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Minister Tomislav Donchev presented before the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds the progress in 2010 in relation to the absorption of the European funds in the country
On January 12, the Minister in charge of the EU funds in the country Mr. Tomislav Donchev presented before the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds the progress in 2010 in relation to the absorption of the funds under the Operational Programmes of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Amongst the more important aspects of the presentation on the topic, the following facts have been distinguished:

• In the beginning of 2010 our country has been given a Positive Compliance Assessment of the Management and Control Systems for all seven Operational Programmes, co-financed by the Structural and Cohesion Funds of the EU, thus providing the opportunity for executing also Interim Payments;
• At the end of 2010, 40% of the allocated funds for the Programming Period 2007 – 2013, under the seven Operational Programmes, have been contracted successfully, and the payments have reached the amount of 10% (at the end of 2009, this indicator is barely reaching 2,59%);
• The grant award procedures have been improved and the cooperation of all stakeholders in the process of EU funds management has been strengthened for the sake of the timely solution of the emerging issues;
• Together with the intensive implementation of the Programmes of the current Programming Period, in 2011 serious efforts will be also put in the preparation of the country for its participation in the next Programming Period of the EU Cohesion Policy (2014 – 2020).

During the Committee Meeting, Mr. Valeriy Dimitrov – President of the Bulgarian National Audit Office and Ms. Dobrinka Mihailova – Executive Director of the “Audit of EU Funds” Executive Agency, presented the opinion of their structures concerning the overall effectiveness of the Management and Control System functioning in the country in relation to the European Funds, based on the audits carried out in 2010.

The Vice President of the Bulgarian Industrial Association and Chairman of the Council for Public Consultations at the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds – Mr. Kamen Kolev, focused the attention on the main directions in the activity of this advisory body in 2010, that has been established in the first quarter of 2010, underlying the fruitful cooperation between the business, science and NGO representatives in the framework of the Council for Public Consultations and the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds.

The information on the 2010 progress in the absorption of the European Funds in the country presented during the Meeting will be used in the elaboration of the Annual Report of the Committee on the absorption of the EU funds in the Republic of Bulgaria in 2010.

The Report from the hearing can be found at (available only in Bulgarian):