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CEAOEF Discussed and Adopted a Statement Supporting the Measures for Encouragement of Youth Employment
At its regular sitting held on May 16 2012, the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds (CEAOEF) discussed and adopted a Report on the EU Employment Package, included as Item 24 of the 2012 Annual Working Program of the National Assembly on European Union Issues. CEAOEF issued a statement on the Employment Package, which will be sent to the European Institutions within the framework of the established political dialogue. The statement mainly focuses on Communication COM (2012) 173 – Towards a job-rich recovery - that the European Commission presented to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Council and the Committee of the Regions in April 2012.

The Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds reviewed and acknowledged the measures towards the reduction of youth unemployment already taken at a national level through strategic documents and initiatives, whose implementation will result in an optimization of the labor market conditions for the youth. In its statement, CEAOEF emphasizes that it is essential for young people, as well as for any interested party, to be actively included in the measure- and decision-generating processes pertaining to the issues of youth unemployment in order for these processes to yield sustainable results. The Committee has already established such a practice with the Council for Public Consultations.

CEAOEF proposes that future measures toward the reduction of youth unemployment include: adapting and properly using European funds and programs, carrying out necessary reforms, and focusing on internship programs and youth entrepreneurship. Moreover, CEAOEF also recommends that young people and their realization be placed in the focus of the debate on the next Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020, since the proper implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy would be impossible without the participation of the youth.

CEAOEF also considers that more opportunities for youth employment could be generated by the development of a strong partnership among public authorities, universities, students and employers, by efforts to increase public knowledge of opportunities for funding youth activities and initiatives, as well as by a regional approach to a better transition between education and realization.