Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
19/03/2008 - 21/03/2008
1. First reading, Bill on amendments and supplementation of the Civil Code (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008).
2. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of the Electronic Communications Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 12.2.2008)
3. First reading, Bills on amendments and supplementation in the Duty Free Commerce Act (Submitted by Ivan Kostov, Ivan N. Ivanov and Veselin Metodiev on 22.2.2008; by the Council of Ministers on 4.3.2008)
4. First reading, Bill on the Agencies for Temporary Employment (Submitted by Yordan Bakalov and a group of MPs).
5. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of Export Control of Arms, Products and Technologies with possible Double Usage Act (Approved on first reading on 28.02.2008).
6. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of the Measures against Money Laundering Act (Approved on first reading on 228.2.2008).
7. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of the Economic and Social Council Act (Approved on first reading on 11.10.2006).
8. Draft Resolution on approval of the National Assembly’s Annual Agenda for 2008 on issues regarding the European Union (Submitted by the European Affairs Committee on 17.03.2008).
9. Ratification Act on the Agreement between The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis and the Bulgarian Ministry of Health for Free Aid under the Programme for “ Improving the Tuberculosis Control in Bulgaria”(Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 5.02.2008).
10. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Genetically Modified (Engineered) Organisms Act (Submitted by Stoyko Tankov and Trifon Mitev on 6.12.2007).
11. Draft Resolution on the nomination of members of the National Assembly’s Delegation to the Euro-Mediterranean Assembly.
12. Second reading, Ratification Bill on the Treaty between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of India on transfer of sentenced persons between the two countries (Approved on first reading on 14.3.2008).
13. Second reading, Ratification Bill on the Treaty between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of India on Legal Aid in criminal trials matters (Approved on first reading on 14.03.2008).
14. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of the Health Care Insurance Act (Approved on first reading on 19.10.2007) – continuation.
15. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Protection of Classified Information Act (Approved on first reading on 28.2.2008).
16. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation of The Special Intelligence Means Act (Approved on 28.2.2008).
17. Ratification Bill on the Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 4.2.2008) – Friday, 21 March 2008 at 10’00 o’clock.
18. Draft Resolutions on the nomination of members of the Council for Electronic Media (Submitted by Vesela Draganova and a group of parliamentarians on 18.1.2008; Ivo Atanasov on 8.2.2008; Stefan Sofiansky and Krasimir Karakachanov on 12.2.2008; Vasil Ivanov – Luchano, Maria Koleva and Darinka Stancheva on 27.2.2008).
19. Parliamentary control.