National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
01/06/2011 - 03/06/2011

1. Motion based on art. 43, paragraph 7 of ROPNA on the part of Coalition for Bulgaria: First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Special Investigative Techniques Act.
2. Draft resolution on replacement of leaders and members of the Economic Policy, Energy and Tourism Committee
3. Draft resolution on establishing an Ad Hoc Committee for preliminary consultations and proposals for amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria (submitted by the president of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva)
4. Draft resolution on adoption of the Energy Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2020
5. Second reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Bulgaria (Combined version drawn by the Legal Affairs Committee based on the two drafts passed at first reading)
6. Second reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Railway Transport Act
7. Ratification Bill to the International Energy Forum Charter
8. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Spatial Development Act
9. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Act of Recognition, Enforcement and Dispatch of Rulings for Confiscations or Divestiture and Financial Sanctions' Impositions
10. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Extradition and European Arrest Warrant
11. First reading of the Bill on amendment and supplementation to the Public Offering of Securities Act
12. Report of the Commission for Establishing of Property Acquired Through Criminal Activity for 2010
13. Parliamentary oversight
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