Parliamentary Committees
Internal Security and Public Order Committee
Internal Security and Public Order Committee
1169 Sofia, 1 Knyaz Alexander I Square, Hall 308
Phone: (+359 2) 988 59 84;
Fax: (+359 2) 988 51 11
Vanya Karaganeva, senior expert
About the Committee
According to Bulgarian Constitution the National Assembly elects Standing and Ad-hoc Committees from among its Members. The Standing Committees aid the work of the National Assembly and exercise parliamentary control on its behalf.
Twenty-four Standing Committees function under the XL National Assembly. The composition of Standing Committees is based on the principle of proportional presentation of the Parliamentary Groups.
Internal Security and Public Order Committee is one of the Standing Committees under the XL National Assembly. 26 MPs by all parliamentary represented political forces take part in the membership of the Committee. Its leadership is composed of Chairperson and three deputies.
Internal Security and Public Order Committee exercises its powers in the areas related to protection of personal and public security, Bulgarian citizens fundamental rights and freedoms, protection of classified information and personal data, state borders, territorial integrity, national sovereignty and independence of the state.
Committee meetings are held behind closed doors, which means that neither the public nor the media can attend. Committee can decide that particular meetings shall be opened.
Internal Security and Public Order Committee discusses bills and other acts allocated to the Committee by the Speaker of the National Assembly. On that ground Committee prepares reports, proposals and positions on them.
Parliamentary Oversight
The control function of the National Assembly is to exercise oversight of the executive. In that way the MPs contribute to effective work of the Government and state administration by addressing questions and interpellations, and requiring reports as well.
Pursuant to the Bulgarian Constitution and the Rules on the Organization and Procedure of the National Assembly government authorities, officials from the government and municipal administration and citizens are obliged to make available on request any information and documents required for the Committee work. On the strength of the Constitution Committee is free to order ministers to attend its meetings and respond to questions.
Committee collects the information necessary for its activities by hearings of government institution heads and other government institution representatives; committees of inquiry; receipt of reports, written opinions and other written material; notices and publications in the mass media, and from other sources.