National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
18/06/2008 - 20/06/2008

1. Ratification bill to the Convention adopting the European schools’ Charter (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 26.05.2008).

2. First reading, Bills on amendment and supplement to Concessions Act (Submitted by Volen Siderov and Mitko Dimitrov on 14.3.2008) - continuation

3. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Social Welfare Act (Approved on first reading on 30.05.2008).

4. First reading, Bills on amendment and supplement to the Pharmaceuticals in Human Medicine Act (Submitted by Volen Siderov on 15.1.2008; the Council of Ministers on 17.5.2008). - continuation

5. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Privatization and Post Privatization Control Act (Approved on first reading on 15.2.2008).

6. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the 2008 Social Security Budget Act (Passed on first reading on 13.06.2008) – first on the agenda on 20.6.2008 – Friday and casting vote at )

7. Draft declaration regarding the results of the Social Policy Week event, held in Sofia (Submitted by Donka Mihailova and a group of MPs on 5.6.2008).

8. Election of a Deputy Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria (Submitted by the Ombudsman on 12.06.2008).

9. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement of the Witnesses in Criminal Trials Protection Act (Approved on first reading on 22.5.2008).

10. 2007 Annual report of the Commission for Protection against Discrimination (Submitted by the Commission on 26.3.2008).

11. Draft resolution for granting individual pension for special contributions to the state and nation (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 26.5.2008).

12. Parliamentary control.
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