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National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
09/07/2008 - 11/07/2008

1. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Privatization and Post Privatization Control Act (Approved on first reading on 15.2.2008) – continuation.

2. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Hunting and Game Preservation Act (Submitted by Yunal Tasim and a group of MPs on 20.6.2008).

3. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Witnesses in Criminal Trials Protection Act (Approved on first reading on 22.5.2008).

4. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Family Allowances for Children Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 23.6.2008).
1. 2007 Annual report of the Commission for tracing down assets/properties acquired through criminal activities (Submitted by the Commission itself on 27.03.2008).

2. Ratification Bill on the Protocol on amendment and supplement of the Agreement between the Governments of the Republic of Bulgaria and the United States of America for elimination of double income taxation and tax evasion (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 23.6.2008).

3. Ratification Bill on a Credit Agreement for a Structural Program Loan (co financed by the funds of the European Union for 2007-2013) between the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Investment Bank (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 16.6.2008).

4. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Civil Aviation Act (Approved on first reading on 6.5.2008).

5. First reading, Bill on the Publicity of Lobbing (Submitted by Luben Dilov and Assia Mihailova on 10.8.2006) and Bill on Publicity of Lobbing Activities (Submitted by Boyko Velikov and a group of MPs on 16.5.2008).

6. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Accountancy Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 23.6.2008).

7. Draft resolution on granting consent for the start of negotiations for a second Loan Agreement aimed at policies development between the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Investment Bank (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 30.6.2008).

8. Draft resolution for granting consent for signing a Loan Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation for the project “ Construction of Container Terminals in the sea ports of Varna and Burgas (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 30.6.2008).

9. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Road Traffic Act (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 30.6.2008).

10. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement of the Independent Financial Audit Act (Approved on first reading on 13.6.2008).

11. Ratification Bill on the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Russian Federation for cooperation in the construction of a transit natural gas pipeline through the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 30.06.2008).

12. First reading, Bill on Labor Inspection (Submitted by the Council of Ministers on 30.6.2008).

13. First reading, Bills on amendment and supplement to the Public Procurement Act (Submitted by Maria Kapon and Eleonora Nikolova on 21.2.2008; Boyko Velikov and a group of MPs on 30.5.2008); Diana Hitova and a group of MPs on 5.6.2008; the Council of Ministers on 3.7.2008).

14. Second reading, Bills on amendment and supplement to the Concessions Act (Approved on first reading on 19.6.2008).

15. Parliamentary control.
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