Monika Panayotova: Universities should regard their students as their most valuable resource in order to present them as a good marketing product
Under the motto “Youth perspective for growth of the Bulgarian business in Europe”, on April 3, 2012 was held the seventh meeting of the Council for Public Consultations with the Committee on European affairs and oversight of the European funds (CEAOEF). In the meeting part took representatives of employer’s organizations, the National Association of the Municipalities, academic circles as well as members of the National representation office of the student councils and numerous representatives of non-governmental organizations. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Executive and the Legislative branches, the President was represented by its councilor of the social affairs – Ms. Deyana Kostadinova.
In his greeting speech, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to the Republic of Bulgaria – H. E. Kaare E. Janson highlighted the five priorities for the Danish presidency, drawing attention on the high levels of the youth unemployment in EU and the risk of losing a whole new generation, unless economic growth is generated. He stressed on the “Green Europe” concept. The development of innovative “green technologies” defines the need for specially qualified workforce, which on its turn, would stimulate the creation of so-called “high-tech workplaces”.
In her address speech to the participants, the Chairwoman of the Committee on European affairs and oversight of European funds, Ms. Monika Panayotova, expressed the opinion that Europe gradually is losing its competitiveness. In order to reduce this tendency, and to get closer to the objectives of "Europe 2020", it is essential to focus on providing employment for highly educated and creative young people. Along with these challenges, Ms. Panayotova mentioned that Bulgaria must make up for the delay in its development with caching up pace, cutting down the gap – both economic and educational. Ms. Panayotova also outlined that in order to resolve the problem with youth unemployment it is necessary to reactivate the so-called ‘Knowledge triangle' – the link between higher education, research and business. Second, the structural problems of the labor market need to be addressed – the functional illiteracy, the mismatch between supply and demand of specialists, as well as problem that positions requiring lower qualification are granted to highly qualified specialists (according to BIA, 48% of the people have skills that exceed the requirements of their positions). Ms. Panayotova pointed out how essential it is to apply regional approach of thinking – to take into account the specificities of the regions and the opportunities they can offer so that better conditions for education and employment for the young people are created. The chairwoman of the CEAOEF recommended that universities realize that they have all the qualities of a successful product as they combine research potential, qualified staff and successful students – sources of innovation and creativity. In conclusion, Ms. Panayotova pointed out at a significant finding: Education should to anticipate business needs.
This could happen if the potential centers of growth in Bulgarian economy are known. In this regard, the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Mr. Delian Dobrev presented the measures that the Ministry has introduced to minimize the challenges faced by the small and medium enterprises as well as to facilitate their access to finance. In this regard, the Minister assured that by the end of 2012 over 100% of the total available budget of one the major sources of support to SMEs – the resources available under OP "Competitiveness" will be contracted. The Minister pointed out that the Ministry works actively for the creation of innovative environment and the development of scientific infrastructure in the country. He defined as priorities – innovations, energy efficiency, absorption of the EU funds, technological security and access to finance for SMEs.
Ms. Petya Evtimova, Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Science, in her presentation outlined the measures taken by the Ministry to optimize the learning environment and its adaptation to the needs of the labor market. She introduced two new programs for reinforcing the links between business and universities. Funds under the OP "Human Resources" in the amount of 70 million leva are provided for the financing of two new schemes: the first one – for students practices outside the statutory ones, which will be focused entirely on practice and with a duration of at least 240 hours, the second – for optimization of the curricula in the Universities, so that they are more relevant to labor market needs - an initiative that the members of the Council warmly welcomed.
Answering Ms. Panayotova’s call (that Business defines its needs for qualified young people), the President of the Council for Public Consultations and the Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), Mr. Kamen Kolev, promoted the idea that a system for professional standards needs to be established. It will be very useful to government, employers and job seekers as well as a tool for forecasting labor market demand in the next years. The Council’s President stressed on the need for change in the funding system of the universities in order to foster market-driven approach not only considering the enrollment of the students, but also taking into account their realization afterwards.
The Executive Director of the second industrial cluster in the Bulgaria – "Srednogorie med." Mr. Nikolay Minkov presented how in practice the "Regional approach of thinking" could be applied: he presented the potential in the regions of Plovdiv and Varna and to be transformed into the hydropower and the Black Sea research centers in the country. According to him, the most important challenge is the transformation of physical assets into intellectual ones. Mr. Minkov highlighted the necessity that we speak about education. Such themes can even enter the central news, so that education becomes an attractive center for the young people, he said.
The European context was defined by Peter Natsev, Information and Communication Advisor to the European Commission Representation in Bulgaria. He introduced the flagship initiative of the European Union "Youth on the Move", which aims to provoke mobility among young people for their better realization. He said that in 2020 there will be 15 million new jobs in Europe, which is 35% compared to 29% today for highly trained professionals. This means that companies should invest in education.
Among the key messages that emerged in the discussion that followed with members of the Council where: the need for promoting entrepreneurship among young people and focusing on secondary technical education. Mr. Tsvetan Simeonov, chairman of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, put the emphasis on administrative barriers still existing in the implementation of the internship programs ran under OP “Human resource development”.
The chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Mr. Dobroslav Dimitrov expressed the view that what will stimulate employment among the young people, is the flexible working hours that could also prove beneficial for business during economic difficulties.
Ani Dimitrova, director Enterprise communications of the employment website, pointed out that actually there is work for the young people, but they lack specific skills that employers need. “This should be where we should look for the intersection between the expectations of business and job applicants”, she said.
Generated ideas and suggestions during the forum will be sent to the attention of all stakeholders, so that some of them become reality.
The presentations (in Bulgarian) during the session could be found at: