National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
12/09/2012 - 14/09/2012
1. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Weapons, Ammunitions, Explosives and Fireworks Products Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 16/03/2012; adopted at first reading on 17/05/2012)

2. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Arms and Dual-Use Items and Technologies Export Control Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 26/-6/2012)

3. Ratification Bill on the amendments of art. 25 and art. 26 of the Convention on Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (submitted: Council of Ministers on 02/03/2012)

4. 2011 Annual report of the Communication Regulatory Commission in the field of digital communications and postal services (submitted: Communication Regulatory Commission 04/07/2012)

5. 2011 Annual report of the State Commission on Information Security covering the overall activities carried in the protection of classified information in the Republic of Bulgaria (submitted: Council of Ministers on 01/06/2012) – first on the agenda, Thursday, 13/09/2012

6. 2011 Annual report of the State Commission on National security (confidential) (submitted: Council of Ministers on 04/06/2012) – second on the agenda, Thursday, 13/09/2012

7. First reading of a bill on Tourism(submitted: Council of Ministers on 28/06/2012)

8. Draft resolution for assigning the Audit Office to conduct audit of the Municipal Company “Eco Balance” (submitted: Georgi Terziyski and a group of MPs on 11/04/2012)

9. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the State Fees Act (submitted: Martin Dimitrov and a group of MPs 03/02/2012)

10. 2011 Annual account report of the Bulgarian News Agency (submitted: the Director General of the Bulgarian News Agency on 27/04/2012)

11. Report of the Prime Minister of Republic of Bulgaria reporting on the developments of the priorities of the country during the Danish Presidency of the EU Council (January 2012 – June 2012) and in the period of the Cyprus Presidency (July 2012 – December 2012). The report is in pursuance of art. 113, para 1 of ROPNA; filed on 26/07/2012) – first on the agenda, Friday, 14/09/2012

12. Parliamentary supervision.
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