Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
25/03/2009 - 27/03/2009
Casting votes on bills with debates over as follows:
First reading, bill on Electoral Code.
First reading, bill on Election of National Representatives (Members of Parliament).
First reading, several bills (10) on amendment and supplement to the present in force Election of National Representatives Act.
First reading, several bills on Electronic Voting.
1. Second reading, bill on amendment and supplement to the Family Allowances for Children Act (passed at first reading on 27.02.2009).
2. Second reading, bill on Amnesty (passed at first reading on 6.03.2009).
3. Second reading, bill on amendment and supplement to the Penal Code (passed at first reading on 30.01.2009) – continuation.
4. First reading several bills on amendment and supplement to the Roads Act.
5. First reading, two bills on amendment and supplement to Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act.
6. First reading, bill on amendment and supplement to the Professional Education and Teaching Act.
7. Second reading, bill on Defense and Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria (passed at first reading on 6.02.2009).
8. First reading, several bills on amendment and supplement to the Health Care Act.
9. First reading, bill on amendment and supplement to the Electronic Media Act.
10. Second reading, bill on Citizen’s Direct Participation in Governance (passed at first reading on 3.07.2009).
11. Parliamentary control.