Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
01/02/2012 - 03/02/2012
1. Motion pursuant to art. 43, paragraph 7 of ROPNA by the Movement for Rights and Freedoms parliamentary group: draft resolution on changes to the Healthcare Committee membership
2. Draft resolution setting up (1)Ad – Hoc Inquiry Committee to probe activities of the law enforcement and protection services in charge of the murder investigation of Miroslava Nikolova from the town of Pernik and how the law was served in the course of these activities (submitted by Sergey Stanishev and a group of MPs on 26/01/2012) and on setting up (2) Ad-Hoc Inquiry Committee to check the facts and circumstances of the recently reported by the public and the mass-media cases of police brutality and the attempts to influence and exert political pressure on the law enforcement and law protection services in the country (submitted by Krasimir Velchev and a group of deputies on 26/01/2012)
3. Draft resolution on election of Chairman of the Economic and Social Council of Bulgaria (submitted: Council of Ministers on 30/01/2012)
4. Draft resolution on election of Secretary of the National Assembly (proposals for candidates, submitted by the parliamentary group of the Ataka Party and MP Martin Dimitrov)
5. Second reading of the Bill on Carbon Dioxide Underground Storage (submitted: Council of Ministers on 29/09/2011; adopted at first reading on 17/11/2011) – continuation
6. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Financial Supervision Commission Act( submitted: the Council of Ministers on 21/11/2011)
7. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Patronage Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 08/12/2011)
8. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Public Procurement Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 14/12/2011)
9. First reading of the Bill on the Recognition, Execution and Dispatch of Judicial and Probation Decisions directed at Probation and Alternative Measures Oversight (submitted: Council of Ministers on 28/12/2011)
10. First reading of the Bill on Public-Private Partnership(submitted: Council of Ministers on 13/09/2011)
11. Draft resolution on the 2010 Annual Report of the NHIF budget implementation (submitted: Council of Ministers on 26/08/2011)
12. Report of the Committee for Disclosing the Documents and Announcing Affiliation of Bulgarian Citizens to the State Security and Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Army for the period of July 20th –December 20th , 2011 and presentation of the summarized data related to the period of 5 April 2007 through 1 December 2011 (submitted by the Committee on 19/12/2011)
13. First reading of the Bill on Gambling(submitted: Council of Ministers on 19/10/2011)
14. Parliamentary control(Friday, 03/02/2012 at 11 am). Debates on the interpellation forwarded by MPs Georgi Pirinski, Yanaki Stoilov and Maya Manolova to the Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov related to the proposals laid down in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Report regarding the elections held in Bulgaria in 2011. Answers to questions and interpellations.