Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
17/03/2010 - 19/03/2010
17 – 19 March , 2010
1. Draft resolution on replacement of Committee on Culture, Civil Society and Media members (submitted by: Kamen Kostadinov, Yordan Tsonev and Liutvi Mestan on 11.03.2010).
2. Draft resolution on replacement of Committee on Foreign and Defense Policy members (submitted by: Kamen Kostadinov, Yordan Tsonev and Liutvi Mestan on 11.03.2010).
3. Second reading of the bill amending the Act on amendment to the Restriction of Administrative Regulation and Administrative Control on Economic Activity Act (adopted at first reading on 24.2.2010).
4. First reading, bill on amendment and supplement to the Bulgarian Identity Papers (submitted by: Krasimir Tsipov, Plamen Nounev and Galina Mileva; on 5.03.2010).
5. Second vote on the contested provisions of the Act on amendment and supplement to the Meetings, Rallies and Marches Act, passed by the National Assembly on 21.01.2010, returned in conformity with Article 101 of the Constitution by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria with Decree № 15/3.2.2010.
6. Second reading, bill on amendment and supplement to the Genetically Modified Organisms Act (adopted at first reading on 13.1.2010) - continuation.
7. Bill on ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of Romania on Operation of Railway Border Crossings (check points), signed on February 9, 2007 in the town of Rousse (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 23.02.2010).
8. Bill on ratification of Amendment № 1 of the Financial Agreement between the Government of Bulgaria and the European Investment Bank on Bulgaria - Danube Bridge Project (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 25.02.2010).
9. Draft Decision to amend National Assembly’s Decision, dated July 27, 2009 regarding the Cabinet structure of the Republic of Bulgaria (submitted by: the Prime Minister of Republic of Bulgaria on 11.03.2010) – Thursday at 9.00 am
10. Draft resolution on personnel changes in the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria (submitted by: Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria on 11.03.2010) - Thursday at 9.00 am
11. Second reading of the bill amending the Criminal Code (combined draft prepared by the Committee on Legal Affairs on the basis of several bills adopted at first reading on 16.12.2009).
12. Second Reading of the Bill amending the Livestock Act (Approved at first reading on 3.2.2010).
13. Performance Report of the Committee for disclosing the documents and announcing affiliation of Bulgarian citizens to the State Security and intelligence services of the Bulgarian National Army for the period July 20 - December 20, 2009, adopted by the said Committee on 16 December 2009 ( submitted by Committee for disclosure of documents and announcing affiliation of Bulgarian citizens to the State security and intelligence services of the Bulgarian National Army on 16.12.2009).
14. 2009 Annual Report of the Commission for Personal Data Protection (submitted: Commission for Protection of Personal Data, on 1.2.2010).
15. First reading of the amending bill to the Insurance Code (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 1.03.2010).
16. Parliamentary control.