National Assembly archive
The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds approved a draft Annual Working Programme of the National Assembly on issues of the European Union for 2011
The Draft Annual Working Programme (AWP) of the National Assembly on issues of the European Union for 2011 was discussed and approved on 23rd February 2011 at a CEAOEF’s session. The Chairwoman of the Committee, Ms. Monika Panayotova pointed out that for the first time the AWP is a result of a wide discussion with all stakeholders on topical issues of national and European importance. In this regard, Ms. Panayotova mentioned the working meetings, that were held on her initiative with the Bulgarian Members of the European Parliament, the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Council on European Affairs to the Council of Ministers - Mr. Konstantin Dimitrov, the Ambassadors of the EU Presidency Trio and the meeting with the Bulgarian Commissioner – Ms. Kristalina Georgieva. As a result, the AWP of the National Assembly is in compliance with the priorities of the Government’s Annual Program for the Participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the European Union decision-making process, the Working Programme of the European Commission for 2011 and the priorities of the Triple Presidency of the EU.
In order to put a strategic focus to the National Assembly Agenda on EU affairs, Ms. Panayotova added that in the process of elaboration of the AWP a new approached has been applied – all EU draft legislative acts are divided into 5 priority fields: intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth – acceleration of the implementation of the “EU 2020” Strategy; economic and financial governance; a modern EU budget – draft proposals, related to the multiannual financial framework; an area of freedom, security and justice, and powerful EU on the regional and international scene.
Ms. Panayotova emphasized that in comparison to previous years, the 2011 AWP for the first time covers predominantly the new European dossiers, so that the National Assembly could be able to exercise more actively its new prerogatives under the Lisbon Treaty, related to the subsidiarity principle.
In conclusion, Ms. Panayotova declared that CEAOEF would rely on the close cooperation with the executive power – the Council of Ministers and the relative ministries, for the successful implementation of this ambitious Programme that includes 65 draft European acts.
The Draft Annual Working Programme for 2011 will be discussed and approved in the Plenary.