National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
23/02/2011 - 25/02/2011
Work Program of the National Assembly

1. Draft resolution on the March 2011 work program of the National Assembly.

2. Second Reading of the Bill amending the Value Added Tax Act (adopted on first reading on 26/1/2011).

3. Bill amending the Law on Value Added Tax.

4. Second Reading, Bill on Forestry (approved on first reading on 16/11/2010) - continued.

5. Second Reading of the Bill amending the Tobacco and Tobacco Products Act (adopted on first reading on 27/1/2011)

6. Bill on ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Economy and Energy of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Business and Trade of the State of Qatar (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 10/12/2010)

7. First reading of the Bill amending the Plant Protection Act (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 10/1/2011).

8. Second Reading of the Bill amending the Privatization and Post –Privatization Control Act (passed at first reading on 26/1/2011).

9. Second Reading of the Bill amending the Copyright and Related Rights Act (passed on first reading on 12/7/2010).

10. First reading of Bill on Renewable Energy (submitted by: Council of Ministers on 8.2.2011). – First one on the agenda - on Thursday, 02/24/2011

11. First reading of the Bill amending the Local Government and Local Administration Act (submitted: Luben Tatarski; on 02/11/2011) - second on the agenda, Thursday - 24/02/2011

12. First reading, Bill on amendment of the Roads Act (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 17.1.2011). - third item for Thursday, 24/02/2011

13. First reading of the Bill amending the Notary and Notarial Practice Act (submitted by: Ivailo Toshev, Daniel Mitkov and Juliana Koleva on 12/10/2010).

14. Bill on ratification of the Agreement on the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS III) submitted by: Council of Ministers on 30.12.2010).

15. Draft resolution on adoption of the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria (Submitted by: Council of Ministers on 10.12.2010). – first item on the agenda, Friday, 02/25/2011

16. Parliamentary monitoring - Debate on the interpellation of MPs Dragomir Stoynev and Emilia Maslarova addressed to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Totyu Mladenov regarding the compensation of the prices increase through the system for social assistance.
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