National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
21/07/2010 - 23/07/2010

21 – 23 July, 2010

1. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Budget of the National Health Insurance Fund for 2010 Act (Submitted: Council of Ministers on 28/6/2010).

2. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Health Insurance Act (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 06/03/2010).

3. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Waste Management Act (Submitted: Fanny Hristova and Yoanna Kirova; on 02/07/2010).

4. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Agricultural Academy Act (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 25/6/2010).

5. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Education Act (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 14/6/2010).

6. Bill on ratification of the Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development regarding disbursement of grants from the Fund for Institutional Development in Support of the Institutional reform in the Forestry Sector for the implementation of project IDF № TF-096 (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 07/08/2010).

7. Bill on ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Federal Republic of Germany on Financial Cooperation (2006) (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 05/07/2010).

8. Bill on ratification of the Protocol to the 2005 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation and the Protocol of 2005 to the Protocol for the Suppression of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf (Submitted by: Council of Ministers 17/6/ 2010).

9. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Employment Promotion Act (Passed on first reading on 01/07/2010).

10. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Foods Act (Aggregate draft prepared by the Committee on Agriculture and Forests pursuant to Art. 71 para. 2 ROPNS, adopted at first reading on 06/16/2010.

11. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the National Archives Act (Approved on first reading on 07/02/2010).

12. New discussion of the Bill on amendment and supplement to the Labour Code, adopted by the National Assembly on 23/06/2010, and vetoed by Decree № 176 of the President of the Republic pursuant to art. 101 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria - First on the agenda, Thursday, 22/07/2010

13. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Waters Act (adopted at first reading on 26/5/2010).

14. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Medical Institutions Act (adopted at first reading on 25/2/2010).

15. Second reading, Bill on the Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives and Pyrotechnic Products (adopted on first reading on 11/3/2010).

16. Question time.
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