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Legal Affairs Committee Chairperson Iskra Fidosova invites EU Ambassadors to the hearing of candidates for members of the Supreme Judicial Council
On 12 July 2012 the Chairperson of the Legal Affairs Committee Iskra Fidosova sent out letters to the Ambassadors of the EU member-states inviting them to attend the hearing of the candidates for members of the Supreme Judicial Council scheduled to take place on 11 September 2012 at 10 a.m. in the National Assembly Chamber.

Further to that the Legal Affairs Committee Chairperson provided the Ambassadors with the English translation of the text of the unanimously adopted Rules of Procedure for nominating candidates, making documents publicly available, hearing candidates for members of the Supreme Judicial Council and making arrangements for the election of members of the Supreme Judicial Council from the National Assembly quota.

In her letter Iskra Fidosova underscores the fact that on the initiative of the Legal Affairs Committee and in order to guarantee maximum transparency and publicity of the procedure for election of members of the Supreme Judicial Council, a specialized thematic webpage has been launched on the National Assembly Internet site. A special webpage feature will provide an opportunity to watch in real time the Legal Affairs Committee sittings scheduled to conduct hearings of the candidates, as well as the voting in plenary.

Further in the letter the Legal Affairs Committee Chairperson underlines that diplomats as well widest circles of NGO and media representatives shall be invited to all Committee initiatives related to the upcoming election.