immediately notify the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister or the Minister of the questions addressed and of the day and the time of the sitting, at which he/she shall respond.
(3) The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister or the Minister to whom the question has been addressed may request a postponement of the response, but not more than 7 days from the time limit specified in paragraph 1.
(4) When the Member of the National Assembly who has referred the question is absent from the sitting for valid reasons, the response shall be postponed. Absence for valid reasons shall be certified by a letter from the Member of the National Assembly to the President of the National Assembly until 6 p.m. on the day preceding the parliamentary control. In case of more than three absences, the Minister shall respond in writing within 7 days of the day of the last absence.
(5) When a written response to the question has been received, the Chairman shall announce this at the next parliamentary control sitting and shall hand in a copy thereof to the Member of the National Assembly. Questions for a written response as well as the written responses themselves shall be attached to the stenographic record of the plenary sitting.
(6) Members of the National Assembly may withdraw their questions in writing until 6 p.m. on the day preceding the parliamentary control. The President of the National Assembly shall notify the respective Minister about that.
(7) When Parliamentary Groups have made use of their right under Art. 54, para 6, the parliamentary control time may be extended by the same time-length.
Art. 97. (1) The Member of the National Assembly may register questions requiring a verbal response, complying with the requirements of Art.107, para 1.
(2) The time limit for posing a question shall be up to 2 minutes.
(3) The response of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister or the Minister shall be within 3 minutes. The Member of the National Assembly, who has asked the question, has the right to a rejoinder within 2 minutes, and the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister or the Minister – to a counter-rejoinder also within 2 minutes.
Art. 98. (1) The Members of the National Assembly shall address interpellations to members of the Council of Ministers.
(2) The interpellations must concern the main aspects of the activity of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the individual ministers or the administration they are responsible for.
(3) Interpellations concerning the general policy of the Government shall be addressed to the Prime Minister.
(4) The Member of the National Assembly may register an interpellation requiring a verbal response, complying with the requirements of Art. 107, para 1.
Art. 99. (1) The interpellations shall be obligatory within 14 days from their registration. The response may be verbal or written. The response must be in writing when the requesting Member of the National Assembly has explicitly expressed his/her wish for this. The Member of the National Assembly, having addressed an interpellation requiring a verbal response, may request in writing an alteration of the type of the response until 6 p.m. on the day preceding the parliamentary control. The time limit for the written response shall be 7 days from the day of the alteration request and cannot be postponed by the Minister. The interpellations and the responses to them submitted on paper and in electronic form, shall be immediately registered in a public register “Parliamentary Control” and published on the website of the National Assembly within the section “Parliamentary Control”.
(2) The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Ministers or the relevant Ministers may request an extension of the time limit, but not more than 7 days from the term specified under paragraph 1.
Art. 100. The interpellations shall be addressed by the President of the National Assembly in writing and shall be signed by the Member of the National Assembly. They must be formulated clearly and accurately and shall not contain personal attacks and offensive qualifications.
Art. 101. (1) The Chairman shall announce the submitted interpellations at the beginning of each parliamentary control sitting.
(2) The President of the National Assembly shall inform in due time the Prime Minister, the respective Deputy Prime Minister or Minister for the submitted interpellations and the day and the time of the sitting, at which he/she shall respond.
(3) The response to the interpellation shall be postponed if the Member of the National Assembly who has addressed it is absent from the sitting for valid reasons. Absence for valid reasons shall be certified by a letter from the Member of the National Assembly to the President of the National Assembly until 6 p.m. on the day preceding the parliamentary control.
Art. 102. The Members of the National Assembly may withdraw in writing their interpellations until 6 p.m. on the day preceding the parliamentary control, which shall be announced by the Chairman at the beginning of the parliamentary control sitting and shall notify thereof the Prime Minister, the respective Deputy Prime Minister or Minister.
Art. 103. (1) When the National Assembly commences the consideration of the interpellation, the submitter may develop it within 3 minutes. The response to the interpellation shall be up to 5 minutes.
(2) After the interpellation has been responded, the Member of the National Assembly who has addressed it shall have the right to ask no more than two clarifying questions within 2 minutes in total and the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister or Minister shall respond within 3 minutes. When the response is in writing no clarifying questions shall be allowed.
(3) No debate shall be held on the response to the interpellation and no rejoinders shall be allowed. The Member of the National Assembly who has submitted the interpellation may within 2 minutes express his or her opinion on the response. The Minister shall not be allowed a rejoinder on any grounds.
Art. 104. (1) When a written response to an interpellation has been received, the Chairman shall announce this at the next parliamentary control sitting and shall hand in a copy thereof to the Member of the National Assembly who has addressed the interpellation.
(2) The written interpellations and the written responses thereto shall be attached to the stenographic record.
Art. 105. (1) By proposal of one-fifth of the Members of the National Assembly, the interpellation shall be put to a debate and a resolution shall be adopted. The proposals for debates together with a draft resolution following the response to the interpellation and their registration shall be submitted to the Chairman in the course of the plenary sitting until its closure.
(2) The debates shall be scheduled for the next plenary sitting designated for parliamentary control. After the debate has been scheduled by the President of the National Assembly, the Members of the National Assembly cannot withdraw their signatures from the proposal. The debate shall be held in the presence of the respective Minister in accordance with the order established in Chapter Seven and shall be limited to one hour. The time for discussion shall be allotted among the Parliamentary Groups according to their number, being 5 minutes for the smallest one, and a total up to 5 minutes for the Members of the National Assembly, non- members of a Parliamentary Group.
(3) The Members of the National Assembly may also propose draft resolutions. When more than one draft resolution has been proposed, they shall be put to the vote according the order of their receipt. The voting shall be carried out in accordance with Art. 69.
Art. 106. (1) The National Assembly shall hear the questions, the interpellations and the responses thereto during the last three hours of each Friday sitting, unless it has decided otherwise.
(2) The Prime Minister shall be the first to response, followed by the Deputy Prime Ministers and the Ministers, as the latter shall take turns responding on the principle of rotation.
(3) The questions and the interpellations to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister or Minister shall be addressed according to the order of their entry.
(4) For questions and interpellations on the same subject matter, the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Ministers shall give a common response, applying the provisions of Art. 97 and Art.103.
(5) The Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister or Minister who has not responded within the legal time limit, shall be obliged to appear in person within 10 days to the National Assembly and shall give an explanation about the non-fulfillment of his/her obligation.
(6) The Prime Minister, the respective Deputy Prime Minister or Minister shall respond in person.
Art. 107. (1) The Member of the National Assembly may register a total of two questions or interpellations requiring verbal responses within a single plenary week.
(2) A Member of the National Assembly cannot ask a question or an interpellation that has already been responded.
(3) In the cases, where the questions and the interpellations do not comply with the requirements of these Rules or have not been addressed to a member of the Council of Ministers, within whose line of responsibility lies the subject of the question or the interpellation, the President shall advise the Member of the National Assembly to rectify the discrepancies within a time limit of three days. Within the same time limit the thus advised Member of the National Assembly has the right to challenge in writing the admissibility of the question or the interpellation. After consulting the Presidents’ Council on the controversial admissibility, the President shall take a final decision about which the Member of the National Assembly shall be notified. In the case of a decision, admitting a question or an interpellation, the time limit for a response, under Art. 96, para 1, and Art. 99, para 1, respectively, shall be determined from the date of the final decision.
Art. 108. (1) The Council of Ministers may request from the National Assembly a vote of confidence on its overall policy or on a specific occasion.
(2) The debate shall commence at the next sitting after the receipt of the request for a vote of confidence.
(3) After the closure of the debate, the National Assembly shall adopt a resolution at the same sitting.
(4) The resolution shall be considered passed if more than half of the present Members of the National Assembly have voted for it.
Art. 109. One-fifth of the Members of the National Assembly may propose to the National Assembly a vote of no confidence in the Council of Ministers or the Prime Minister by submitting a motivated draft resolution therefor.
Art. 110. (1) The debate on the draft resolution for a vote of no confidence shall commence no earlier than three days and not later than 7 days after the receipt of the proposal.
(2) Amendments and supplements to the text of the draft resolution cannot be made during the debate.
(3) The draft resolution shall be put to the vote not earlier than 24 hours after the closure of the debate.
(4) The draft resolution shall be considered passed if more than half of all Members of the National Assembly have voted for it.
Art. 111. Where a vote of no confidence in the Council of Ministers has been rejected a new no confidence vote on the same grounds cannot be made in the next 6 months.
Art. 112. (1) The Council of Ministers shall submit to the National Assembly a summarized annual report on the execution of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and of the European Court of Justice of the European Union in cases against the Republic of Bulgaria.
(2) The report under paragraph 1 shall be considered at a joint meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Religion and Human Rights and at a sitting of the National Assembly within three months of its receipt.

Chapter Ten.

Art. 113. (1) The National Assembly or its elected Committees may conduct hearings on matters concerning state or public interests.
(2) When the National Assembly shall proceed with a hearing, the submitter of the proposal for the hearing shall make a statement on the subject matter within 5 minutes. The persons to be heard shall inform the National Assembly on the subject matter of the hearing within 10 minutes. Each of the Parliamentary Groups shall be entitled to 2 questions, and the Members of the National Assembly not participating in a Parliamentary Group - one question in common, each question within 2 minutes towards the respective person being heard. The persons to be heard shall respond to each question immediately upon hearing it. The Parliamentary Groups shall have the right to express their opinion on the responses of the persons being heard within 5 minutes after all questions have been asked.
(3) The Parliamentary Committees may oblige Ministers and officials to attend their meetings and answer the questions raised. Interested organizations and citizens may attend these meetings. Within 7 days after the hearing, the respective Committee shall present to the President of the National Assembly a report on the hearing, which shall be provided to the Members of the National Assembly.
Art. 114. (1) The National Assembly or the elected by it Committees may carry out surveys and inquiries on matters concerning state or public interests.
(2) The Parliamentary Committees may oblige Ministers and officials to attend their meetings and answer the questions raised. Interested organizations and citizens may attend these meetings.
Art. 115. All State bodies and officials of the State and Municipal administration and citizens shall be obliged to supply the necessary information and documents in connection with the issues, subject to hearings, surveys and inquiries, even if the information constitutes a state or official secret.
Art. 116. The form in which the information shall be supplied shall be determined by the National Assembly or by the respective Committee.
Art. 117. (1) Officials and citizens, when invited, shall be obliged to appear before the Parliamentary Committees and shall supply the requested by them information and documents.
(2) The invitation for appearance shall be served by the offices of the National Assembly.

Chapter Eleven.

Art. 118. (1) The Council of Ministers shall submit to the National Assembly the adopted by it Annual Program for the Participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the decision-making process of the European Union within 7 days of its adoption.
(2) The President of the National Assembly shall assign the Annual Program under paragraph 1 among the Standing Committees. Within three weeks of its receipt, the Standing Committees, with the exception of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds, shall draw up their proposals for an Annual Work Program of the National Assembly on Matters of the European Union, taking into consideration the European Commission’s Work Program for the relevant year.
(3) Within 14 days from the expiry of the time limit under paragraph 2 the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds, taking into consideration the proposals of the other Standing Committees, shall draw up a draft for the Annual Work Program of the National Assembly on the Matters of the European Union. The Annual Work Program shall contain a list of the draft acts of the institutions of the European Union in respect of which the National Assembly exercises monitoring and control. The draft Annual Work Program shall be discussed and adopted by the National Assembly.
(4) The President of the National Assembly shall forward the adopted Annual Work Program under paragraph 3 to the Council of Ministers.
(5) In case of newly emerged circumstances, the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds may propose, on its own initiative or by the proposal of other Standing Committees, supplements to the Annual Work Program of the National Assembly on Matters of the European Union, which shall be adopted following the procedure of paragraph 3.
Art. 119. (1) The Council of Ministers shall submit to the National Assembly a Framework Position on the draft act of the European Union institution, included in the Annual Work Program under Art. 118, para 3, within three weeks from the adoption of a decision by the Council for European Affairs at the Council of Ministers for the purpose of approval of the assignment of the Act.
(2) In case of occurrence of circumstances, which necessitate changes in the initial Bulgarian position, the Council of Ministers shall inform the National Assembly in due time of these circumstances and of the changes in the position.
Art. 120. (1) The President of the National Assembly within the time limit under Art. 77, para 1 shall assign to the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds and to the competent Standing Committees the Framework Position submitted by the Council of Ministers under Art. 119, para 1, and the draft act. The draft act shall be drawn from the database under Art. 123 and shall be attached to the Framework Position.
(2) The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds may, at its own initiative or by the proposal of a Standing Committee, impose a parliamentary reservation on a draft act of an European Union institution, included in the Annual Work Program under Art. 118, para 3. The parliamentary reservation shall oblige the Government not to deliver an opinion on the draft act to the Council of the European Union until the pronouncement of the National Assembly, but not later than the third meeting of the preparatory body of the Council, considering the draft act.
Art. 121. (1) The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds shall debate the draft acts of the European Union institutions and the Framework Positions thereof, taking into consideration the reports of the competent Standing Committees if such have been submitted. The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds shall prepare a report on the draft act.
(2) The Standing Committees shall consider the draft on a legislative act for compliance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, observing the time limit specified in Art. 6 of Protocol (No 2) to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
(3) Where a non-compliance with the principle of subsidiarity is found in a draft legislative act of an European Union institution, the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds shall draw up a motivated opinion.
(4) The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds shall present the drawn up report or the motivated opinion to the President of the National Assembly, who shall forward it to the Council of Ministers and the Presidents of the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission within the time limit in Art. 6 of Protocol (No 2) to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Art. 122. The National Assembly shall make a motivated request to the Council of Ministers to submit to the Court of Justice of the European Union a claim on non-compliance with the principle of subsidiarity in a legislative act.
Art. 123. The National Assembly shall organize and maintain a database on the draft acts and other documents of the institutions of the European Union.
Art. 124. (1) The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds shall conduct hearings of candidates for positions in the institutions of the European Union, nominated by the Council of Ministers.
(2) The candidates under paragraph 1 shall be required to attend the meeting of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds and to answer the questions posed by its members.
Art. 125. (1) The National Assembly shall participate in the mechanisms for assessment of the implementation of the European Union’s policies within the area of freedom, security and justice, in the political scrutiny of Europol and in the assessment of the activities of Eurojust.
(2) The National Assembly shall participate in the procedures for revision of the Treaties of the European Union.
(3) The National Assembly shall consider the applications for accession to the European Union.
(4) The National Assembly shall actively participate in the process of inter-parliamentary cooperation within the European Union.
Art. 126. The National Assembly may hold a hearing with the Prime Minister on the position of the Republic of Bulgaria in forthcoming meetings of the European Council.
Art. 127. The Council of Ministers, in pursuance of Art. 105, para 3 of the Constitution, shall inform the National Assembly on issues related to the obligations arising for the Republic of Bulgaria from its membership in the European Union.
Art. 128. The Council of Ministers, acting in pursuance of Art. 105, para 4 of the Constitution, at the beginning of each 6-month period of presidency of the Council of the European Union, shall submit to the National Assembly a report on the participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the decision-making process of the European Union during the previous presidency and on the priorities of the Republic of Bulgaria during the current presidency. The National Assembly shall hold a hearing of the Prime Minister or the Deputy Prime Minister.
Art. 129. At the sittings of the National Assembly under Art. 126 and 128 may participate in a non-voting capacity the members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Bulgaria.

Chapter twelve
Section I.
Legal status

Art. 130.
Each Member of the National Assembly may be elected to the bodies of the National Assembly. He is obliged to participate in their work.
Art. 131. (1) The Members of the National Assembly shall preserve their occupation under an employment relationship in the state or municipal institutions or enterprises, the commercial companies with more than 50 per cent state or municipal participation in the capital or the budget organizations, using unpaid leave until the end of their mandate. This also applies to contractors under management contracts of commercial companies with more than 50 per cent state or municipal participation in the capital, but for no more than the end of the term of the contract.
(2) Where an act of a state or another body is required for the reinstatement at the occupied position, the respective body shall be obliged to issue it.
Art. 132. The time during which the Members of the National Assembly perform their functions shall be considered as professional experience in their specialty, respectively for service experience for the position which they have held before their election.
Art. 133. (1) The Member of the National Assembly may not receive any other remuneration under an employment relationship.
(2) The Members of the National Assembly may receive fees or remuneration under civil relationships.
Art. 134. (1) The Member of the National Assembly may not perform any other civil service or perform any activity which, in accordance with the law, is incompatible with the position of a Member of the National Assembly.
(2) The Member of the National Assembly shall have no right to participate in management or supervisory bodies of commercial companies and cooperatives.
(3) The Member of the National Assembly may continue to participate in collective management bodies and academic bodies of the higher schools and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, except for sole managerial positions.
Art. 135. (1) The Member of the National Assembly shall be entitled to a paid annual leave, coinciding with the recesses of the National Assembly.
(2) The Member of the National Assembly shall have no right to unpaid leave.
Art. 136. (1) The Member of the National Assembly shall be obliged to attend the sittings of the National Assembly and the meetings of the Committees to which he/she has been elected.
(2) A Member of the National Assembly, who has to leave the sitting before its closure or is late for a meeting, shall notify the Secretaries on duty or the leadership of the relevant Committee respectively.
(3) A Member of the National Assembly who has valid reasons to be absent from a sitting of the National Assembly or from a Committee’s meeting shall notify in advance the President of the National Assembly or the Chairman of the Committee respectively.
Art. 137. For the unsettled issues in these Rules shall apply the Labor Code and the Social Security Code, unless this contradicts or is incompatible with the status of Member of the National Assembly.
Art. 138. (1) Members of the National Assembly may not be detained and no criminal proceedings against them may be initiated, except for a committed offense of a general nature, and even then, with the permission of the National Assembly, and when it does not sit (Article 45, para. 2) - with the permission of its President.
(2) No permission for detention shall be required in the case flagrante delicto, in which case immediately shall be notified the National Assembly and, when it does not sit (Article 45 (2)), its President.
(3) Where there is sufficient evidence that a Member of the National Assembly has committed a criminal offense of a general nature, the Chief Prosecutor shall make a reasoned request to the National Assembly and, when it does not sit, to its Chairman, requesting permission for initiation of criminal proceedings. To the request shall be applied sufficient data.
(4) Permission to initiate criminal proceedings shall not be required at the existence of a written consent of the Member of the National Assembly. The Member of the National Assembly shall give his/her written consent to the President of the National Assembly, who shall immediately notify the Prosecutor General and inform the National Assembly at the first plenary sitting upon the receipt of the consent. The given written consent cannot be withdrawn by the Member of the National Assembly.
(5) In cases other than those under paragraph 4, the request of the Prosecutor General and the data attached thereto shall be considered by the National Assembly, which shall pronounce by a resolution not earlier than 5 days after the request has been filed. On request and appearance in person, the Member of the National Assembly shall be heard by the National Assembly.
(6) Where the National Assembly does not sit (Article 45, paragraph 2), a permission for initiation of criminal proceedings against a Member of the National Assembly shall be given by the President of the National Assembly. The permission, given by the President of the National Assembly, shall be submitted for approval by the Members of the National Assembly at the first sitting of the National Assembly.
(7) When the criminal prosecution is finalized with a conviction, by which has been imposed the punishment “imprisonment” for a deliberate crime or when the execution of the “imprisonment” is not postponed, the National Assembly shall decide on the ahead of term termination of the mandate of the Member of the National Assembly.
(8) In the cases where the Prosecutor General has requested the detention of the Member of the National Assembly, the National Assembly shall pronounce by a separate resolution taken pursuant to paragraphs 1-7. It may revoke a given by it permission.
(9) The provision of Art. 70 of the Constitution shall also apply in the cases, where prosecution against a Member of the National Assembly has been initiated prior to his/her election.
Art. 139. The Members of the National Assembly may not be called at wartime service as reservists.
Art. 140. (1) Where a Member, elected by a list voting system of a party or a coalition, be elected as a minister, he/she shall be substitute by the next candidate on the list for the time of his/her fulfilling the functions as a Minister.
(2) When he/she is dismissed as a Minister, his/her powers of a Member of the National Assembly shall be reinstated and those of the substitute shall be terminated. Where more than one substitution has been made from one list, at the reinstatement of the powers of a Member of the National Assembly shall be terminated the powers of the last from the list, who has acquired them by substitution.
Art. 141. The state and the local authorities and their administrations shall be obliged to assist the Member of the National Assembly and to provide him/her on request with information and documents, related to the fulfillment of his/her powers. The Member of the National Assembly shall be entitled to access to the state and the local authorities and organizations.

Section II.
Ethical standards of conduct

Art. 142. The Member of the National Assembly shall perform his/her powers with observance of the rule of law and the protection of the public interest, guided by the principles of non-alignment with private interests, openness, accountability and transparency.
Art. 143. The Member of the National Assembly shall treat the citizens with due respect, regardless of their political bias, their official position and the expressed by them opinion.
Art. 144. (1) The Member of the National Assembly shall not give consent to exercise his/her powers in the private interest of natural or legal persons.
(2) The Member of the National Assembly shall not give consent or use his official status for advertising activity.
Art. 145. (1) The Member of the National Assembly shall not allow himself/herself to be placed in financial dependence or other involvement with natural or legal persons, which could affect the fulfillment of his/her powers.
(2) The Member of the National Assembly shall perform his/her powers without seeking or receiving material or other benefits for himself/herself or for the persons related to him/her, within the meaning of the Law for Prevention and Conflict of Interests.
(3) The Member of the National Assembly shall not take actions that violate the principle of the separation of powers and the independence of state bodies.
Art. 146. The Member of the National Assembly shall declare property, income and expenses in the country and abroad under the Law on the Publicity of the Property of Persons holding high state and other positions.
Art. 147. When submitting bills, speaking or voting in a plenary sitting or in a Committee, a Member of the National Assembly with a private interest in the problem in the meaning of the Law on the Prevention and Establishment of Conflict of Interests shall be obliged to declare it.
Art. 148. The Member of the National Assembly shall be obliged to protect the confidentiality of the information obtained in the exercise of his/her powers as well as the information, concerning the personal life of the Members of the National Assembly.
Art. 149. (1) The Member of the National Assembly shall not use his/her official position to obtain special privileges or benefits.
(2) The Member of the National Assembly shall not in this capacity accept gifts, unless such of protocol nature and up to one-tenth of his/her basic monthly remuneration for the respective month. Gifts above this value shall be handed over to the National Assembly and shall be announced in a public register of the National Assembly.
Art. 150. The Committee for Combating Corruption, Conflict of Interest and Parliamentary Ethics shall provide explanations to the Members of the National Assembly on the application of the ethic conduct norms. On request of the Members of the National Assembly, the provision of explanations may be confidential.
Art. 151. (1) The Member of the National Assembly may announce an address and e-mail for contacts.
(2) The Member of the National Assembly shall hold meetings with voters, including in the electoral territories, except at the time for plenary sittings or committee meetings.
(3) The Member of the National Assembly may announce on his/her website information on the schedule of his/her meetings with voters, his speeches, proposals and opinions on bills, as well as the names of the associates, telephone and e-mail address for contact.
Art. 152. The Member of the National Assembly shall be entitled to no more than three part-time associates. At the National Assembly shall be set up and kept a register of the part-time associates. The register shall also include the persons involved in the preparation, discussion and adoption of acts or documents in the National Assembly under a civil contract.
Art. 153. (1) The Committee for Combating Corruption, Conflict of Interests and Parliamentary Ethics may establish a breach under this Section and may pass a decision, by which it may impose the following measures:
1. reprimand;
2. censure;
3. temporary removal from one to three meetings of the Committee.
(2) When determining the measure, the Committee shall take into consideration the gravity of the breach and its occasional, repetitive or systematic nature.
(3) The removed Member of the National Assembly shall not receive remuneration for the meetings from which he has been removed.
Art. 154. (1) Any Member of the National Assembly, natural or legal person, may lodge a complaint or a warning for breach of the ethical norms of conduct to the Committee for Combating Corruption, Conflict of Interest and Parliamentary Ethics in the procedure, set forth by the rules under paragraph 4.
(2) The Committee for Combating Corruption, Conflict of Interests and Parliamentary Ethics shall decide on imposing a measure in accordance with Art. 153, para 1 after the Member of the National Assembly has been heard and acquainted with all the materials related to the breach of ethical conduct norms. The Committee shall publish the decision in a public register of the National Assembly after it has been announced to the Member of the National Assembly.
(3) The Member of the National Assembly shall be entitled to express an opinion on the decision, which shall be published in the register under paragraph 2.
(4) The Committee under paragraph 1 shall adopt rules for the application of this Section.

Section III.
Parliamentary behavior

Art. 155. (1) The behavior of the Member of the National Assembly shall be based on consideration the authority of the National Assembly and respect for the other Members of the National Assembly and outside persons. It shall not interfere with the normal running of the parliamentary work or the order in the building of the National Assembly.
(2) Members of the National Assembly shall not interrupt the speaker from their seats, address personal attacks, offensive words, gestures or threats against anyone, to disclose data concerning the private life or damaging the reputation of the citizens, to have improper behavior or perform acts that violate the order of the sitting.
Art. 156. The following disciplinary measures may be imposed on a Member of the National Assembly:
1. reminder;
2. reprimand;
3. censure;
4. taking away the word;
5. removal from a sitting;
6. removal from up to three sittings.
Art. 157. Reminder is made by the Chairman to a Member of the National Assembly, who deviates from the subject of the debate.
Art. 158. A reprimand is made by the Chairman to a Member of the National Assembly, who has turned to a colleague or colleagues with offensive words, gestures or threats.
Art. 159. A censure shall be imposed by the Chairman to a Member of the National Assembly who violates the order of the meeting or has caused disorder in the Plenary hall.
Art. 160. The Chairman shall take away the word from any Member of the National Assembly, to whom:
1. during his/her speech have been imposed two of the disciplinary measures provided in Art. 156, items 1 - 3;
2. after expiry of the speaking time continues his/her statement, despite the Chairman’s invitation to end it.
Art. 161. The Chairman may remove from one sitting a Member of the National Assembly who:
1. objects against imposed disciplinary measure in a rude and indecent manner;
2. continuously does not give a chance for normal work in the plenary hall;
3. votes with someone else’s card.
Art. 162. (1) The Chairman may remove for more than one sitting, but not more than three sittings a Member of the National Assembly who:
1. offends the National Assembly, the members of the Council of Ministers, the President or the Vice President of the Republic or other state bodies;
2. calls for or exercise violence in the plenary hall or in the building of the National Assembly.
(2) The suspended Member of the National Assembly under paragraph 1 and Art. 161 shall not be remunerated for the sittings from which he has been removed.
(3) The Member of the National Assembly shall be entitled to contest the imposed disciplinary measure before the President of the National Assembly within three days after its imposition. The Presidents’s Council may reasonably confirm, repeal or amend the disciplinary measure imposed.
Art. 163. On the website of the National Assembly shall be published information on the disciplinary measures imposed on the Members of the National Assembly pursuant to Art. 156.
Art. 164. Each month on the website of the National Assembly shall be published information on the unjustified absences of Members of the National Assembly from meetings of the Standing Committees, the subcommittees, the working groups and the plenary sittings. The information shall be published not later than 7 days after the end of the month to which it relates.

Additional provisions

§ 1. (1) The Rules for the organization and the activity of the National Assembly may be amended upon a proposal of the President of the National Assembly or at the request of a Member of the National Assembly.
(2) The proposal shall be considered by the Committee on Legal Affairs within 14 days.
(3) The opinion of the Committee shall be submitted to the President of the National Assembly, who shall provide it in writing to each Member of the National Assembly.
§ 2. On matters not regulated by these Rules, the National Assembly shall pass resolutions.
§ 3. “Chairman” within the meaning of these Rules shall be the chairman of the respective plenary sitting of the National Assembly.
§ 4. The term “present” at secret ballot shall be understood as the Members of the National Assembly, who have taken part in the vote. By “present” at open vote shall be understood the number of Members of the National Assembly, who have registered themselves prior to the start of the vote.
§ 5. The term “number of a parliamentary group” shall mean the number of the group at the moment of passing the relevant resolution by the National Assembly.
§ 6. (1) In exercising its powers the National Assembly shall be assisted by an administration.
(2) Employees in the administration of the National Assembly shall be parliamentary officials, whose statute shall be determined in the Rules under Art. 8, para 1, item 13.
(3) By the Classifier of the positions in the administration of the National Assembly shall be determined: the number of the parliamentary officials, the names of the positions, the minimum educational degree, the minimum grade and/or professional experience, the type of relations, other requirements for occupying the position, as well as the minimum and the maximum amount of remuneration for each position.
(4) The Chief Secretary of the National Assembly shall exercise urgent administrative functions of the President of the National Assembly under these Rules and by law, when the mandate of the National Assembly has expired or is terminated ahead of term, until the election of the President of the National Assembly.
§ 7. The submission of all the drafts, documents and other materials needed for the members of the National Assembly to work in plenary shall be done through the official e-mail. As day and time of submission shall be considered the day and time at which they have been sent. The President of the National Assembly may, if necessary, order the submission of the materials on paper in the plenary hall - during a plenary sitting or in Parliamentary Groups.
§ 8. The time limits of these Rules shall be calculated according to the procedure of the Civil Procedure Code. The last day of a time limit expires at 6 p.m.

Final provisions

§ 9. The provision of Art. 51, para 1 on the broadcasting of the open sittings of the National Assembly by a parliamentary television channel (BNT) shall be applied from the moment of providing a technical and financial opportunity thereof.
§ 10. (Amend., SG 34/18) (1) Article 118 shall not apply from July 1st 2017 to December 31st 2018.
(2) The Standing committees, with the exception of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds, shall elaborate by their competence the proposals for the Annual Working Programme of the National Assembly on European Union issues for 2018, taking into account the published 2018 Commission Work Programme. The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds, taking into consideration the proposals of the other standing committees, shall elaborate a draft of the Annual Working Programme of the National Assembly on European Union issues for 2018. The Annual Working Programme contains a list of drafts of acts of the EU institutions, to which the National Assembly exercises monitoring and control. The draft of the Annual Working Programme is discussed and adopted by the National Assembly. The President of the National Assembly shall send the adopted Annual Working Programme to the Council of Ministers. In the event of new circumstances, the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds may propose, on its own initiative or on a proposal from other standing committees, Appendices to the Annual Working Programme of the National Assembly on European Union issues for 2018, which shall be adopted in the order of the second, third and fourth sentences. Articles 119, 120 and 121 shall apply accordingly.
(3) The Council of Ministers shall also submit for information to the National Assembly other documents related to the conduct of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2018.
§ 11. These Rules are adopted on the basis of Art. 73 of the Constitution and repeal the Rules for the organization and the activity of the National Assembly (promulgated in the State Gazette No. 97 of 2014, amended, No. 13 and 86 of 2015 and No. 86 of 2016).
§ 12. The Rules shall enter into force on the day of their promulgation in the State Gazette.
The Rules were adopted by the 44th National Assembly on April 27th 2017 and sealed with the official seal of the National Assembly.

Annex to Art. 76, para 1
Methodology for making a preliminary impact assessment of bills
Elements of evaluation Sample arguments
Grounds for the legislative initiative The public relations that the legislative initiative seeks to regulate are determined. A brief explanation of the reasons and the changes in the public relations, which necessitate the need for normative regulation.
Parties concerned The Impact Assessment shall include a brief description of stakeholders from the adoption of the legislative initiative (businesses, NGOs, citizens, public authorities, others), the extent to which it concerns them, and their attitude to the legislative initiative.
The expected impact of the legislative initiative on specific groups and public relations, as well as the methods used to identify them, such as surveys, public consultations, comparative analyzes, etc., shall be indicated.
Analysis of costs and benefits Described shall be the economic, social and other public expenditures needed to implement the legislative initiative. Described shall be the costs which are expected to be significant and the costs which are of second level.
Described shall be the economic, social and other benefits resulting from the adoption of the legislative initiative. Described shall be how the expected benefits correspond to the objectives set.
Administrative Burdens and Structural Changes 1. Expected and necessary administrative changes are introduced, such as closure, merger or creation of new administrative structures;
2. Information on the administrative burden implied by the relevant legislative initiative shall be provided. Indicated shall be whether regulatory regimes and fees are introduced or amended. Determined shall be whether they relieve or not the regulatory environment.
Regulatory Impact Included shall be information on the need for immediate or subsequent changes to other statutory instruments as a result of the adoption of the legislative initiative.

Annex to the Rules
Financial Rules, regarding the Budget of the National Assembly

Art. 1. (1) The independent budget of the National Assembly shall be part of the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.
(2) The budget of the Economic and Social Council shall be part of the budget of the National Assembly.
(3) The budget of the National Assembly shall include all revenues from the activities of its second-level budget spending units, the administrative and business expenses, the maintenance of the parliamentary groups, the expenses of the committees, of the Members of the National Assembly, the international activity and the inter-parliamentary organizations.
(4) From the budget of the National Assembly may also be financed specific projects and programs, related to the formation of democratic civic culture, leadership skills and democratic practices in the decision-making process, as well as training courses for Members of the National Assembly and leaders of all Parliamentary parties and coalitions in view of the membership of the Republic of Bulgaria in the European Union.
(5) The second-level budget spending units of the National Assembly’s budget are the heads of the Economic and Social Council, the editorial office of “State Gazette”, the National Center for Parliamentary Research, the Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Cooperation in South East Europe at the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Medical-rehabilitation facility of the National Assembly - Velingrad, the Publishing activity and the Food Complex.
(6) In the budget of the National Assembly every year are provided funds for the Program “Student Program for Legislative Studies in the National Assembly”. The surveys are published on the website of the program within the website of the National Assembly.
(7) In the budget of the National Assembly shall be provided each year an unforeseen and / or urgent expenses reserve.
Art. 2. (1) The President of the National Assembly or a person authorized by him/her, shall approve a budgetary procedure, by which shall be determined the procedure and the terms for drafting a medium-term budget forecast and a draft budget of the National Assembly on the basis of the decision of the Council of Ministers to adopt the budget procedure for drafting of a three-year budget forecast and the state budget for the following year.
(2) The “Parliamentary Budget and Finance” Directorate shall coordinate and prepare the drafts of the medium-term budget forecast and of the budget of the National Assembly, and the draft of the accompanying reports. The summarized drafts of the budget forecast and the budget are drawn up on the basis of the projects of the primary and secondary level budget spending units. The Standing Subcommittee on Public Sector Accountability to the Budget and Finance Committee shall consider the drawn up draft of the budget forecast and budget, and shall deliver opinions on them. The draft budget forecast, draft budget, draft reports and opinions of the subcommittee shall be submitted to the President of the National Assembly.
Art. 3. The use of the reserve for unforeseen and/or urgent expenses in the budget of the National Assembly shall be made by an order of the President of the National Assembly.
Art. 4. (1) The “Parliamentary Budget and Finance” Directorate shall prepare a report to the annual cash report on the implementation of the budget of the National Assembly on the basis of the accounts of the primary and secondary level budget spending units, after the auditing of the annual financial statements of the National Assembly by the National Audit Office. The report shall be submitted to the President of the National Assembly, who shall forward it to the Standing Subcommittee on Public Sector Accountability to the Budget and Finance Committee.
(2) The report to the annual cash report on the implementation of the budget of the National Assembly together with the audit opinion and the audit report of the National Audit Office and the opinion of the subcommittee under paragraph 1 shall be submitted to the President of the National Assembly. The President of the National Assembly shall notify in writing the Minister of Finance about the opinion of the Standing Subcommittee under paragraph 1.
(3) The report on the implementation of the budget of the National Assembly shall be adopted by the National Assembly together with the annual report on the implementation of the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria
Art. 5. The Members of the National Assembly shall receive basic monthly remuneration equal to three average monthly salaries of the employed persons under labor and employment relationship in the public sector, according to the data of the National Statistical Institute. The basic monthly remuneration shall be recalculated quarterly, taking into account the average monthly salary for the last month of the previous quarter.
Art. 6. (1) The President of the National Assembly shall receive monthly remuneration with 55% higher than the basic monthly remuneration under Art. 5, the Deputy Presidents of the National Assembly – by 45 per cent, the Chairmen of the Parliamentary Committees and the Chairmen of the Parliamentary Groups under Art. 9 of the Rules of Procedure - by 35 per cent, the Deputy Chairmen of Committees - by 25 per cent, the members of a Standing Committees - by 15 per cent, and the Secretaries of the National Assembly - by 10 per cent.
(2) Where a Parliamentary Group is co-chaired a remuneration for one chairman is due.
(3) A Member of the National Assembly, who holds more than one senior position, shall receive the higher remuneration from among them - for one of the positions, and for the other positions – shall receive remuneration as a member.
(4) For participation in Subcommittees, Ad Hoc committees as well as in Working Groups, elected by the Standing Committees, the Members of the National Assembly shall be remunerated in proportion to the working time, but not more than 5 per cent of the basic monthly remuneration. When extending the period of the activities of the Ad Hoc Committees and Working Groups, shall be decided whether the participants in them shall receive additional remuneration.
Art. 7. (1) To the basic monthly remuneration specified in Art. 5 and 6, additional monthly remuneration for length of service and professional experience shall be accrued - 1 per cent for each year of service, for a degree “PhD”- 10 per cent and for “DSc” - 15 per cent of the basic monthly remuneration of a Member of the National Assembly.
(2) Members of the National Assembly may receive additional remuneration in the implementation of priority tasks for the country.
(3) Out of the accrued remuneration under Art. 5 and 6 and para 1 and 2, deductions shall be made at the expense of the insured persons for social security contributions under the Social Insurance Code, the Health Insurance Act, for tax under the Income Taxes on Natural Persons Act, for other deductions determined by law, as well as the deductions under Art. 13.
Art. 8. Members of the National Assembly shall be insured for all insurance cases with a percentage of third category of labor and shall be insured under the risk “Life insurance”.
Art. 9. Any additional costs of an attendant and assistant to a Member of the National Assembly with disabilities shall be borne by the budget of the National Assembly.
Art. 10. (1) The transport expenses of a national representative shall be recognized when traveling with state and municipal intra-urban transport, rail, road and water transport - first class, and sleeping space for the entire internal transport network.
(2) The transport expenses of the deputies on private bus lines shall be recognized in connection with their activity as Member of the National Assembly.
(3) The transport expenses of Members of the National Assembly, elected in regions located in areas with an aircraft link, located at more than 250 km from Sofia to a total of 40 airline tickets per year - one way or two-way, and to the rest- to a total of 12 airline tickets per year - one way or two-way, in connection with their activity as Members of the National Assembly.
(4) To the Members of the National Assembly, who do not own a family home on the territory of Sofia Municipality shall be provided free of charge for housing in Sofia from the mandate housing stock of the National Assembly, as the cost of overhauling, type furnishing, security by means of signal security equipment or otherwise, the taxes and fees under the Local Taxes and Fees Act shall be borne by the budget of the National Assembly.
(5) Members of the National Assembly shall be entitled to accommodation and subsistence allowances at the expense of the National Assembly when visiting the electoral region. The size of the accommodation and the limit of the travel expenses, when riding his own car, shall be determined by the President of the National Assembly. This issue shall be regulated by an internal act issued by the President of the National Assembly.
(6) The Members of the National Assembly shall have the right to a working place in Sofia, provided by the National Assembly with the necessary technical and communication means, as well as on an official website on the Internet maintained on the server of the National Assembly.
(7) The National Assembly shall provide, against payment, if necessary, to the Members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Bulgaria, a working space in their buildings with the necessary technical and communication means. The expenses shall be borne by the Member of the European Parliament concerned.
Art. 11. The National Assembly shall bear additional expenses of the Members of the National Assembly organized in parliamentary groups and of the non-members of parliamentary groups, amounting to two-thirds of the basic monthly remuneration of the Members of the National Assembly under Art. 5. The sum shall be provided to Parliamentary Groups and to the Members of the National Assembly non-members of Parliamentary Groups. The Parliamentary Groups shall define the way the funds are distributed, reported and controlled. These funds shall be used to pay assistants, consultations, expert examinations, renting of premises and other activities related to the work of Members of the National Assembly in the National Assembly and their electoral regions. Members of the National Assembly shall inform the Parliamentary Group every three months about the funds spent, which may also be announced on their website. The Member of the National Assembly, non-members of Parliamentary Groups shall announce every three months on their Internet site information on the funds they spent. Additional costs shall be taxed under the Corporate Income Tax Act.
Art. 12. The budget of the National Assembly includes representative expenses of the President and Deputy Presidents of the National Assembly, of the Chairmen of the Parliamentary Groups, of the Chairmen of the Standing Committees, as well as the resources for welcoming guests, invited by the National Assembly.
Art. 13. (1) In case of unjustified absence from the plenary sitting of the Member of the National Assembly, a deduction shall be made equal to his/her daily remuneration.
(2) In case of unjustified absence from a meeting of a parliamentary committee, a subcommittee and a working group to the Member of the National Assembly shall be made a deduction, equal to the respective supplement for participation in the meeting.
(3) In case of unjustified absence of three consecutive or totally 5 plenary sittings for the respective month of the Members of the National Assembly, a deduction equal to two-thirds of the monthly remuneration shall be made and the National Assembly shall not bear more than one third of its additional expenses under Art. 11.
(4) Where, due to lack of quorum, the sitting of the National Assembly shall not open or shall be terminated, to the Members of the National Assembly, who have been absent without valid reasons from the sitting shall be made a deduction, equal to two thirds of the daily salary.
(5) The data shall be taken from the printouts for registration and voting, reports from the Chairmen of the Parliamentary Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups and from the stenographic records.
Art. 14. The sums collected under Art. 13, shall be assigned as budget savings of the National Assembly.
Art. 15. (1) The remunerations under Art. 5 and 7 shall be accrued from the election day and for the additional entry as members of the National Assembly - as of the day on which the Member of the National Assembly has been declared elected by the Central Electoral Commission. Under Art. 6 the remuneration shall be charged from the date of election of the Member of the National Assembly to the respective positions and as members of the committees.
(2) Ministers elected to the National Assembly in the next National Assembly shall declare from which state body they wish to receive their remuneration for the period until the election of a new Council of Ministers.
Art. 16. (1) A Parliamentary employee who has acquired a right to a pension for a period of contribution and age, shall be entitled to a one-off cash indemnity amounting to as many basic salaries as the years of service in the National Assembly but not more than 10.
(2) To the Parliamentary employees, occupied in the budget sphere, shall be paid every year the amount of up to two average monthly salaries for clothing.
Art. 17. The National Center for Parliamentary Researches shall publish on its website within the Internet site of the National Assembly its work plan, the studies conducted or the studies ordered at the request of the National Assembly, a Parliamentary Group or a Committee, and the subsequent impact assessments of the laws assigned by the Committees under Art. 28, para 2, financed by the budget of the National Assembly, the publications and archives made according to years and themes.