- How can I use the National Assembly Library?
- How can I submit a complaint or petition to the National Assembly?
- On what radio frequency are plenary sittings broadcast?
The Library offers reading-rooms in both parliamentary buildings.
The reading-room in the building at 2, Narodno Sabranie Sq., is open for citizens
on Mondays and Tuesdays, except on days when extraordinary plenary sittings
are convened.
Citizens can use this reading-room beyond out of the requested time and day
only with the Secretary General’s permission.
The reading-room in the building at 1 Knyaz Alexander I Sq. is open for citizens every
The access to the reading-rooms is regulated with the issuing a temporary pass. Please dial 939 23 57 and ask for a temporary pass for one of the reading-rooms. To be issued a temporary pass, you will be requested to produce your identity card (passport).
The library provides services during office hours: 9:00 – 17:00.
Every Bulgarian citizen of age is entitled to submit complaints and petitions or to table questions on issues relevant to the work of the National Assembly as legislation or matters of great importance for the public. Complaints of private nature may be submitted as well. They are considered in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Code.
You can send your complaints and petitions to the Citizen’s Complaints and Petitions Committee at the following address:
Sofia 1169, 1 Kniaz Alexander I Sq.
Fl. 4, office 490
National Assembly
Citizens’ Complaints and Petitions Committee
The Committee does not consider complaints and petitions addressed to other persons and institutions or forwarded by them to the Committee. As an exception, only the President of the National Assembly can assign to the Committee to answer a complaint or petition addressed directly to him/her.
Complaints can be oral or written.
How are complaints and petitions processed?
- Each written complaint or petition receives a written response from the Committee.
- Private complaint receives an answer according to the Proposals, Signals,
Complaints and Petitions Act.
- Oral complaints receives response at the time of its presenting to the Committee.
- The Committee determinates the timeframe of receiving a response. All complaints
and petitions submitted in accordance with the Proposals, Signals, Complaints
and Petitions Act should receive a response in a proper order.
Anonymous complaints and petitions are not an object of consideration.
The Parliamentary channel of the Bulgarian National Radio broadcasts live all plenary sittings of the National Assembly on following frequencies:
- LW 261 kHz