Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
28/07/2010 - 30/07/2010
July 28 – 30, 2010
1. Hearing of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Mr. Tzvetan Tzvetanov in connection with police violence upon innocent citizens in the town of Kardzhali.
2. Second reading of the Bill on amendment and supplement to the Political and Civil Vindication Act for Individuals who Have Undergone Repressive Action (Adopted at First reading on July 7, 2010).
3. Draft resolution on granting consent for holding negotiations and signing an Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau Bank – Frankfurt am Mein, for financing “Technical Infrastructure 2010-1013” project (Submitted by: Council of Ministers; July 22, 2010).
4. Second reading of the Bill on amendment and supplement to the Act on the 2010 Budget of the National Health Insurance Fund (Adopted at First reading on July 21, 2010).
5. First reading of Bills on amendment and supplement to the Protection against Discrimination Act (Submitted by: Council of Ministers; May 21,2010 ; Maya Manolova and a group of M.P.s, May 28, 2010).
6. Draft resolution on amendments to the composition of the members of the Commission for Public Oversight of the Statutory Auditors (Submitted by: Chairman of the Commission for Public Oversight of the Statutory Auditors pursuant to Art. 26, Para 2 of the Transitional provisions of the Act on amendment and supplement to the Independent Financial Audit Act (Promulgated in State Gazette, issue 54, 2010); July 20, 2010).
7. Second reading, Bill on the Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives and Pyrotechnic Products (Adopted at First reading on March 11, 2010) - continuation.
8. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Health Insurance Act (Adopted at First reading on July 21, 2010).
9. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Waste Management Act (Adopted at First reading on July 21, 2010).
10. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Civil Aviation Act (Adopted at First reading on July 14, 2010).
11. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Higher Education Act (Adopted at First reading on July 14, 2010).
12. Report of the Ad Hoc Inquiry Committee for clarifying the disclosed data on violation of the Constitution and the Rules of Organization and Procedure of the National Assembly upon voting and promulgation of the Bill on amendment and supplement to the Narcotic Substances and Precursors Control Act in State Gazette, issue 22 of 2010, and amendment to the same Bill in issue 23/2010 of State Gazette, and Draft resolution (Submitted by: Rumen Ivanov and a group of M.P.s; July 13, 2010)
13. Question time.