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of the Republic of Bulgaria
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Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds
French senior civil servants got acquainted with the Bulgarian Parliament Vision on the Future EU Cohesion Policy for the period 2014-2020
On September 19, 2011 upon the initiative of the French Embassy in the Republic of Bulgaria, the CEAOEF Chairperson Ms. Monika Panayotova held a meeting with senior civil servants, being trained in the field of European Studies in the French National School of Administration (ENA), Strasbourg. They analyze the Bulgarian position on the Cohesion Policy reform.

The ENA trainees express their particular interest in the CEAOEF activity regarding the oversight of the European Funds management in Bulgaria. In this regard, they wanted to get acquainted with the Bulgarian Parliament position on the Future Cohesion Policy debate for the period 2014-2020.

Ms. Panayotova explained the double democratic control principle on the EU Funds management, applied by the CEAOEF (by regular reports on the EU Funds Management in Bulgaria) and by the civil society (through the Council for Public Consultations to the Committee). In this context, Ms. Panayotova highlighted the CEAOEF 2011 Interim Report on the EU Funds Management, presented on September 14, 2011.

Regarding the Parliament’s vision on Bulgaria's participation in the programming process 2014-2020, Ms. Panayotova pointed out the 10 lessons learnt from the current Programming Period 2007-2013, that could serve as good practices for the EU candidate countries. Among the main lessons learnt the following were distinguished: the need for establishing a clear and coherent vision on the country priorities subject to EU funding in the very beginning of the Programming Period, setting up sustainable EU Funds Management and Control System as well as constant administrative capacity building of the administration and beneficiaries.

Ms. Panayotova also outlined the 10 key challenges regarding Bulgaria’s participation in the Future Cohesion Policy debate. She outlined among the most important challenges the formulation of a small number but clear priorities, reflecting the realities at national level and at the same time targeting the accomplishment of the EU 2020 goals. Ms. Panayotova highlighted the basic infrastructure as a priority which will remain crucial for Bulgaria in the next Programming Period, being a key prerequisite for social, economic and territorial cohesion of the European regions. For the successful implementation of the outlined priorities, Ms. Panayotova underlined the importance of maintaining a stable macroeconomic environment and sound institutional framework. In this regard, she acquainted the ENA trainees with the Minister of EU Fund management idea to create a Single Centralized Authority for the EU Funds management (Agency) for the next Programming Period. In addition, Ms. Panayotova pointed out that such an idea shall be approached and analyzed very carefully with the relevant stakeholders from all possible perspectives.

Regarding the positive experience gained so far, Ms. Panayotova mentioned the process of child care deinstitutionalization, by applying the principle of cross-financing from two financial sources and programmes – the Operational Program for Regional Development and the Operational Program Human Resources Development.
The ENA trainees expressed their gratitude for the detailed information and raised some questions regarding the:
- Major infrastructure projects in Bulgaria;
- European Commission proposal for conditionalities in the EU Funding based on the financial discipline and the adherence to the Growth and Stability Pact;
- Outlined vision for the next Programming Period concerning the regionalization of the program implementation process.

The Statement on the Future EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 from the Bulgarian Parliament point of view prior to the European Commission legislative proposals is available at: