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The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds (CEAOEF) examined the 2012 draft budget of the Republic of Bulgaria
The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds (CEAOEF) examined the 2012 draft budget of the Republic of Bulgaria regarding the European funds expenditure and the set aims to conduct a stable fiscal policy.

The budget framework 2012-2014 aims at maintaining the fiscal discipline through a strict control over the expenditures and deficit size. Deputy Finance Minister Mrs. Boryana Pencheva announced that the 2012 budget is based on the fiscal consolidation – a general recommendation to Bulgaria by the European Commission. The 2012 budget also incorporates the European Semester priorities. It sets a significantly lower deficit in comparison to the Maastricht criteria (1.35% of GDP comparing to 3%) and one of the lowest consolidated public debt/GDP values – 19% (the Maastricht criteria state it should not exceed 60%).

The 2012 instalment for the EU budget is expected to be 895,7 million leva. In the 2012 draft budget the total expenditures for EU programmes are fixed at 4 497,9 million leva (including national co-financing). The planned revenues are 3 820,9 million leva plus national co-financing at the amount of 918,4 million leva.

Due to the concluding phase of the pre-accession instruments, the expected total revenues for 2012 (interests only) under PHARE and ISPA add up to 900 thousand leva.

The total expenditures planned (european and national co-financing) in the 2012 budget draft regarding the seven Operational Programmes amount to 3 691,98 million leva and the planned total revenues - 3 276,01 million leva. The national co-financing for the Operational Programmes is 632,55 million leva. The above mentioned figures exceed significantly the 2 008,2 million leva in the 2011 draft budget. The 84% growth of the expenditures set in the 2012 draft budget is explained with the phase of programme fulfillment, as well as with projects’ nature. According to Minister Tomislav Donchev, the prognosis is realistic as the amount of EU funds received until the end of 2012 should double. Also, enough resources have been provided for co-financing.

Deputy Finance Minister Boryana Pencheva confirmed the data announced by her colleague, describing it as realistic. She explained that the planning has been conducted on the basis of specific projects, which are currently being realized. Therefore, a larger intensity of payments is expected during 2012. As an example, Mrs. Pencheva pointed out the base infrastructural projects in the “Transport” sector such as the “Trakia”, “Struma”, “Maritsa” highways.

The distribution of the expenditures for the seven Operational Programmes in the 2012 draft budget is as follows: OP “Environment” – 466,05 million leva; OP “Transport” – 1 464,10 million leva; OP “Regional Development” – 713,42 million leva; OP “Competitiveness” – 346,96 million leva; OP “Administrative Capacity” – 63,45 million leva; OP “Human Resource Development” – 583,94 million leva; OP “Technical Assistance” – 9 million leva.

In regard to the Common Agricultural Policy, the funding is provided through the European Agricultural Fund. In 2012 our country is expected to spend 630 million leva on agricultural regions (of which: 478 million provided from the EU and 152 million leva national co-financing). 31,9 million leva are allocated for OP Common Fisheries Policy, 23,9 million of which are European financing and 8 million leva national resources.

CEAOEF considers the 2012 draft budget a result of conservative fiscal policy. It is based on low taxes and limited redistributive role of the state, while keeping fiscal discipline via a balanced budget and low levels of national debt. The objective purpose is creating favourable conditions for economic growth and foreign investments.