Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
27/02/2008 - 29/02/2008
of the National Assembly Plenary sittings
February, 27-29 2008
1. Bill on the ratification of the Treaty between the Government of Republic of Bulgaria and the State of Qatar for mutual encouragement and investment protection (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 14.02.2008).
2. First reading of the Bills on amendment and supplementation of the Environmental Protection Act (Submitted by Evdokia Maneva, Antoanela Poneva and Eliana Maseva on 27.06.2007; and the Council of Ministers 0n 5.02.2008) - continuation.
3. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
4. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Ministry of the Interior Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008)
5. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Special Intelligence Means Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
6. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Protection of Classified Information Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
7. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of The National Security Advisory Council Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
8. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of the Structural Administration of the Territory Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008)
9. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Export Control of arms, goods and technologies with possible dual use Act (Submited by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
10. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of the Act against human trafficking (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
11. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Protection of Endangered Persons, Witnesses in Criminal Trials Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
12. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of Taxation of the Income of Natural Persons Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
13. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Customs Act( Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
14. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Measures against Money Laundering Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008)
15. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of The measures against financing of terrorist activities Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008)
16. First reading of the Bills on amendment and supplementation of The Public Register of the Assets of High Ranking State Officials Act (Submitted by Mincho Hristov and Stela Bankova on 20.7.2007; Philip Dimitrov on 24.1.2008; The Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
17. First reading of the Bills on amendment and supplementation of The Municipal Property Act (Submitted by Ivan Sotirov, Hristo Kirchev and Yassen Popvasilev on 21..9.2007; Eleonora Nikolova and Maria Kapon on 21.9.2007; Remzi Osman and a group of parliamentarians on 31.1.2008).
18. First reading of the Bill on amendments and supplementation of The Accreditation, performed by the Bulgarian Agency for Accreditation Act(Submitted by the Council of Miniisters on 28.12.2007).
19. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Public Education Act( Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 25.1.2008)
20. Second reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation of the Tourism Act(Approved on first reading on 28.2.2008).
21. First reading of the Bill on The management of the Condominium Properties Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.11.2007)
22. First reading of the Bill on The Regional Development Act (Submitted bythe Council of Ministers on 17.1.2008)
23. Draft resolutions for the election of new members of the Council for Electronic Media (Submitted by Vesela Draganova and a group of parliamentarians on 18.1.2008; Ivo Atanasov on 8.2.2008; Stefan Sofianski and Krasimir Karakachanov on 12.2.2008)
24. Parliamentary Control.