Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
11/05/2011 - 13/05/2011
Work Program of the National Assembly
1. Draft resolutions for replacements in the permanent committees.
2. Draft resolution for replacements in the Permanent Delegation of the National Assembly to the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO.
3. Terminating the employment of an inspector with the Inspectorate of the Supreme Legal Council.
4. Account Report of the Council for Electronic Media for the period 01/07/2010 – 31/12/2010.
5. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Medicinal Products Act.
6. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Health Care Act.
7. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Agricultural Land Conservation Act.
8. Ratification bill on the Additional Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco for mutual encouragement and protection of investments.
9. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Administrative Procedure Code.
10. First reading, Bill on Military Police.
11. Election by a secret ballot of the 3 members on the National Assembly’s quota in the Commission for prevention and revealing of conflicts of interest.
12. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation to the State Gazette Act.
13. Performance Report of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2010.
14. Annual Account Report of the Committee against Discrimination.
15. First reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Citizens Direct Participation in State and Local Government.
16. Second reading, Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Civil Aviation Act.
17. Question time.