Parliamentary Committees
Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds
The Minister of Regional Development and Public Works presented before the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds the progress achieved in managing the EU funds for regional development.
On December 15th, 2011, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, Mrs. Lilyana Pavlova, presented to CEAOEF the current status and progress in the implementation of:
• Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013
• Cross-border Co-operation Programmes 2007-2013
• Projects under the ISPA Programme/Cohesion Fund (Regulation 1164/94) in the “Environment” sector, managed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
Minister Pavlova outlined the progress achieved in the Programme implementation by stating that on December 12th, 2011, 98% of OPRD’s budget has been open for project applications. 1.1 billion euro or 69% of the programme budget has been contracted and 305 million euro (19% of the budget) has been paid off. Mrs. Pavlova expressed expectations that until the end of 2011, 71% of the Programme budget will be contracted, considering the upcoming conclusion of 32 new contracts worth 30 million euro in support of deinstitutionalization, reconstruction and equipment of municipal hospitals outside agglomerations.
Mrs. Pavlova familiarized the CEAOEF members with the measures, undertaken by Operational Programme Regional Development’s Managing Authority in regard to the programming of regional development for the next financial perspective – social-economical analysis of OPRD’s needs for 2014-2020 is currently in process. Single preparation stages are being widely discussed with all stakeholders. In addition, Mrs. Pavlova outlined that until the end of March, 2012, the results from that social-economical analysis will be ready and priority agglomerations for next programming period will be defined. A working group shall be formed which will work out a project of OPRD 2014-2020 from April to September 2012. Mrs. Pavlova expressed her willingness and readiness to regularly inform the MP’s about the programming process results.
In unison with the new challenges before the EU Cohesion Policy and considering the achievement of our national targets under the “Europe 2020” Strategy, Mrs. Pavlova underlined the significance of an integrated approach for urban development with a concentration of resources in cities and urban regions. She also shared an idea for potential extension of OPRD’s scope in the next programming period with the inclusion of environmental and aqua infrastructure.
The physical and financial progress achieved was outlined in regard to the Cross-border Co-operation Programmes. (CCP) All the programmes’ management and control systems have been formed and are currently functioning according to the requirements. As a positive step in the management of the external EU borders CCPs, Mrs. Pavlova pointed the unified documents composition, applicable for all three programmes, as well as the concluded contract for support and development of their information systems.
The main challenge for the CCPs’ realization is providing co-financing for the projects by the partnering states and the external factors related to the economic crisis and political changes.
In regard to the preparation process of the new operational programmes for territorial cooperation 2014-2020, Mrs. Pavlova stated that in order to achieve maximum effect, CCPs have to be more clearly focused on overcoming the identified problems, related to road infrastructure improvement, energy efficiency, cultural-historic inheritance, etc. Therefore, a focus on the financing of larger projects is needed. Mrs. Pavlova shared the idea for creating an independent Agency for managing the territorial cooperation programmes which would be supplied with the necessary material and technical equipment, financial resources and staff.
The status of ISPA Programme/Cohesion Fund (Regulation 1164/94) projects in the “Environment” sector, managed by MRDPW was also discussed. Mrs. Pavlova stated that bringing Ruse’s Wastewater Treatment Plant in operation on December 27th, 2011, will successfully conclude the entire implementation of the ISPA Programme by the Ministry. At the end of its realization, the Ministry reached the highest ISPA funds absorption rate – 91%, in comparison to the other Managing Authorities. In view of concluding ISPA Programme activities, Mrs. Pavlova informed about the MRDPW’s readiness to create a new structure within the Ministry’s framework – an intermediate unit for aqua infrastructure management.
During the discussion which followed Minister Pavlova’s presentation, she answered a number of questions regarding the broadband internet access in weakly populated areas, the participation in the programming process at regional level and the possibility for financing of projects within the Danube Strategy scope.
In conclusion, CEAOEF congratulated the Ministry’s team and thanked Mrs. Lilyana Pavlova for the comprehensive presentation.