Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
14/12/2011 - 21/12/2011
1. Second reading of the Ratification Bill on the License Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia, represented by the Department of Health and Aging and the Republic of Bulgaria, represented by the Ministry of Health concerning certain rights to use the Classification system AR-DRG (submitted: Council of Ministers on 17/11/2011; adopted at first reading on 30/11/2011) The Annex to the Agreement is classified as “confidential”, therefore the reading is to be held at closed-door.
2. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Electronic Communications Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 07/06/2011; adopted at first reading on 23/06/2011
3. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Labor Code (submitted: Council of Ministers on 11/11/2011; adopted at first reading on 24/11/2011) – first on the agenda, Thursday 15/12/2012
4. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Environment Protection Act( submitted: Council of Ministers on 16/11/2011)
5. New deliberations on the 2012 State (Public) Social Security Budget Act passed by the National Assembly on 08/12/2012 and vetoed by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria by Decree No 253/12/12/2011 on the grounds of art. 101 of the Constitution of Bulgaria – first on the agenda, Friday – 16/12/2011
6. Second reading of the Ratification Bill on the amendments of art. 1 and art. 18 of the Agreement on the Establishment of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (submitted: Council of Ministers on 17/11/2011; adopted at first reading on 30/11/2011)
7. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Credit Institutions Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 31/08/2011; adopted at first reading on 23/11/2011)
8. Second reading of the Bill on Underground Storage of Carbon Dioxide (submitted: Council of Ministers on 28/09/2011; adopted at first reading on 17/11/2011)
9. Ratification Bill on the Common Aviation Area Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Georgia of the other (submitted: Council of Ministers on 2/12/2011)
10. Ratification Bill on the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of Romania on Air Policing Trans-Border Operations (submitted: Council of Ministers on 2/12/2011)
11. Second reading of the Bill amending the Ownership Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 24/11/2011; adopted at first reading on 24/11/2011)
12. Parliamentary control – Friday, 16/12/2011 at 11 am