Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
13/04/2011 - 15/04/2011
1. Second reading, bill on provision of financial assistance for recovery of the Bulgarian State Railways Holding – EAD (submitted by Council of Ministers; adopted at first reading on 17/03/2011).
2. Second reading, bill on addendum to the Labor Code (submitted by Council of Ministers; passed at first reading on 30/03/2011).
3. First reading, bill on addendum to the Concession Act (submitted by MP Luben Tatarski on 15/02/2011).
4. Second reading, bill on amendment and supplementation to the Penal Code (combined draft, based on several drafts moved by the Council of Ministers and MPs from different parliamentary groups).
5. Second reading, bill on amendment and supplementation to the Trade Registry Act (submitted by Council of Ministers; adopted at first reading on 26/11/2010).
6. Ratification bill on the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Tortures and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, dated 18 December 2002.
7. Draft resolution on approval of the Report on the defense and armed forces of Bulgaria state for 2010 (submitted by Council of Ministers on 25/03/2011) – first on the agenda, Thursday 14/04/2011.
8. Second reading, bill on amendment and supplementation to the Transformation of the units of the Armed Forces dealing with construction, the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Transport and the Armed Forces of the Committee on Posts and Long Range Communications in State Enterprises Act (submitted by Council of Ministers on 4/02/2011; approved at first reading on 24/03/2011).
9. Second reading, bill on amendment and supplementation to the Roads Act (tabled by Council of Ministers; approved at first reading on 24/02/2011).
10. Performance report of the Council for Electronic Media for the period 1/07/2010 – 31/12/2010 (submitted by the Council for Electronic Media on 1/04/2011).
11. Draft resolution on the 2011 Eastern Recess of the National Assembly.
12. First reading, bill on amendment and supplementation to the Healthcare Act (submitted by Vanio Sharkov and a group of MPs on 09/03/2011).
13. Question time (at 9 am, Friday, 15/04/2011).