Parliamentary Committees
European Affairs Committee
European Affairs Committee
1169 Sofia, 1 Knyaz Alexander I Square, Hall 258
Phone: 987 38 88; 939 32 82;
Fax: 987 55 03
Eli Naydenova
The European Affairs Committee takes part in the forming and assists the implementation of the Republic of Bulgaria’s policy as full Member of the European Union (EU) and the active participation in all aspects of the European integration process. The activities of the Committee are, as follows (Article 2 of its Rules of Procedure):
1. Draws up the draft of the Annual Programme of the National Assembly on European Union Issues;
2. Debates the draft acts of the European Union institutions, included in the Annual Programme of the National Assembly on European Union Issues and approves reports thereon, which it presents to the Chairperson of the National Assembly;
3.Draws up also reports on other acts of the European Union institutions;
4. In case of newly emerging circumstances the European Affairs Committee may propose on its own initiative or on proposal by other standing committees additions to the Annual Working Programme of the National Assembly on European Union Issues;
5.Considers the reports of the Council of Ministers on the participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the adoption of European legal acts, debated in the Committee;
6.Considers the reports of the Standing Subcommittee on EU Funds Absorption and proposes to the relevant institutions to undertake measures to eliminate the irregularities established;
7. Holds hearings for candidates for positions in the European Union institutions proposed by the Council of Ministers;
8. Holds hearings for ministers, who are to take part in meetings of the Council of the European Union, on the subjects within their competence. The ministers inform the Committee about the position they are to present in the Council of the European Union on behalf of the Republic of Bulgaria;
9. Holds hearings for ministers on issues related to the adoption of draft acts of the EU institutions within their competence;
10.Monitors the activity of the Council on European Integration with the Council of Ministers and interacts with the Minister of European Affairs, the European Commission Representation in Bulgaria and the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Communities in Brussels and with other public bodies and institutions, whose activities are relevant to the European Union;
11. Monitors the implementation of the European acts in the Republic of Bulgaria;
12. Interacts with the national parliaments of EU Member States on European integration issues and informs the Members of the National Assembly about the best practices of EU Member States parliaments. Takes part in the Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC).
13.Holds meetings in the form of public discussions on particularly important topics related to the EU membership of the Republic of Bulgaria;
14.Provides through its website and other adequate means latest information relevant to the work of the National Assembly related to EU issues.
The European Affairs Committee holds regular and extraordinary meetings. The regular meetings are held every Thursday from 14:30 during National Assembly sessions. When immediate debate on issues is required, extraordinary meetings are convened.
Committee meetings are convened by the Chairperson, and in his/her absence by an appointed by him/her Committee Deputy Chairperson or on the request of not less than one third of its members.
The agenda of meetings is proposed by the Chairperson and in his /her absence by an appointed by him/her Committee Deputy Chairperson or by the Committee Members, who have requested the convention of the meeting. Committee Members have the right to make proposals on the agenda. The agenda, time and venue of regular meetings are notified in the plenary room and by posting such notice at special points on the premises of the National Assembly. They are also published on the website of the National Assembly. The agenda, time and venue of extraordinary meetings are announced at the same time with an announcement setting the date for such meeting.
Committee meetings are headed by the Chairperson and in his /her absence by an appointed by him/her Committee Deputy Chairperson. Committee meetings shall only be in order if more than one half of the Committee’s members are in attendance. If the above quorum is not available 15 minutes after the hour set for the meeting, the meeting may proceed with the members in attendance, provided that not less than one third of the members are present.
The Committee may hold joint meetings with other standing or ad hoc parliamentary committees to discuss common issues.
The meetings of the European Affairs Committee are open, unless with a view to national interests and security the Committee decides otherwise.
The decisions of the European Affairs Committee are made by a majority vote of the members present. On issues of national importance – a consensus is sought.
The meetings of the European Affairs Committee may be attended also by the members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Bulgaria in a non-voting capacity.
The European Affairs Committee is represented by its Chairperson and in his /her absence by an appointed by him/her Committee Deputy Chairperson or by a Committee Member specially authorized for the purpose. Documents adopted by the Committee and the outgoing correspondence are signed by the Chairperson and in his /her absence by an appointed by him/her Committee Deputy Chairperson.