National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Plenary sittings
Plenary sitting
18/12/2013 - 20/12/2013
1. First reading of bills amending and supplementing the Physical Education and Sports Act

2. First reading of the bill amending and supplementing the Youth Act

3. Second reading of the bill amending the Social Insurance Code (combined draft, based on the two bills passed at first reading on 08/11/2013)

4. Second reading of the bill amending the Special Intelligence Means Act (adopted at first reading on 13.12.2013)

5. Second reading of the bill amending and supplementing the Gambling Act (adopted at first reading on 04.12.2013)

6. Second reading of the bill on the Economic and Financial Relations with Companies and their Owners, Registered in Jurisdictions with Preferential Tax Regime (adopted at first reading on 20.11.2013)

7. Election of members of the National Bureau for Oversight of the Special Intelligence Means Act

8. Draft resolution on setting up Temporary Committee for the Consideration and the Adoption of new Election Code

9. Second reading of the bill amending and supplementing the Republic of Bulgaria Defence and Armed Forces Act (adopted at first reading on 11.12.2013) – first item on the agenda, Thursday, 19.12.2013)

10. Second reading of the bill amending and supplementing the Social Insurance Code (adopted at first reading on 10.12.2013) – second item on the agenda, Thursday, 19.12.2013

11. Draft resolution on adopting Rules of Procedure on the nomination of candidates, their documents’ publicizing, the process of hearings and the preparation for the election of candidates for Chief Inspector of the Inspectorate to the Supreme Judicial Council - third item on the agenda, Thursday, 19.12.2013

12. Ratification bill on the Memorandum for Understanding between the Government of Bulgaria and the Government of the United States of America on a US funded technical assistance

13. Ratification bill on the Amendment of the Loan Agreement (second project for facilitating trade and transport) between the Government of Bulgaria and the International bank for Reconstruction and Development

14. Second reading of the bill amending and supplementing the Health Act

15. Draft resolution on extending the term of office of the Ad-hoc committee in charge of checking and unveiling all cases of indiscriminate appointments and lay-offs, based on party affiliation, held in the state administration and in different state bodies or enterprises in the period of August 2009 - March 2013 – first on the agenda, Friday, 20.12.2013

16. First reading of the bill amending and supplementing the Credit Institutions Act

17. Draft resolutions on changes in the composition of the National Assembly’s standing committees

18. Second reading of the bill on Restraining of Climate Changes (adopted at first reading on 23.10.2013)

19. First reading of bill supplementing the Wine and Alcoholic Beverages Act

20. Second reading of the bill amending and supplementing the Arms and Dual-Use Items and Technologies Export Control Act

21. Report of the Ad- hoc committee of inquiry into the circumstances, the facts and the data disclosed publicly, revealing violations on the part of the Anti-corruption and Conflict of Interests Committee and draft resolution on the report

22. Reports of the Committee on Interaction with Civic Organizations and Movements pursuant to art. 38 of the Rules of Organization and Procedure of the National Assembly

23. Parliamentary oversight held in conformity with art. 89 – 101 of the Rules of Organization and Procedure of the National Assembly.
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