Historic notes

The Library was created after the establishment of the Constituent Assembly of Bulgaria in 1879. After the Unification between the Principality of Bulgaria with Eastern Rumelia in 1885 the library of the Permanent Committee of Eastern Rumelia joined with the one of the Constituent Assembly.

“……..D-r Bradel (Deputy President of the National Assembly): The matter concerning the archive and the original of the Constitution is, in my view, part of a bigger issue. The National Assembly should have archives of its own, as well as a library. Because we should have books, which each deputy may consult and research on the arising subjects ……”

            Quotation from  the “Transcripts of the  Second Ordinary(Regular) National Assembly, plenary meeting XVIII, Thursday, 24 April 1880.”


The Parliamentary Library is in charge with the informational and library back up of the members of parliament, of the parliamentary groups and the leadership of the National Assembly.
The library provides information on the activities of the parliament to public institutions, researchers and citizens.


The library owns 350 thousand books and periodicals. The basic collections of books are in the areas of Politics, Law, History, Economics, Social Sciences and others in correspondence with the information needs of the members of parliament and the parliamentary staff.
The library possesses collections of documents and copies of legislative acts dating from the 1990 onward.
The Parliamentary library runs a Student Program for Legislative Research


  • Online catalogue
  • Book loans and reading- rooms

The libraries in the two buildings of the National Assembly provide books on loan and reading – room services.

Ways of using the information and library services:
  • through book loans
  • by phone
  • via e-mail
Library Publications:

New books Bulletin – information about the incoming new books during the previous month