National Assembly archive
Danuta Hubner: “Don’t let the others decide instead of you”
On 1 April 2011 Professor Danuta Hübner, Chairwoman of the Regional Policy Committee within the European Parliament, held a meeting with the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds and the Regional Policy and Local Self- Government Committee within the National Assembly. During the short meeting, Ms. Hübner gave some valuable pieces of advice on the Bulgarian participation in the EU decision - making procedures.
Professor Hübner called for active participation of the Bulgarian government and all the parliamentary committees in the discussion process on the future of EU Cohesion policy. She stated that the Bulgarian Parliament’s position and its participation in the discussions on the regional policy future are of primary importance after the entry of the Treaty of Lisbon into force. Mrs. Hubner advised the Bulgarian politicians to reach consensus on the national positions, related to the forthcoming considerations of the EU budget framework which are expected to begin after the summer. In the autumn are to be put on the agenda the preliminary considerations of the European Commission’s regulations related to definition of the new Cohesion policy parameters.
Besides the recommendation for the Bulgarian parliament to express in due time its opinion on the considerations in the European Parliament, the guest backed with arguments the necessity of establishing relations with other national parliaments in order to build a stronger network between the Member States for the protection of the positions defined.
“Do not let the others decide instead of you” appealed Mrs Hubner. She pointed out that Brussels is not the place where we could only hear of definite positions; there we should state ours in order to make our voice heard at each stage, as early as possible and influence the decision-making procedures at European level.
A key accent of the meeting was Bulgaria’s regional policy. According to Professor Hubner more decision – making opportunities should be transmitted to regional level because the local authorities know best what is important for them. In that regard, an emphasis should be put on the local administration’s preparation for drawing-up and realization of projects, financed by the EU funds. Mrs Hubner outlined that Bulgaria needs a strategic policy for the municipalities’ development, emphasizing on continuity.
The chairwoman of the Committee on the European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds, Ms. Monika Panayotova concluded that the Bulgarian policy is directed to a due participation in the decision-making at EU level all the way until the decisions become final. She stressed that the national Parliament would cooperate with the Government through recommendations on the definition of the priorities for the next Programming Period. The chairwoman of CEAOEF added that although the older EU Member States are oriented to innovation funds increasement, financial engineering and revolving instruments, Bulgaria should keep standing up for infrastructure grants. Professor Hubner agreed with the appeal and reckoned that the European Institutions are aware that some Member States need an infrastructure development which would have an impact on the whole economic situation.
Ms. Panayotova expressed assurance that it is an open–ended meeting and that the close cooperation between the European Parliament and the national parliaments, in the context of their new and expanded role after the Treaty of Lisbon, will continue.