Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
12/05/2010 - 14/05/2010
12 – 14 May, 2010
1. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplement to the Environmental Protection Act (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 26.3.2010).
2. Second reading of the Bill on amendment and supplement to the Waste Management Act (adopted at first reading on 02.04.2010) - continuation.
3. Draft resolution on setting up an Ad-Hoc committee to investigate alleged violations of the Constitution and the Rules of Organization and Procedure of the National Assembly in the process of passing and promulgating the Act on Amendment and Supplement to the Control of Narcotic Substances and Precursors Act , namely promulgations, which appeared in the State Gazette issues N0 22/2010 and the amendment to the same act which appeared in the next issue SG N0 23/2010 (submitted by Sergey Stanishev and a group of MPs on 30.3.2010) – first on the agenda for 13.5.2010, Thursday.
4. New discussion on the Development of Academic Staff in the Republic of Bulgaria Act, adopted by the National Assembly on 04.15.2010 and vetoed by Decree № 99 of the President of the Republic on the grounds of art. 101 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria.
5. First reading of several Bills on amendment and supplement to the Public Procurement Act (Submitted: Council of Ministers, on 15.03.2010; Dimo Gyaurov and Kircho Dimitrov on 19.3.2010; Emil Radev and Desislava Atanasova on 04/22/2010).
6. Ratification Bill on the Agreement amending the Treaty between the Republic of Bulgaria and the State of Kuwait for Mutual Encouragement and Protection of Investments (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 19.3.2010).
7. Second reading of the Bill on amendment and supplement to the Accreditation Act provided by the Bulgarian Accreditation Service (Passed on first reading on 04.03.2010).
8. Bill on ratification of the Amendment to the Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 22.3.2010).
9. Second reading of the Bill on amendment and supplement to the Insurance Code (adopted on first reading on 26.3.2010).
10. Bill on ratification of the Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Federal Republic of Germany for elimination of double taxation and income and assets tax evasion (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 06.04.2010).
11. Second reading of the Bill on amendment and supplement to the Seeds and Seedlings Act (Passed on first reading on 10.3.2010).
12. First reading of Bills on amendment and supplement to the Energy Act (Submitted: by Martin Dimitrov on 01/26/2010; by Council of Ministers on 04.06.2010).
13. Performance Report of the Commission for Establishing of Property Acquired through Criminal Activity for 2009 (Submitted: CEPACA on 03/31/2010).
14. Report of the Council for Electronic Media for 2009 (Submitted: CEM on 04.06.2010).
15. Question time.