Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
25/01/2012 - 27/01/2012
1. New members of parliament taking oath of office
2. Ratification Bill on the Amendments of the Agreement on the Conservation of Whales and Dolphins of the Black and Mediterranean Seas, and the Adjacent regions of the Atlantic(submitted: Council of Ministers on 09/01/2012)
3. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Renewable Energy Sources Act (submitted: MP Valentin Nikolov and a group of MPs on 01/12/2011)
4. Draft resolution on granting an individual pension for particular contributions to the state and the nation ( submitted: Council of Ministers on 23/12/2011)
5. Ratification Bill on the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless People, adopted on 28 September 1954 in New York and on the Convention on the Reduction of Stateless People, adopted on 30 August 1961 in New York ( submitted: Council of Ministers on 20/12/2011)
6. First reading of the Bill supplementing the Penal Code (submitted: Atanas Atanasov and a group of MPs on 09/12/2011)
7. Ratification Bill on the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Confederation of Switzerland for Amendments to art. 3.2, paragraph “a” of the Agreement for Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Confederation of Switzerland( submitted: Council of Ministers on 12/01/2011)
8. Second reading of the Bill on the Underground Carbon Dioxide Conservation (submitted: Council of Ministers on 28/09/2011; adopted at first reading on 17/11/2011)
9. Ratification Bill on the Convention of the Rights of People with Disabilities (submitted: Council of Ministers on 04/01/2012) – first on the agenda, Thursday, 26/01/2012
10. First reading of the Bill on the Republic of Bulgaria Armed Forces Reserve (submitted: Council of Ministers on 02/12/2011) – second on the agenda, Thursday, 26/01/2012
11. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Medical Establishments Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 09/12/2011)
12. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Financial Supervision Commission Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 21/11/2011)
13. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Patronage Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 08/12/2011)
14. Two draft resolutions on election of Secretary of the National Assembly (submitted by Volen Siderov and by Martin Dimitrov)
15. Draft resolution on the joining of the Republic of Bulgaria to the EU Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance of the Economic and Currency Union (submitted: Monika Panayotova, Menda Stoyanova and Dobroslav Dimitrov on 24/01/2012 – first on the agenda, Friday, 27/01/2012
16. Parliamentary oversight – debates on the interpellation put forward by a group of MPs related to the contract price of the design and construction works of the combined (road/rail) bridge on Danube river connecting the towns of Vidin and Calafat. Questions and answers.