National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
22/02/2012 - 24/02/2012

1. Resignation of the Director of the National Health Insurance Fund Neli Nesheva

2. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Penal Code (submitted: Anastas Anastasov and a group of MPs on 9/12/2011; adopted at first reading on 25/01/2012)

3. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Penal Procedure Code (submitted: Krasimir Tsipov, Fani Hristova and Emil Radev on 25/01/2012; adopted at first reading on 09/02/2012)

4. Second reading of the Bill on the Republic of Bulgaria Armed Forces Reserve (submitted: Council of Ministers on 02/12/2011; adopted at first reading on 26/01/2012)

5. Draft resolution on suspension of the monthly remuneration’s revision of the deputies (submitted: Krasimir Velchev and a group of MPs on 14/02/2012)

6. Draft resolution on adoption of the 2012 Annual Work Program of the National Assembly related to affairs of the European Union (draft program drawn by the Committee on European Affairs and European Funds Oversight pursuant to art.103, paragraph 3 of ROPNA

7. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Privatization and Post –Privatization Control Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 13/01.2012)

8. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Patronage Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 08/12/2011; adopted at first reading on 03/02/2012)

9. Draft resolution on granting a personal pension for exceptional contributions to the state and the nation (submitted: Council of Ministers on 03/02/2012)

10. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Medicinal Products Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 12/12/2011)

11. Report on the activities of the Committee for Disclosing the Documents and Announcing Affiliation of Bulgarian Citizens to the State Security and Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Army for the period of July 20th –December 20th , 2011 and presentation of the summarized data related to the period of 5 April 2007 through 1 December 2011 (submitted by the Committee on 19/12/2011)

12. Discussion on a draft of National Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for Roma Integration(2012-2020)(submitted: Council of Ministers on 06/01/2012)

13. Parliamentary oversight.
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