National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
19/06/2013 - 21/06/2013
1. Draft resolution on the revocation of the Decision for election of president of the State Agency “National Security” adopted on 14 June 2013 (Submitted by: Sergey Stanishev and Lyutvi Mestan on 17/06/2013)

2. Urgent measures to stabilize and improve the social conditions of Bulgarian citizens and the business climate and for democratization of the governance (Submitted by: Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria on 18/06/2013) and adoption of a draft Resolution related to the proposed by the Council of Ministers “Urgent measures to stabilize and improve the social conditions of Bulgarian citizens and the business climate and for democratization of the governance”(Submitted by: Sergey Stanishev and a group of MPs on 18/06/2013)

3. Draft resolutions on election of members of the standing committees of the National Assembly

4. Draft resolution on setting up a Temporary Committee on the Drawing of Election Code (Submitted by: Lyutvi Mestan and a group of MPs on 18/06/2013)

5. Second reading of the bill amending the 2013 Budget of the State Social Security(aggregate draft based on the adopted on first reading 2 draft bills) - first item on the agenda for Thursday, 20/06/2013

6. Draft resolution in support of the government measures aimed at rebalancing and stabilization of the energy sector (Submitted by: Yavor Kuyumdgiev and a group of MPs on 18/06/2013)

7. Consideration of bill on amendment and supplement to the Energy Act (Submitted by Yavor Kuyumdgiev and a group of MPs on 18/06/2013)

8. Consideration of bill on amendment and supplement to the Renewable Energy Act (Submitted by Yavor Kuyumdgiev and a group of MPs on 18/06/2013)

9. Parliamentary oversight.
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