Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
12/03/2008 - 14/03/2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 - Friday, March 14, 2008
1. Ratification Act on Convention № 122 of the International Labor Organization, regarding the Policies of Employment, 1964 ( Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 27.2.2008)
2. Draft resolution for approval of the Report on the state of the Environment during the year 2005 (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 10.07.2007).
3. Bill on The Bulgarian Bank for Development Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 18.02.2008) - first reading - continuation.
4. Draft resolutions on changes in the Standing Committees membership (Submitted by Lutvi Mestan and Plamen Mollov on 5.03.2008).
5. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of the Social Security Code(approved on first reading on 25.01.2008).
6. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of the The Territorial Planning and Administration Act (approved on first reading on 28.02.2008)
7. First reading , Bill on amendment and supplementation of the Social Security Code (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.02.2008).
8. Second reading, Bill on amendment and implementation of The Health Insurance Act (approved on first reading on 19.10.2007).
9. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Act Against Human Trafficking(approved on first reading on 28.02.2008).
10. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Protection of Endangered Persons, Witnesses in Criminal Trials Act(approved on first reading on 28.02.2008).
11. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Public Register of the Assets of High Ranking State Officials(approved on first reading on 28.02.2008).
12. Ratification Act on the Treaty on Transfer of Convicted Persons between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of India, the Treaty on Legal Assistance in Civil Law and Commercial Law Cases between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of India and the Treaty on Legal Assistance on Penal Law Cases between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of India( Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 27.2.2008).
13. First reading , Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Forestry Act(Submitted by Vania Tsvetkova and a group of MPs on 28.02.2008).
14. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Fishery and Aquacultures Act (approved on first reading on 14.02.2008).
15. Draft decisions for elections of new Electronic Media Council members (Submitted by Vesela Draganova and a group of MPs on 18.1.2008; Ivo Atanasov on 8.02.2008; Stefan Sofianski and Krasimir Karakachanov on 12.2.2008; Vasil Ivanov-Luchiano, Maria Angelieva - Koleva and Darinka Stancheva on 27.2.2008).
16. First reading, Bill on The Agencies for Temporary Employment (Submitted by Yordan Bakalov and a group of MPs on 14.12.2007).
17. Parliamentary Control.