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Hearing on the Schengen Facility implementation before the Committee on European affairs and Oversight of the European Funds
The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds (CEAOEF) held a hearing on the results achieved and actions taken, regarding the Schengen Facility conclusion.
Mr. Dimitar Georgiev, Deputy Minister of Interior presented to the CEAOEF members the verification, certification and audit results under the Schengen Facility. It became clear that 99,5 % of the financing allocated to the Republic of Bulgaria under the Schengen Facility has been certified.
According to the commitments made, The Republic of Bulgaria has sent to the European Commission a final report on the Schengen Facility implementation, which includes information on the National Indicative Programme 2007-2009 entire implementation, the final results achieved, the funds management under the Facility, the verification, certification and audit results, etc.
Mr. Georgiev informed that between 29 August and 16 September 2011 there has been an Audit Mission on the Schengen Facility entire implementation by the European Commission. A preliminary report with the EC observations and conclusions is expected to be sent to the Republic of Bulgaria in the beginning of 2012.
During the discussion which followed Mr. Georgiev’s presentation, the CEAOEF members raised a number of questions. In response the Deputy Minister of Interior explained that after the Schengen Facility conclusion, additional upgrade activities have been undertaken. The External Border Fund comes as its successor and 4,8 million leva have already been contracted under it.
Mr. Georgiev confirmed that Bulgaria is technically ready to join the Schengen Area with all its borders, which does not exclude the option for a 2-phase approach: first phase –with the air and sea borders and second – with the land borders. The Netherlands is the only member state which still opposes Bulgaria’s Schengen Area Membership and links is to additional conditions, like the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism. The country’s position is considered to be such due to internal political reasons.
By leading a constructive dialogue and presenting convincing proofs, the Ministry of Interior continues to work hard in order to remove the Dutch doubts in Bulgaria’s ability to guarantee the Schengen Area security.
The CEAOEF member congratulated the Ministry of Interior team for the full absorption of EU funding under the Schengen Facility. For his part, the Deputy Minister of Interior expressed his gratitude for the valuable recommendation, constructive criticism and full support of the Committee.

The Report from the hearing can be found at (available only in Bulgarian):