National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
26/01/2011 - 28/01/2011
1. Election of vice-presidents of the National Audit Chamber

2. Draft resolution for replacement in the Permanent Delegation of the National Assembly to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Submitted: Iskra Fidosova on 19/01/2011)

3. Second Reading of the Bill amending the Medicinal Products for Human Use Act (adopted at first reading on 11/4/2010)

4. First reading of the Bill amending the Privatization and Post – Privatization Control Act (Submitted: Council of Ministers on 10/12/2010)

5. First reading of bills amending the Value Added Tax Act (Submitted by: Martin Dimitrov, on 07/12/2010; Menda Stoyanova and a group of MPs on 12/1/2011)

6. Bill on ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, represented by the Minister of Regional Development and the Government of the Republic of Turkey, represented by the General Secretary on EU Affairs of Turkey for implementation of the Cross – Border Cooperation Program between Bulgaria and Turkey financed under EU Pre-Accession Assistance funds (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 28/10/2010)

7. First reading of bills amending the Labor Code (Submitted by: Mihail Mikov, Dragomir Stoynev and Maslarova, on 06/01/2011; Svetlana Angelova and Stanka Shaylekova, on 11/1/2011)

8. Second reading of the bill amending the Criminal Procedure Code (Combined version prepared pursuant to Art. 71, para 2 of ROPNA by the Committee on Legal Affairs, based on several drafts, adopted at first reading on 14/10/2010) - continuation.

9. First reading of the Bill amending the Employees’ Secured Claims in Case Of Employer’s Insolvency Act (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 12.9.2010)

10. First reading of bills amending the Tobacco and Tobacco Products Act (Submitted: Lachezar Ivanov, on 06/15/2010; Stefan Gospodinov and a group of MPs on 16.11.2010)

11. First reading, of the bill amending the Municipal Budgets Act (Submitted: Luben Tatarski, George Ikonomov and Atanas Kambitov; on 12/14/2010)

12. Second Reading, Bill on Forests (Approved at first reading on 16/11/2010)

13. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplement to the Road Transportation Act (passed at first reading on 16.11.2010)

14. Question time
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