National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
25/02/2009 - 27/02/2009

February 25 -27, March 4 - 6, 2009

1. Debates on the non- confidence vote against the government, moved by parliamentary member Borislav Bulgarinov and a group of MPs.

2. Casting votes on a draft resolution on non-confidence vote against the government policies. In compliance with art. 92, para 3 of the Rules of Organization and Procedures of the National Assembly, the vote takes place no sooner than 24 hours after the debates ending.

3. Termination of MP Vladimir Kouzov mandate, in accordance with art. 72, para 1, item 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria.

4. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Civil Registration Act (passed at first reading).

5. Second reading, Bill on the Cultural Heritage (passed at first reading) – continuation.

6. Ratification bill on a Loan Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – Second Social Sectors Institutional Reform Development Policy Loan.

7. Ratification bill on a Loan Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – Social Inclusion Project.

8. Ratification Bill on the Air Transport Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the USA, on the other part.

9. Ratification Bill on the Lending Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Investment Bank Group for “Bulgaria – regional and local water supply” project.

10. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Protection of the Public Order during Sports Events Act (passed at first reading on 27.11.2008) – continuation.

11. First reading, Bill on Family Allowances for Children.

12. First reading, Bills on amendment and supplement to the Transplantation of Organs, Tissues and Cells Act (several drafts).

13. Second reading, Transliteration Bill.

14. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Administration Act (submitted by the Council of Ministers).

15. Termination of MP Vassil Kalinov mandate, in accordance with art. 72, para 1, item 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria.

16. Deliberations on several draft resolutions on amendment and supplement to the Rules of Organization and Procedures of the National Assembly.

17. First reading, different draft bills on amendment and supplement to the Ammunition, Firearms and Explosives Act.

18. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Railway Transportation Act (Passed at first reading).

19. July 20 2008 – December 18, 2008 Summary Report of the Commission for the disclosure of documents and making public the information on Bulgarian citizens, collaborators to the Secret and Military Intelligence Services before 1989.

20. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Professional Associations of Architects and Civil Engineers in the Construction Drafting and Investment Field.

21. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Tourism Act (submitted by the Council of Ministers).

22. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Roads Act (several drafts).

23. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Veterinary Medicine Act.

24. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to Measures against Money Laundering Act (submitted by the Council of Ministers).

25. Parliamentary control (on 27/02/2009 and on 6/3/2009).
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