National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
30/11/2011 - 02/12/2011

1. Draft resolution on personnel changes in the Council of Ministers of Republic of Bulgaria (submitted: Prime minister Boyko Borisov on 25/11/2011)

2. Second reading of the Bill on the Bulgarian Telegraph (News)Agency (submitted: Daniela Petrova and a group of MPs)

3. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Privatization and Post – Privatization Control Act( an aggregate draft, based on the ones adopted on first reading)

4. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Entry, Residence and Departure of Republic of Bulgaria by EU Citizens and Members of their Families Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 31/10/2011)

5. Ratification Bill on the License Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia, represented by the Department of Health and Ageing and the Republic of Bulgaria, represented by the Ministry of Health concerning certain rights to use the Classification system AR-DRG (submitted: Council of Ministers on 17/11/2011)

6. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Financial Management and Control in the Public Sector Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 18/10/2011)

7. Ratification Bill on the amendments of art. 1 and art. 18 of the Agreement on the Establishment of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (submitted: Council of Ministers on 17/11/2011)

8. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the War Veterans Act (adopted on first reading on 11/11/2011)

9. First reading of a bill on Waste Management (two drafts submitted by Petar Korumbashev and a group of MPs on 10/11/2011 and by the Council of Ministers on 11/07/2011) first on the agenda, Thursday, November 1, 2011)

10. First reading of a bill on Institute for National Remembrance of Crimes Against the Bulgarian People (submitted: Lachezar Toshev on 23/08/2011)

11. Parliamentary control (Friday, 02/12/2011 at 11 am)
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