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Meeting of a World Bank Group delegation with the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds and the Budget and Finance Committee
On May 4, 2012, CEAOEF and BFC held a working meeting with nine of the executive directors of the World Bank Group, who are on an official visit to Bulgaria.

The Chairwomen of CEAOEF and BFC - Monika Panayotova and Menda Stoyanova welcomed the high-ranked representatives, noting that Bulgaria sees the World Bank as a stable, strategic partner for the successful implementation of key reforms, as well as for the full and effective absorption of the EU Structural Instruments under the Cohesion Policy.

Ms. Panayotova expressed satisfaction with the established fruitful cooperation, and the conducted regular meetings of both committees with the World Bank representatives - Mr. Peter Harrold, World Bank Director for Central Europe and the Baltic countries, and Mr. Marcus Repnik, Permanent Representative of the World Bank for Bulgaria. As an evidence of the progress made with joint efforts, Ms. Panayotova marked the qualitatively new stage, which has been reached in the collaboration with the World Bank – support is already being sought in the exchange of knowledge, expertise and advice in addition to the traditional financial support and loans. The World Bank will provide such support through the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the World Bank on Partnership and Support and in the implementation of the EU Structural Instruments, signed in January this year. Ms. Panayotova noted that the Memorandum has been already discussed at sittings of CEAOEF and BFC and is soon to be ratified at the plenary. Mr. Agov, for his part emphasized the support for the MoU’s ratification, stressing the importance of the World Bank’s expertise, to accelerate the Operational Programmes implementation, especially when major projects are concerned. He noted with a great satisfaction the positive working spirit of the meetings with the World Bank and the constructive dialogue even on complex issues, such as the reform in the railway sector.

Ms. Panayotova noted that the World Bank support for Bulgaria has also added value to the SEE countries, with which our country shares best practices on the preparation for EU membership and in particular – for EU funds’ management. As an example in this regard, Ms. Panayotova pointed out the intensive relations with Croatia and the fact, that Bulgaria is among the first countries to ratify the Treaty on Croatia’s Accession to the EU.

CEAOEF Deputy Chairperson - Mr. Vladimir Toshev pointed out that the World Bank support and expertise will be useful for Bulgaria’s preparation for the next programming period 2014-2020, in order "to enable our country to start the implementation of mature projects as early as 2014". Mr. Toshev noted the need for 'accessibility', not only through better infrastructure, but also through an attractive business environment.

Mr. Rudolf Treffers, Executive Director of the World Bank, whose portfolio includes Bulgaria, called for an increase of EU funds’ absorption, with regard to the need of additional arguments in negotiating the Bulgaria’s financial package for 2014-2020 in the context of the Multiannual Financial Framework discussions.