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National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
02/02/2011 - 04/02/2011

Motions based on art. 43, para 7 of ROPNA:
- Parliamentary Group of the Blue Coalition - UDF, DSB, United farmers, BSDP, RDP:
Draft resolution for establishing an ad hoc committee to probe the facts and circumstances surrounding the death case at the General Hospital in Gorna Oryahovitsa; the data revealed to the National Assembly, collected by use of special surveillance means and the data contained in the forensic examination report(put forward by: Ivan Kostov and a group of MPs on 13.01.2011).

2. Second Reading of the bill amending the Tax Procedure Code (submitted by: Council of Ministers; adopted at first reading on 28.10.2010).

3. Bill on ratification of the signed on 24 June 2010 in Luxembourg, Protocol amending the Air Transport Agreement between the European Union and its Member States on the one hand, and the United States, on the other hand, signed by the Member States on 25 April 2007 in Brussels and on behalf of the EU on April 30, 2007 in Washington, ratified by the National Assembly on February 27, 2009 (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 16.11.2010).

4. Bill on ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic on International Motorway Transportation of Passengers and Cargo (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 29.11.2010).

5. Bill on ratification of the Treaty between Bulgaria and the Republic of Belarus on Legal Assistance in Criminal Trials (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 16.12.2010).

6. Bill on ratification of the Treaty between Bulgaria and the Republic of Belarus on extradition (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 16.12.2010).

7. First reading of the bill amending the Medicinal Plants Act (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 11.2.2010).

8. First reading of bill for Establishment of Length of Service and Social Security Contributions in Court (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 12.2.2010).
9. First reading, Bill on amendment to the Information and Consultation of Factory and Office Workers in Community-Scale Undertakings, Groups of Undertakings and European Companies Act (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 26.11.2010).

10. Second reading of the bill amending the Municipal Property Act (submitted by: Luben Tatarski - on 12.11.2010, adopted at first reading on 12.7.2010) – first on the agenda, Thursday, 03.02.2011

11. First reading of the bill on Arms and Dual-Use Items and Technologies Export Control Act (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 12.8.2010).

12. Second reading of the bill amending the Agricultural and Forestry Machinery Registration and Control Act (passed at first reading on 23.9.2010).

13. Second Reading of the bill on Forests (approved at first reading on 16.11.2010) - continued.

14. Parliamentary control.
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