National Assembly archive
The 2014-2020 EU Cohesion Policy legislative package- a focus on the results and a better fiscal discipline opportunity
At a regular sitting, held on November 30th, 2011, the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds, overviewed the 2014-2020 EU Cohesion Policy legislative package, presented by Tomislav Donchev – Minister in charge of the EU funds management. In the context of the future Cohesion Policy and Bulgaria’s place in the debate, the following important messages were outdrawn by Minister Donchev:
• The new Cohesion Policy sets a strong focus on the results in order to achieve the 2020 Europe Strategy objectives. It shall become part of the so called Partnership Treaties between the European Commission and Member States, which serve as a basis for grant allocation.
• The Cohesion Policy after 2014 could be an instrument for better fiscal discipline, based on the proposals to link the Member States’ macro-economic data with the EU funding (the so called “conditionalities”).
• The Cohesion Policy is a premise for better policies coordination through the proposal for incorporating preliminary conditions which should be met prior to the EU financing.
Minister Donchev also shared that in the next programming period multi-fund programmes shall be stimulated. It would make possible, depending on the priorities, different sources of financing (CF, ERDF, ECF) to be used in the framework of one operational programme. CEAOEF has also greeted this approach in its statement. According to the Minister in charge of EU funds management, during the 2014-2020 period EU funds for Bulgaria shall be managed by less operational programmes.
Mr. Donchev also presented the new Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) as a good opportunity to create an intelligent infrastructure network in Europe through realization of big projects in the railway, energy and ICT areas. The facility still lacks clarity of specific parameters at European level (incl. sources of financing). Nevertheless, Minister Donchev informed about the ongoing preparation of a project list through which Bulgaria shall be ready to apply for financing under CEF. As particularly important for Bulgaria, Minister Donchev pointed out the project for modernizing the Vidin-Sofia-Kulata railway network - part of a Trans-European Transport Corridor.
The CEAOEF Chairwoman, Ms. Monika Panayotova, announced that the Committee is highly interested in the 2014-2020 programming processes. In that regard, Minister Donchev declared his willingness to present to CEAOEF in the spring of 2012 a single document with the ministries’ sectoral strategies. It shall be the basis for the National Development Program elaboration.