In a letter to European Parliament President Borrell, Georgi Pirinski asks for his personal support for putting the issue of the Bulgarian medics in Libya on the agenda of the first week of the session of the EP
In a letter to European Parliament President Borrell, Georgi Pirinski asks for his personal support for putting the issue of the Bulgarian medics in Libya on the agenda of the first week of the session of the EP
National Assembly Chairman Georgi Pirinski sent today, 9 January 2007, a letter to the President of the European Parliament Josep Borrell.
The letter says:
"I would like to once more convey my gratitude for your personal participation at the official function on 1 January regarding the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union and in particular for your warm address at the National Palace of Culture.
I would wish to draw again your attention to the issue concerning the Bulgarian medical nurses and the Palestinian doctor which has additionally been exacerbated after the Libyan court on 19 December last confirmed the death sentences against them.
As you are most probably aware, the Bulgarian government has moved that this issue be included in the agenda of the forthcoming GAERC on 22 - 23 January and we expect that the Council reaches corresponding conclusions.
Since the European Parliament has considered this issue on a number of occasions, it would be appropriate that it adopts a position on it in the course of the part session beginning on 15 January. In this regard, I would like to ask for your personal support in order that the matter be included under the appropriate procedure in the agenda of the first week of the session with the debate on it concluding with the possible adoption of a resolution."