Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
10/10/2012 - 12/10/2012
1. Draft resolution for extension of the term of office of the temporary parliamentary committee assigned to examine, analyze and consider good practices and legislative solutions for the regulation of activities related to the exploration and extraction of mineral resources while protecting the environment (submitted: the chairman of the committee on 08/10/2012)
2. Draft resolution on replenishment of the Agriculture and Forestry Committee membership (submitted: Desislava Taneva on 03/10/2012)
3. Draft resolution on election of Chairman of the Commission for Public Oversight of Certified Auditors (submitted: Budget and Finance Committee in pursuance of art.35b, para 4 of the Independent Financial Audit Act on 04/10/2012)
4. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Social Insurance Code (submitted: Svetlana Angelova, Daniela Daritkova and Uliana Koleva on 26/07/2012; adopted at first reading on 26/09/2012)
5. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Spatial Development Act (aggregate draft based on those adopted at first reading proposed by the Council of Ministers and MP Hristo Biserov) – to be continued
6. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Access and Disclosure of Documents and Announcing Affiliation of Bulgarian Citizens to the State Security and Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Army Act(submitted: Rumen Petkov on 20/03/2012)
7. Second reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Tax and Insurance Proceedings Code(submitted: Council of Ministers on 17/07/2012; adopted at first reading on 19/09/2012)
8. Second reading of the Bill amending the Administration Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 15/06/2012; adopted at first reading on 26/07/2012)
9. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Cadastre and Property Register Act (submitted: Luben Tatarski and Iskra Fidossova on 05/09/2012)
10. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Business Register Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 17/07/2012)
11. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Public Offering of Securities Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 12/09/2012)
12. First reading of the Bill amending and supplementing the Investments Encouragement Act (submitted: Council of Ministers on 12/09/2012) – first on the agenda, Friday, 12/10/2012
13. Ratification Bill on the Supplementary Protocol from Nagoya - Kuala Lumpur for Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (submitted: Council of Ministers on 24/08/2012)
14. Draft resolution on taking act from the ILO Convention on Domestic Workers (No 189) and the ILO Recommendation on Domestic Workers(No 201) (submitted: Council of Ministers on 31/08/2012)
15. Annual report of the Standing Subcommittee on implementation of the parliamentary oversight and monitoring, stipulated in art. 34b of the Special Intelligence Means Act and art. 261b of the Electronic Communications Act for the period 20 April 2011 – 20 April 2012
16. Parliamentary oversight.