Unofficial translation
The National Assembly pursuant to Article 105, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and Article 103, paragraph 3 of the Rules of Organisation and Procedure of the National Assembly
Adopts the following Annual Work Programme of the National Assembly on European Union Issues (2012)
The National Assembly, guided by:
The purposes and principles of the Lisbon Treaty, in particular to the new enhanced role assigned to national parliaments in the decision-making process in the EU, by exercising control of subsidiarity and proportionality in the European legislative process and their effects in the formulation of European policies;
The need to build a closer working partnership between the European Commission and Member States in order to implement adopted measures to overcome the crisis by means of strengthening the EU economic governance;
A more flexible approach to implementation with the aim to respond to the onset of new economic challenges and give a greater priority to those proposals that can boost growth and employment thereby contributing to real economic recovery of the EU;
The reform on the financial sector with a focus on enhancing investor’s protection and strengthening the internal market;
The need for additional measures to provide stability of the public finances by ensuring a sustainable public revenue;
The creation of an appropriate framework to support enterprises that will help them create new jobs and enter into new markets;
The application of flexicurity principle and promotion of mobility, with a focus on youth unemployment;
The safeguard of justice while guaranteeing security without internal borders in Europe. The creation of a Europe that is open to citizens requires joint efforts by addressing the important issues related to border security and new challenges in fighting cybercrime that are needed to eliminate unreasonable bureaucratic obstacles to free movement;
The importance of "Europe 2020" strategy to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Achieving climate and energy goals is related to resource efficiency provisions in sectoral policies, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and development of renewable energy;
Other major challenges such as energy security and developing a common foreign policy of the EU's energy security;
Its principle that the Euro-Atlantic perspective of Southeast Europe and the process of renewing the neighbourhood policy in its two dimensions, east and south, are of strategic interest for the Republic of Bulgaria and should continue to be promoted;
The series of external actions of the Republic of Bulgaria and its efforts to improve the visibility of the EU in the wider world;
Its consistent position to simplify and reduce the bureaucratic and administrative burdens;
Decided to exercise its powers under Article 105, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, by submitting on procedure for parliamentary monitoring and control under Chapter Ten (Article 103 to Article 109) of the Rules of Organisation and Procedure of the National Assembly the following proposals for EU acts in these priority areas:
I.Building a Europe of stability and responsibility - ensuring sustainable public revenue
1.Public Finances in EMU 2012;
2.Protection of investors: Amendment of the UCITS Directive as regards rules on UCITS depositary functions, on manager remuneration policy, and on administrative sanctions;
3.Good governance in relation to tax havens;
4.Eliminating double taxation on cross-border dividend payments to portfolio investors;
5.Car taxation;
6.A Quick Reaction Mechanism against VAT fraud;
II.Building a Union of sustainable growth and solidarity
II.1 A Single market for growth - innovation, intellectual property, services, transport:
CEAOEF Report, 30.05.2012
7.Annual Growth Survey 2013;
8.Framework for the European Research Area (ERA);
9.Review of the cinema Communication;
10.Collective rights management: Music rights – music online;
11.Enforcement of intellectual property rights;
12.Actions for damages for breaches of antitrust law;
13.Revision of the Community Trade Mark Regulation and of the Directive approximating national trade mark laws;
14.European label in tourism sector;
15.Promotion and information for agricultural products;
16.Revision of the Tobacco Products Directive concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale;
17.Insurance Guarantee Schemes;
18.On-line gambling in the Internal Market;
19.Pan European framework for electronic identification, authentication and signature;
20.European Strategy for Internet Security;
21.Rail package:
(1)Rail market access;
(2)European Railway Agency (ERA);
22.Air Passenger Rights: Denied boarding, long delays and cancellations of flights;
23.Registration of motor vehicles previously registered in another Member State;
II.2 Empowering people - flexible and mobile labour market, social affairs and social inclusion:
24.Employment package:
(1)Towards a jobs-rich recovery;
(2)Specific Flexicurity package;
CEAOEF Report, 16.05.2012
(3) Reforming the European Employment Services EURES and its legal basis
25.Rethinking skills in the context of ”Europe 2020”;
26.Freedom of movement for workers within the Union;
27.Include seafaring workers of vessels in the scope of several labour law EU Directives;
28.Protection of supplementary pension rights of people who change jobs;
29.Advancing Roma integration – First report of the European Commission;
30.Package on innovation in health;
II.3 A Sustainable Growth - Energy and Environment:
31.Internal energy market;
32.Nuclear safety;
33.Renewable energy strategy (RES);
34.Clean power for transport: An alternative fuel strategy;
35.Review of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive;
II.4 An open Europe for citizens - justice and home affairs:
36.Revision of the Schengen Borders Code;
37.Revising the EU framework for data retention;
38.Establishing the European Police Office – EUROPOL;
39.Admission of third country nationals for the purposes of scientific research, studies, pupil exchange, unremunerated training or voluntary service;
40.Mutual recognition of civil documents:
(1)Mutual recognition of the effects of certain civil status documents;
(2)Dispensing with the formalities for the legalisation of documents between Member States;
41.Reforming Eurojust's structure;
43.Minimum provisions on the constituent elements of criminal acts and penalties in the field of illicit drug trafficking;
44.Third Anti Money Laundering Directive;
45.Fighting European Cybercrime;
III.Giving the EU an effective voice in the wider world
46. Setting-up of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps (EVHAC);
CEAOEF Statement, 7 November 2012
47.Amendment of Directive 2008/114 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection;
48.Annual Enlargement Package 2012;
CEAOEF Statement, 31 October 2012
49.European Neighbourhood Policy Package;
50.Draft negotiating Directives for visa facilitation and readmission agreements with some South Mediterranean Countries, in the framework of the dialogue for migration, mobility and security to be established with those countries.